
  • 网络philosophy;loving wisdom;love of wisdom;philo-sophia;Philo-sophy
  1. 哲学即爱智慧,爱智的本意原为对完整人性的追求。

    Philosophy is " Loving wisdom ", and seeking wisdom .

  2. 作为爱智慧的哲学,已经陷入发展困境。

    The philosophy of loving wisdom has already sunk into the developing predicament .

  3. 然而,由于信奉巫术的传统,中国哲学家们“爱智慧”(小编注:“哲学”的英文philosophy源自希腊语,意为“爱智慧”)并不像西方哲学家们那样纯粹的。

    However , because of their unique identity as sorcerers , Chinese philosophers were not merely pursuing knowledge out of a pure " love of wisdom " as did their western counterparts .

  4. 我爱智慧胜于智慧爱我。&拜伦

    I love wisdom more than she loves me . & Byron

  5. 哲学的本意是爱智慧。

    The original meaning of philosophy is to love wisdom .

  6. 在大学不断的爱智慧的过程中,大学也就成为了人类精神文明的高地。

    The university therefore grows into a spiritually and culturally raised land on its way of loving wisdom .

  7. 如何爱智慧

    How to Love Wisdom

  8. 回答这个问题的另一条途径,是指出哲学来自一个希腊词,意思是“爱智慧”。

    Another approach to the question is to point out that philosophy is derived from the Greek word meaning'love of wisdom ' .

  9. 从爱智慧的角度理解哲学,其前提是必须搞清智慧是什么?

    At the angle of " loving wisdom ", the premise of comprehending philosophy is what is " wisdom " must be made clear .

  10. 然而由于智慧自身自我否定的特性使得哲学在后来的发展中由爱智慧滑落为追求知识。

    However , because of the self-denial characteristic of wisdom changed the meaning of " loving wisdom " into " pursuing knowledge " in later development .

  11. 不过,由于人的未完成性和哲学本就是个爱智慧的过程,使得大学的哲学之路没有终点,大学总是在路上。

    Though , as man is in its unfinished state and philosophy is always on the way of loving wisdom , the philosophy of university is endless ; universities are always on the way .

  12. 由于现代西方哲学已经沦为科学的婢女,丧失了哲学本有的爱智慧之意义,也丧失了对现代社会病症的医治能力。

    As the Western philosophy has become the " servant-girl of science ", it has lost the original meaning " intelligence-loving " of philosophy and also lost the capability of treating the sickness of the modern society .

  13. 亚里士多德对人的本质曾下过三个论断:求知是人的本性侧重于感性认知的角度,它代表着以爱智慧为显著特征的古希腊文化所体现出来的最为纯正的哲学精神;

    Aristotle had made three statements on human nature : " Acquirement is human nature " puts emphasis on perceptual knowledge , representing the purest philosophy presents by the ancient Greek culture which is distinctive with its feature of " loving wisdom ";

  14. “我”的终结就是良善,爱和智慧。

    The ending of it is goodness , love and intelligence .

  15. 让这些成为你的指南,成为从爱与智慧来的磨鍊。

    Let them be your guides , tempered by love and wisdom .

  16. 爱是智慧之源泉。

    Love is the spring of the inspiration .

  17. 现在就是降服的时刻&-降服在神的恩典、爱和智慧中。

    Now is your time to surrender-to God 's grace , love , and wisdom .

  18. 信靠是敬拜的行动,就好象孩子信靠父母的爱与智慧,父母就快乐。

    Trusting is an act of worship .

  19. 爱依靠智慧与信誉生存。

    Love survives on wisdom and honor .

  20. 丰盛、爱、智慧与喜悦的礼物在等待著你!

    The gifts of abundance , love , wisdom , and joy are waiting for you !

  21. 就我的体验,他是位充满爱、智慧且温和的大师,永远是积极而慈悲的。

    I experience him as a loving , wise and gentle master teacher , always positive and compassionate .

  22. 你可确实知道:里面定规包著爱和智慧。

    You may be sure there are treasures of love , and kindness , and wisdom hidden within .

  23. 文章主要通过“用爱与智慧引领学生成长”的学生工作理念加以阐述。

    Student work was proposed through the idea of " leading student development with love and wisdom " .

  24. 莎士比亚曾思索到,让一个人兼具爱与智慧,乃其力所不及的。

    SHAKESPEARE mused that " It is beyond the power of man to bring love and wisdom to an union . "

  25. 班级管理是一项复杂而艰巨的工作,是爱与智慧的艺术结晶。

    The class and grade management is one item complex and the arduous work , is loves with the wisdom artistic crystallization .

  26. 教学理论知识增长两种路向的探讨意在表明教学理论研究的爱教学智慧的柢质。

    The study of the two approaches aims to show the essence of teaching wisdom of love in the teaching theory research .

  27. 哦,请用眼听爱的智慧发出的清响,请学会去解读沉默之爱写下的诗章。

    O , learn to read what silent love hath writ . To hear with eyes belongs to love 's fine wit .

  28. 除了与精神源泉——爱和智慧建立起深刻和密切的联系外,没有别的办法能处理好孤独。

    There is no way of managing loneliness without a deep and personal connection to a spiritual source of love and wisdom .

  29. 蒙迪欧-致胜的用户除了是商海中的弄潮儿,是胜者,同样也要做崇高责任的担当者,要以爱和智慧赢取天道人心。

    The winner is not only a conqueror , but also an undertaker of responsibilities , winning support with love and wisdom .

  30. 我因此终于有机会可以学习爱与智慧,并且可以对光明与完美保持期待。

    This has finally given me the chance to learn about love and wisdom , and to preserve my hopes for illumination and perfection .