
  • 网络pacino;Al Pacino;Pasino
  1. 就像艾尔•帕西诺(AlPacino)在《教父3》中所说:“每一次我要离开都被他们拉了回去!”

    As Al Pacino said in Godfather III : " every time I try to get out they pull you back !"

  2. 有些影评甚至认为他的演技胜过同片演出的影界传奇艾尔.帕西诺。

    Some critics even suggested he outacted his costar , film legend Al Pacino .

  3. 接下来,帕西诺在HBO于2003年推出的迷你剧集《天使在美国》中扮演了律师罗伊·科恩。

    Pacino next starred as lawyer Roy Cohn in the2003 HBO miniseries of Tony Kushner 's play Angels in America .

  4. 曾主演詹姆斯-邦德系列影片的男星丹尼尔-克雷格和美国演员艾尔-帕西诺分列第四、五位。

    James Bond star , actor Daniel Craig , was voted fourth in the list , followed by US actor Al Pacino .

  5. 奥巴马政府是迈克尔(阿尔•帕西诺饰演的教父第三子,后继任教父)沉着,冷静,搞笑,如果需要可以无情,总是进行长效博弈。

    The Obama administration is Michael Corleone : calm , cool , efficient , ruthless when it needs to be , always playing a long game .

  6. 故事发生在1945-1955年之间,讲述的是迈克·柯里昂(由帕西诺饰演),从一个贫苦出身的孩子逐渐变成黑帮老大的故事。

    The story spans the years 1945 to 1955 and centers on the rise of Michael Corleone ( Pacino ) from a shy family outsider to a ruthless Mafia boss .

  7. “当我第一次看到基地帕西诺在这部影片中,我,这是第一次在我的生活中,还以为我想成为像另一个人,”他回忆说。

    " When I first saw Al Pacino in the film , I , for the first time in my life , thought that I wanted to be like another person ," he recalled .

  8. 《爱尔兰人》讲述了一个黑手党杀手(罗伯特·德尼罗饰演)的真实故事,他要听从一位不怒自威的费城教父(乔·佩西饰演)和一位大嗓门的工会领袖(阿尔·帕西诺饰演)的命令。

    The Irishman is the true story of a mafia hitman ( De Niro ) who does the bidding of a quietly terrifying Philadelphia godfather ( Joe Pesci ) and a loud-mouthed union boss ( Al Pacino ) .