
  • 网络Brunel University;Brunel University London;University of Brunel
  1. 布鲁内尔大学(BrunelUniversity)计算机科技教授马克•佩里(MarkPerry)称,科技公司的发展有一个模式,领英也不例外。

    Mark Perry , reader in computer science at Brunel University , says there is a pattern in tech companies ' development , shared by Linked & # 173 ; In .

  2. 伦敦布鲁内尔大学(BrunelUniversity)运动与教育学院(SchoolofSportandEducation)科研副主管科斯塔斯•卡拉乔吉斯(CostasKarageorghis)说,健身时音乐的理想节奏是每分钟125到140拍,这时人的动作能较为轻松地跟上节奏。

    Costas Karageorghis , deputy head of research at the School of Sport and Education at London 's Brunel University , says the ' sweet spot ' for workout music is between 125 and 140 beats per minute when people aren 't trying to time their movements to the music .

  3. 车队的首席设计师将BX-09自行车四个创业,从工程设计工程学院的学生在布鲁内尔大学硕士伦敦西部。

    The team 's chief designers for the BX-09 bike are four entrepreneurial Masters of Engineering students from School of Engineering and Design at Brunel University West London .

  4. 布鲁内尔大学的研究人员称,家用清洁剂中所含的化学成分说明了,为什么过分清洁会增加哮喘和过敏的发生率。

    Brunel University researcher suggests that chemicals in household cleaning products explains why excessive hygiene is linked to increased asthma and allergies .

  5. 这名来自布鲁内尔大学的富有创造精神的学生发明了一种“坚不可摧”的雨伞。据他介绍,这种伞能经得住任何风雨天气的考验。

    The enterprising student from Brunel University has created the unbreakable'Brolli ' , which he says will stay upright in the stormiest of weather .

  6. 顾客现在可以在伦敦布鲁内尔大学内的Costcutter商店通过独一无二的静脉特征验证身份付款。

    Customers at the Costcutter store , at Brunel University in London , can now pay using their unique vein pattern to identify themselves .

  7. 包括伦敦布鲁内尔大学的人类学家、生物学家在内的研究人员,调查了世界范围内从原住民地区到高度发达地区的12个人群。

    The researchers , which also included anthropologists and biologists led by Brunel University London , surveyed 12 populations around the world , from the primitive to the highly developed .

  8. 在伦敦布鲁内尔大学的心理学讲座上,安德鲁克拉克说:我们利用电子技术变换了人们照片中男性化和女性化的面孔,为的是研究生活在规模较小的地区的人们的选择。

    Lecturer in psychology at Brunel University London , Andrew Clark , said : We digitally morphed masculine and feminine faces from photographs of people to find out what choices people from small-scale societies made .

  9. 在伦敦布鲁内尔大学的心理学讲座上,安德鲁·克拉克说:“我们利用电子技术变换了人们照片中男性化和女性化的面孔,为的是研究生活在规模较小的地区的人们的选择。”

    Lecturer in psychology at Brunel University London , Andrew Clark , said : ' We digitally morphed masculine and feminine faces from photographs of people to find out what choices people from small-scale societies made .

  10. “最好在你的袖口上加点布鲁内尔大学的设计元素,这会增加趣味&否则,一个袖扣看上去可能仅仅是一个闪光的东西,”创意总监保罗?

    " It 's good to have a bit of Brunel on your cuff and it creates interest – otherwise a cufflink can just seem like a bit of gloss ," says creative director Paul Brooking .

  11. 英国布鲁内尔大学在网上发出问卷,邀请555名社交网站用户接受性格调查。结果发现,社交网络的确能反映一个人的性格特征。

    Brunel University of UK is studying people 's personality traits on the Internet by sending questionnaires to 555 social network site users , and the result of its research shows that a person 's personality is reflected by social network sites .