
Xiān luó
  • Siam
暹罗 [xiān luó]
  • [Thailand] 泰国的旧称

  1. 暹罗和苏荷在Woo相遇。这是一家咖啡馆和概念店,泰式创意在这里绽放——是真的有花朵绽放——从植物和精致的插花开始。

    Siam meets Soho at Woo , a cafe and concept store that blooms with Thai creativity - literally - starting with plants and exquisite floral arrangements .

  2. 肉豆蔻是从Scooter手中接过的这个头衔,那是一只来自曼斯菲尔德的暹罗猫,曾经在30岁的时候打破了吉尼斯世界纪录,成为了最长寿的猫,但是在同年五月份去世了。

    He inherits the title from Scooter , a Siamese from Mansfield , who was named a record breaker at the age of 30 by the Guinness Book Of World Records but died in May .

  3. 现在它已经被许多其他Instagram账户分享,他们中许多人纷纷展示了自己令人吃惊的发型。卡蒂奇卡显然是一个爱猫的人,几周以前她曾经上传过许多和她的暹罗猫的合影。

    The post has since been shared by numerous other Instagram accounts , many of which are dedicated to outrageous hair . Katichka is clearly a cat lover , having posted pictures with her Siamese cat only weeks earlier .

  4. 我们的猫是暹罗猫;两只都是母的。

    Our cats are Siamese cats ; they 're both female .

  5. 法国&暹罗定界委员会这疆界没有明确划定。

    Franco-Siamese Delimitation Commission The boundary is not clearly defined .

  6. 中国棉;锡兰棉;暹罗棉;木棉。

    China cotton ; Ceylon cotton ; Siam cotton ; tree cotton .

  7. 缅甸猫和暹罗猫外观和大小都很相似。

    Burmese and Siamese cats are very similar in appearance and size .

  8. 暹罗斗鱼的体色各式各样,选择面极广。

    Siamese fighting fish are available in a wide range of colors .

  9. 我养了两只暹罗猫,奥斯卡和费利克斯

    I have two Siamese cats - Oscar and Felix .

  10. 我和妻子养了一只暹罗猫。

    My wife and I have a Siamese cat .

  11. 暹罗华侨教育与民族认同(1912-1949)

    Siam Chinese Education and National Identity ( 1912-1949 )

  12. 这只半米长的动物被认定为是攻击性较强的暹罗鳄。

    The half-meter reptile was later confirmed to be an aggressive Siamese crocodile .

  13. 暹罗华人社会的形成过程和特点。

    The second part discusses the formation and characteristics of Chinese community in Siam .

  14. 暹罗是古代的泰国。

    Siam is the name of ancient Thailand .

  15. 哦,他没有暹罗鱼到也普通。

    Oh , it 's plain to see he 's no Siamese fighting fish .

  16. 本文研究清代中国人移民暹罗的历史,具体内容:(1)清代中国人移民暹罗的四个阶段。

    The first part is about the four historical stages of Chinese migration to Siam .

  17. 我们的猫是暹罗猫;

    Our cats are Siamese cats ;

  18. 得名于张和恩(1811-1874年),中国联体双胞胎,生于暹罗(泰国)

    After Chang and Eng ( 1811-1874 ), joined Chinese twins born in Siam ( Thailand )

  19. 暹罗农业食品工业是一家泰国水果加工出口商,它严重依赖于移民劳动力。

    Siam Agro-Food Industry , a Thai processed fruit exporter , depends heavily on migrant labor .

  20. 一些失去了地位的武士,特别是基督徒,在菲律宾和暹罗寻找容身之地。

    Some disenfranchised samurai , especially Christian ones , found themselves in places like the Philippinesand Siam .

  21. 暹罗公园连续三年被评为世界最佳水上乐园。

    Siam Park is the world 's top water park for the third year in a row .

  22. 暹罗发展对外贸易是中国人移民暹罗的主要拉力。

    The development of Siam foreign trade was the main pulling force of Chinese migration to Siam .

  23. 不久,兰卡威就遭到暹罗(泰国)人的大举入侵,长时期经济萧条。

    Soon , Langkawi have been subjected to Siam ( Thailand ) Human large-scale invasion , long recession .

  24. 英国黑泽住宅区里,一只小猎狗盯着一只坐在窗户上的暹罗猫。

    A terrier eyes a Siamese cat sitting in the window of a Blackpool , England , home .

  25. 暹罗王室在垄断贸易中重用华侨的原因

    The Reasons of Oversea Chinese Having Been Employed at High Levels by Siamese Royal Family in the Monopoly Trade

  26. 本公司所直销供应的优质暹罗鳄,来自越南大型鳄鱼养殖场。

    What our company directly sells the high grade Siam alligator , which comes from the large-scale Vietnam crocodile farm .

  27. 故事是这样开始的,2000年,爱丽丝亚历山大买了一只纯种暹罗猫,她给它取名为小明。

    It all started when Alice Alexander bought a pedigree Siamese cat , which she named Ming , in 2000 .

  28. 随着暹罗税收制度的改革和包税制的废除,华人秘密会社存在的经济基础倾倒。

    With the tax system reform and the abolition of tax package , the economic base of secret society collapsed .

  29. 与暹罗猫相似的短毛猫,但皮毛为纯深褐色或灰色。

    A short-haired breed with body similar to the Siamese cat but having a solid dark brown or gray coat .

  30. 后来,暹罗和越南也嗅到了明朝的软弱,开始向云南、广西等南部省份侵袭。

    Subsequently the Burmese and Vietnamese , also scenting weakness , began to raid the southern provinces of Yunnan and Kwangsi .