
  • 网络PALENQUE;Palenqu
  1. 帕伦克是古代玛雅城市,靠近墨西哥恰帕斯州的乌苏马辛塔河(UsumacintaRiver)。

    Palenque is an ancient Maya city near the Usumacinta River in the Mexican state of Chiapas .

  2. 我们在那里订购了去帕伦克(palenque)的汽车票,好一睹墨西哥最为壮观的玛雅遗迹。

    From there we booked bus tickets to Palenque , to see some of the most spectacular Mayan ruins in Mexico .

  3. 在巴加尔统治时期,在帕伦克成兴建了很多广场和建筑,包括最高的“碑铭神庙”(TemplodelasInscripciones,他的陵墓),这些建筑共同的特色是精致的灰泥浅浮雕。

    During Pakal 's reign , many plazas and buildings , including the superlative Templo de las Inscripciones ( his Mausoleum ), were constructed in Palenque , characterized by very fine stucco bas-reliefs .

  4. 专家表示,这个墓穴可能属于玛雅帕伦克第一个统治者K'ukBahlamI。

    Experts say the tomb could belong to the first ruler of the Mayan city state of Palenque-K'uk Bahlam I.

  5. 在10世纪之后,帕伦克大部分地区都被遗弃了。

    After the10th century Palenque was largely abandoned .

  6. 前西班牙的帕伦克城及国家公园

    Pre-Hispanic City and National Park of Palenque

  7. 我们只有一个念头赶快把我们送到帕伦克吧。

    All we could think was - get us the hell to Palenque right now .

  8. 帕伦克是位于墨西哥尤卡坦半岛,是玛雅文明的考古的最早发现地。

    Palenque is located in the Yucatan Peninsula , Mexico , the Mayan civilization was first discovered in the archaeological .

  9. 如今,帕伦克即食玉米来到了中国,我们不仅是在传达一种时尚玉米,而是带来一种健康饮食文化!

    Now , ready-to-eat corn Palenque came to China , we not only communicate in a style corn , but bring a healthy food culture .

  10. 托尼那的敌对可能是在强•巴鲁姆二世于702年去世后,帕伦克极速衰落的主要原因。

    The rival Mayan city of Tonin á 's hostility was perhaps the major factor in Palenque 's precipitous decline after Chan-Bahlum II 's death in702 .

  11. 帕伦克这座古老的玛雅古城,凭借其华丽的丛林和高雅典建筑和装潢,成为了墨西哥的一个奇迹。

    The ancient Mayan city of Palenque , with its superb jungle setting and exquisite architecture and decoration , is one of the marvels of Mexico .