
  • 网络Leicester;Leicester University;The University of Leicester
  1. 霍夫曼博士是在莱斯特大学读的研究生。

    Dr Hoffman did his postgraduate work at Leicester University .

  2. “火烈鸟的腿上已经进化出非常坚韧粗糙的皮肤,这样它们就可以耐受盐水,”莱斯特大学的教授大卫·哈珀说道。

    " Flamingos have evolved very leathery skin on their legs so they can tolerate the salt water , " says David Harper , a professor at the University of Leicester .

  3. 莱斯特大学研究人员表示,这副骸骨的DNA同理查三世一名姐妹的后代吻合,而且骸骨的脊柱弯曲,有战争留下的创伤,这都与历史记载吻合。

    DNA from the bones matched that of descendants of the king 's sister , while the skeleton had the twisted spine and battle injuries consistent with contemporary accounts , said researchers from the University of Leicester .

  4. 但其他时候,它们“几乎像是木星电离层里燃放的烟花,”领导哈勃研究的莱斯特大学科学家乔纳森·尼克尔斯(JonathanNichols)说。

    At other times , they are " almost like fireworks going off in the ionosphere of Jupiter , " said Jonathan Nichols , a University of Leicester scientist who is leading the Hubble study .

  5. 未参与上述任一研究的莱斯特大学(UniversityofLeicester)英国医学研究委员会毒理学部(MRCToxicologyUnit)肿瘤学家帕特里夏·马勒(PatriciaMuller)表示,这些研究结果非常吸引人,但她也指出,它们并没有明确阐释大象是如何利用p53来对抗癌症的。

    Patricia Muller , an oncologist at the MRC Toxicology Unit at the University of Leicester who was not involved in the studies , said the results , though compelling , didn 't firmly establish exactly how elephants use p53 to fight cancer .

  6. 据自然杂志网站报道,人类世工作组(AWG)确定,人类对地球产生了如此深远的影响,这一说法是有理有据的。人类世工作组由英国莱斯特大学的简·扎拉塞维奇担任主席,共有34名成员。

    But the 34-member Anthropocene Working Group ( AWG ) chaired by Jan Zalasiewicz , of the University of Leicester in the UK , decided that humans are having such a profound impact on our planet that the term is a valid one , Nature.com reported .

  7. 英格兰莱斯特大学(UniversityofLeicester)的利·弗莱彻(LeighFletcher)在接受采访时表示,望远镜的远距离观察“将填补空白,让我们有一个总体的了解。我们将获得有史以来最好的木星观测数据。”

    The faraway observations by telescopes will " fill in the blanks to get the big-picture story , " Leigh Fletcher , of the University of Leicester in England , said in an interview . " We 'll have the best observational data set of Jupiter that we 've ever had . "

  8. 玛格丽特在莱斯特大学攻读政治学。

    Margaret is reading politics at Leicester university .

  9. 而英国莱斯特大学显然做得更好。

    But Leicester University has gone one better .

  10. 莱斯特大学是英国领先的大学,致力开展国际领先的研究。

    The University of Leicester is a leading UK university committed to international excellence inresearch .

  11. 英国的莱斯特大学里,提出另一具有竞争力的观点和“全球幸福地球”。

    A rival ranking and " world map of happiness " has emerged from Leicester University .

  12. 莱斯特大学的旧图书馆建于上世纪70年代,黑色的玻璃和棕色的书架,相当得冷酷可怕。

    The former library wasa rather grim place , built in the1970s with black glass and brownshelving .

  13. 莱斯特大学研究人员的该项突破性进展导致该药问世前就阻碍了跟压力有关的情况。

    The breakthrough by researchers at Leicester University could lead to pills that quash such stress-related conditions before they arise .

  14. 这项由英国莱斯特大学主持的研究发现,适度锻炼足以保持身体健康。

    The study by the University of Leicester found that even moderate activity can be enough for a health boost .

  15. 新图书馆的所有设施将让莱斯特大学在竞争日益激烈的高等教育市场中赢得一席之地。

    All this will enable Leicester University to hold its head up high in the increasingly competitive world of higher education .

  16. 莱斯特大学的科学家发表了他们的发现,关于糖尿病主要靶标的新的研究进展。

    Scientists at the University of Leicester have published findings about a new advance in the study of major diabetes drug target .

  17. 英国朴茨茅斯大学的大卫·马提尔以及英国莱斯特大学的大卫·昂温在《白垩纪研究》期刊上报道了这个发现。

    David Martill from the University of Portsmouth and David Unwin from the University of Leicester reported the discovery in the journal Cretaceous Research .

  18. 但是莱斯特大学的席尔教授说:因为他(康伯巴奇)是第三代堂兄弟,更有直属关系。

    But Prof Schurer , of Leicester University , said : He ( Cumberbatch ) is more direct because he is a third cousin .

  19. 来自莱斯特大学的希拉·博纳说即使从少数几次面谈来看,差异也是很明显的。

    Sheila Bonas , from the University of Leicester , said that even with a relatively small number of interviews , the differences were significant .

  20. 但是莱斯特大学的席尔教授说:“因为他(康伯巴奇)是第三代堂兄弟,更有直属关系。”

    But Prof Schurer , of Leicester University , said : " He ( Cumberbatch ) is more direct because he is a third cousin .

  21. 亚沙·阿斯利今年14岁,被英国莱斯特大学聘用担任辅导教师--而他自己本身也在该校攻读学位。

    Yasha Asley , 14 , is employed by the University of Leicester - where he is also a degree student - to run tutorials .

  22. 今天,莱斯特大学的科学家确认,去年在市政车库地下发现的骸骨为15世纪君王的遗骨。

    Today scientists at the university of Leister confirmed that the bones found beneath a municipal parking lot last year were those of the 15th century monarch .

  23. 23岁的龚怡乐(音译)是毕业于英国莱斯特大学新媒体专业的硕士,现在爱德曼公司担任行政助理。

    Gong Yile , 23 , who has a master 's degree in new media from the University of Leicester in the UK , works as an assistant executive at Edelman .

  24. 法雷尔说:根据其辐射强度,研究小组保守地估计,该黑洞的质量是太阳质量的500倍。法雷尔现在供职于英国的莱斯特大学。

    Based on its radiation intensity , the team conservatively estimates its mass at500 times that of the sun , says Farrell , now at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom .

  25. 莱斯特大学的一位研究员表示:无论是在工作还是在家,人们大把的时间都是坐着的。正是如此,这也大大加剧了他们患心脏病和糖尿病的风险。

    A research conducted in the University of Leicester showed that people who spent most of their time sitting down , whether at work or at home , increased their risk of heart disease and diabetes .

  26. 在调查了果蝇的基因染色体组后,英国莱斯特大学的研究人员鉴别出了80种和喜欢早起早睡或是晚起晚睡相关的基因。

    After investigating the genomes of fruit flies , researchers from the University of Leicester in the UK have identified nearly 80 genes that are linked to a preference for either ' morningness ' or ' eveningness ' .

  27. 现在,对于这场全球性的大讨论,莱斯特大学的学生用了比较分析法——他们执行了一系列的简单计算,来确定我们最喜欢的英雄所拥有的能力有多大的可行性。

    Now , students at the University of Leicester have taken a more analytical approach to the whole discussion , performing a series of simple calculations to determine just how feasible the powers of our favorite heroes are .

  28. 在访问这座城市时,凯特和威廉王子前往莱斯特大学前,向上个月在直升机坠毁中的遇难者包括莱切斯特城足球队的老板维猜·斯里瓦塔那布拉帕哀悼。

    While visiting the city , Kate and Prince William paid tribute to those who died in a helicopter crash last month , including the owner of the Leicester City football team , Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha , before stopping by the University of Leicester .