
xī là zōnɡ jiào
  • Greek religion
  1. 他们的确拒绝希腊宗教及祭祀。

    They certainly rejected Greek religion and Greek sacrifice .

  2. 古希腊宗教的特点及其对希腊文化的影响

    On the Characteristics of Ancient Greek Religion and Its Influence on the Greek Culture

  3. 它分为两个方面:一是对埃及宗教的支持;二是在埃及宗教的基础上将希腊宗教、文化融入其中。

    This policy includes two aspects : one is showing support to Egyptian religion .

  4. 古希腊宗教的社会影响

    Social Influence of Ancient Greek Religion

  5. 这次和解是希腊宗教崇拜史上最重要的关键;

    That act of pacification represents the most important event in the history of Greek ritual ;

  6. 希腊宗教思想认为人死后会消失到一个阴间,在那里,存在没有意义。

    Greek religious thought held that after death the individual disappeared into an underworld where existence was without meaning .

  7. 根据希腊宗教及其他宗教传统,树林空地被认为是神圣的地方。

    In traditional Greek religion and other religions having a grove of trees is sort of considered the sacred area .

  8. 古希腊宗教催发古奥林匹克运动,西方体育观念的形成由此而来,现代奥林匹克运动由此发端。

    Ancient Greek religion speeded the emergence of the ancient Olympic and formed the Western sports ideology , from which the modern Olympic originated .

  9. 通过对古希腊宗教和中国传统道教两者的内涵及其外在表现形式&审美观进行分析,讨论宗教在西方体育和东方体育形成的作用。

    This article analyzes the function of the religion in the formation course of Western sports and Oriental sports through explaining the external manifestation-aesthetic standards of the ancient Greek religion and Chinese traditional Taoism and their connotation .

  10. 古希腊妇女宗教地位探析

    An Exploration and Analysis of the Religious Position of Ancient Greek Woman

  11. 试论希腊化宗教之特征

    On the Characteristics of the Hellenistic Religion

  12. 在希腊神话和宗教信仰中,山泽女神是一个重要的部分。

    Nymphs were an important part of Greek mythology and religion .

  13. 古代希腊与中国宗教之比较

    The Religious Comparison between Ancient Greece and China

  14. 晚期希腊哲学和宗教的整合与基督教的产生&兼评恩格斯关于基督教产生的论断

    Conformity of Late Greek Philosophy and Religion and Emergence of Christianity & Simultaneously Commenting on Engels ′ Proposition of Emergence of Christianity

  15. 希腊神话赋予宗教与悲剧艺术丰富的内涵,神话和宗教为悲剧艺术家提供了宽阔的想象平台和创作空间。

    In Greek mythology , there are rich connotation in religion and tragic art . Mythology and religion has provided a broad space of imagination and creation to tragedy artist .

  16. 奥林匹亚城是古希腊最古老的宗教中心之一。亚历山大里亚古城遗址

    Olympia was one of the oldest religious centers in the ancient Greek world . City Site of Old Alexandria

  17. 从古希腊和中世纪的宗教活动,可看出狂欢节起源的宗教意义;

    Religious significance of the carnival 's root can be seen from the religious activities of the Middle Ages and ancient Greece .

  18. 在古希腊戏剧萌芽、产生、发展和成熟的过程中,始终受到古希腊社会、宗教环境的束缚,洋溢着浓厚的宗教色彩。

    In its development , the drama was restricted by the religious environment and the Greek society .

  19. 希腊神话的拟人特征可能有其近东渊源,但希腊人将之推向登峰造极的地步,这是希腊人的理性、人性和审美情趣决定的,是希腊宗教世俗化的产物。

    The anthropomorphism of Greek mythology , of which the source is perhaps the Near East , was brought to perfection by the Greeks because of their rationalism , humanism , aesthetic taste and their secularized religion .