
  1. 自信可以成就梦想,我说这个是因为今年的“希望之星英语风采大赛”的演讲题目就是这个。

    Confident can make the dream come ture . I say this because this year the Star of Show CCTV Outlook English Cometitions questions is this .

  2. 这次我们录制的是第三界“希望之星”英语风采大赛的节目。

    And this is the program of the Third Outlook English Talent Competition .

  3. “希望之星”英语风采大赛?天津分赛区的决赛现场设立在天津医科大学。

    The " Star of Outlook " English Talent Competition & Tian Jin final is held at Tian Jin Medical University .

  4. 第三届“希望之星”英语风采大赛在全国设立了8个分赛区。

    The third annual " Star of Outlook " competition , an English Language talent competition , will be held in8 areas all over the country .

  5. 伴随着人们学习英语热情的不断升温,第二届“希望之星”英语风采大赛在天津拉开了帷幕。

    Coinciding with the popular enthusiasm to study English , the second annual " Star of Outlook " English Talent Competition was recently held in Tianjin .

  6. 最近在成都同样红火的还有即将举行的中央电视台“第四届希望&之星英语风采大赛”成都分赛区的比赛。

    Recently , another hot event going on in Chengdu is the upcoming Chengdu section of CCTV 's fourth annual Star of Outlook English Talent Competition .

  7. 本栏目举办的第二届“希望之星”英语风采大赛的选拔赛正在全国各分赛区紧张地举行。

    The tryouts of the second " Star of Outlook , English Talent Competition ", sponsored by Outlook English Magazine program , are being held throughout the nation .

  8. 到北京参加中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛全国总决赛的现场录制活动,是他们大家很久以来的共同心愿。

    To go to Beijing to take part in the live show of the final stage of the CCTV Star of Outlook English Competition is their longing-for wishes .

  9. 第二届“希望之星”英语风采大赛湖北赛区的选拔赛近日在武汉举行。

    The second annual " Star of Outlook " English Talent Competition was recently held in Wuhan for the Hubei area , co-sponsored by Hubei TV and Hubei Education Publishing House .

  10. 而今天的决赛将决定他们中谁能够代表北京市参加“希望之星”英语风采大赛全国总决赛。

    It 's no exaggeration to say that each of them is an excellent English learner . Today 's competition will decide who of them will compete in the national final representing Beijing .

  11. 春天的北京一派欣欣向荣的景象,早晨8点,呼吸着清新的空气,参加第四届“希望之星”英语风采大赛北京赛区决赛的选手们满怀信心地走进了赛场。

    Beijing in spring is full of vigor.At8 o'clock in the morning , breathing fresh air , the contestants of the4th Star of Outlook English Talent Competition Beijing final confidently go to the arena .

  12. 在这里就预祝咱们夏令营的全体同学,在今后一年两年或者三年四年当中,成为我们下一界或者再下一界的“希望之星”英语风采大赛的希望之星。

    Here I wish in a year or two , or even three years of future , all the students in the summer camp will to be able to become Outlook Stars in the next competition in the future .