
  • 网络Ethnic division;national splittism
  1. 民族宗教分裂势力对国家安全的影响及对策

    Impact of ethnic terrorist activities on national security and its counter measures

  2. 据报道,一些美国人担心这个民族将会分裂称很多没有共同目标的群体,

    Reports say some Americans fear that the nation is separating into many groups that have no shared purpose .

  3. 如果地区间的经济差异长期存在或程度较大,不但不利于整体经济的效率和保持增长的持续性,严重的甚至会造成国家或民族的分裂。

    If the economic gap among the areas lasts for a long time or is sizeable , it isn 't not only in favor of the performance of whole economy and long-time growth , even it will possible cause the country or national division .

  4. 一般地说来,他们之从抗日民族统一战线中分裂出去是为期不远的。

    Generally speaking , it will not be long before they split away .

  5. 历史发展表明,凡是处理民族问题的纲领政策得当,则国家统.、民族和睦、社会繁荣;否则,民族纷争、国家分裂、社会动乱。

    The history shows that any programme policies properly dealing with national issues results in national unity , national harmony , and social prosperity ; otherwise , it results the ethnic strife , national disintegration , and social unrest .