
xī bó lái
  • Hebrew
  1. 他坐在那里对着古老的希伯来文本大伤脑筋。

    He sits puzzling over ancient Hebrew texts .

  2. 除此之外,耶路撒冷的希伯来大学一支由尤里·盖特(UriGat)领导的科研团队研发出一种由基因改造而成的蜘蛛网纤维。

    Also , a team led by Uri Gat at Hebrew University in Jerusalem developed a genetically engineered spiderweb fiber .

  3. 据说他是《希伯来圣经》(参阅Torah)前五卷的作者。

    Authorship of the first five books of the Bible ( see Torah ) is traditionally ascribed to him .

  4. 新的研究利用中国各地数十年期间的污染数据,并由美国麻省理工学院(MIT)、北京的清华大学和北京大学,以及耶路撒冷希伯来大学(HebrewUniversityofJerusalem)的多名教授联名发表报告。

    Using decades of pollution data from across China , the new study , co-authored by professors from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US , Tsinghua University and Peking University in Beijing , and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem ,

  5. 这是来自耶路撒冷希伯来大学(HebrewUniversityofJerusalem)的教授尤尔瓦•诺亚•哈拉里(YuvalNoahHarari)的预言,他相信这种巨变会在未来200年内发生。

    This is according to Yuval Noah Harari , a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem , who believes the radical shift will take place in the next 200 years .

  6. 他发现的其它石头还刻有希伯来字母YHVH,意为耶和华或上帝。

    Other stones he found bore the Hebrew letters YHVH , for Jehovah , or God .

  7. 这个实验室的主任MukhlesSowwan与位于西耶路撒冷的希伯来大学的物理学家DannyPorath一起向IPSO提交了一份研究申请。

    The laboratory 's director , Mukhles Sowwan , submitted a research proposal to IPSO together with Danny Porath , a physicist at the Hebrew University in West Jerusalem .

  8. 因此在《希伯来书》大部分内容,是对两个leitourgiai之间的对比。

    In most of Hebrews , therefore , I said , is a comparison between two liturgies , two leitourgiai .

  9. 其中一名访客同希伯来大学有亲密的渊源,他就是在1922年抵岸的阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(AlbertEinstein)教授。他同新加坡的犹太社群会晤,并敦促他们支持建设希伯来大学。

    One famous visit is intimately linked to the establishment of Hebrew University , and it was the visit which was alluded to earlier , by Professor Albert Einstein in 1922 , who met Singapore Jewish community and urged them to contribute to the Hebrew University 's establishment .

  10. 你们学的那种作文形式,就是《希伯来书》的形式,一篇synkrisis形式的文字,比较两个事物。

    You 're taught a form , that 's what Hebrews is , is a speech in the synkrisis form and these two things .

  11. 这个故事与某个希伯来神话有相似之处。

    The story has points of resemblance to a Hebrew myth .

  12. 欧文对于能带本嘉明去希伯来学校感到很高兴。

    Irwin 's happy to take Benjamin to Hebrew school tomorrow .

  13. 古希伯来和古希腊民族洪水神话之比较

    The Comparison of Flood Myth in Ancient Greece and Hebrew

  14. 肉桂精油也用在古希伯来涂抹膏油的宗教仪式中。

    Its oil was used in ancient Hebrew anointing rituals .

  15. 我把你交托给那无名的希伯来神。

    I commend you to your Hebrew god who has no name .

  16. 神-理性-人的三位一体&简论希伯来-基督教文学的人文性

    The Trinity of God-Rationality-Human Beings & the Humanity of Hebrew-literature of Christianity

  17. 希伯来经文的第三个单元包含三个部分。

    The third of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures .

  18. 首先,什么是《希伯来书》,什么不是?

    First thing , what is Hebrews and what is it not ?

  19. 希伯来经文的接下的三个部分。

    The second of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures .

  20. 我已经给了你们《希伯来书》的提纲。

    I 've given you an outline to the letter of Hebrews .

  21. 他还命令杀死所有的希伯来男孩。

    He was ordering that all the Hebrew boy babies be killed .

  22. 希伯来神话与中国古代神话之比较

    The Comparison Between Hebrew Myth and Ancient Chinese Myth

  23. 第三章总结了希伯来法的法律渊源;

    Chapter 3 witnesses the origin of Hebrew Law ;

  24. 雅夏把这些希伯来话翻译出来,考虑着每一个字。

    Yasha translated Hebrew words and considered each one .

  25. 公元前8世纪希伯来的先知。

    A Hebrew prophet of the 8th century BC .

  26. 而是在《希伯来书》里,因为这就是它的论证。

    It is here in Hebrews because that 's the way it works .

  27. 蔓梅提起一个叫约卓贝尔的希伯来女人。

    Memnet spoke of a Hebrew woman named yochabel .

  28. 约观念是犹太文化及希伯来圣经中的核心观念和重要范畴,在犹太文化和希伯来圣经中占据着重要的地位;

    It is a key category of Jewish culture and the Hebrew Bible ;

  29. 还有我很愿意和你一起学习希伯来字母。

    As much as I 've enjoyed learning the Hebrew alphabet with you .

  30. 据传希伯来经典是写在皮革卷上的。

    By tradition , the Hebrew scriptures were usually preserved on leather rolls .