
  1. 民族班实验化学教学改革探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Chemistry Experiment Teaching Reform for Students from Ethnical Minorities

  2. 民族班《植物学》教学的几点体会

    Experiences of Botany Teaching about minority nationality class

  3. 元认知策略在民族班大学英语教学中的研究与实践

    The study and Practice of Meta-cognitive Strategies in College English Teaching in Mongolian Class

  4. 浅析内地民族班(校)师生的文化适应

    On Cultural Adaptation of Teachers and Students of Ethnic Minority Classes ( Schools ) in the Hinterland

  5. 民族班汉语讲授数学分析课程突出数学活动教学的意义和方法

    The Significance and Methods of Emphasizing the Mathematic Activity Teaching in Teaching Mathematical Analysis with Chinese in Minority Class

  6. 本文通过对新疆大学民族班学生进行问卷调查,从语码转换的语言特征、交际环境和交际双方的心理因素三个方面来分析语码转换的原因。

    This article , through a questionnaire , aims to analyze the reasons for code-switching from three aspects : its linguistic characteristics , change of situation and the psychological factors of participants .

  7. 少数民族预科班化学教学法初探

    On the teaching methods of chemistry to the minority students in preparatory course

  8. 这里开办一个少数民族歌手班。

    Here to offer a minority class singer .

  9. 民族预科班物理概念教学的探讨

    A survey on the teaching of the preparatory physical concept for the students of minority nationality

  10. 少数民族双语班学生学习现状调查分析&以新疆石河子市民族中学为例

    A Survey of Bilingual Education of Minority Students & a Case Study in Minority Middle Schools in Shihezi City of Xinjiang

  11. 1998年,全国举办民族预科班的高等院校达80余所,当年计划招生7142名。

    In 1998 , more than 80 institutions of higher learning in China held such classes , with a planned enrollment of 7,142 students .

  12. 关于高校民族预科班班主任工作的几点思考它也是为继续升学或就业培训打好基础的教育,它经常同普及教育相联系,其重要性不言自明。

    Some Thoughts about the Work of the Teacher in Charge of a Class in the Preparatory Education for National Minority It is also the preparatory education for students to receive further education in colleges and universities and to receive training for employment .

  13. 文章以新疆师范大学少数民族理科实验班学生为研究对象,使用定量的方法对其交际策略的使用进行调查。

    The thesis adopts a quantitative approach to make a survey of the communicative strategy applied by the experimental class for ethnic-minority science students .

  14. 高等院校少数民族学生预科班英语课程的设置应该根据少数民族学生预科教育的目的,从少数民族学生自身的实际状况出发从事教学,把强化基础知识和培养实际交际能力放在首位。

    According to the purpose of teaching , English curriculum for minority nationality students of the preparatory course in colleges and universities should proceed from the actual condition of the students themselves and put the rudimentary knowledge of the students and their ability in actual communication in the first place .

  15. 少数民族骨干人才培训班英语课程体系的构建

    English Curriculum Design for Ethnic Master Candidates

  16. 本论文旨在对高校民族预科生新疆班英语学习困难状况,原因作出探究,并提出针对性的教学对策和模式。

    This paper aims at the exploration on the conditions and reasons of English-learning difficulty for xinjiang national preppies .

  17. 同时,辅导员在工作中更关注贫困生、少数民族学生和非班干学生。

    At the mean time , counselors indicated that they paid more attention on students in poverty , with minority nationalities and not in a leadership position .

  18. 举办民族学校校长培训班需要解决的问题很多,但最主要的是解决机制问题。

    If the training course for the principals is to take place , there are many problems to be solved , but the most important one is the mechanism .