
wài yuán
  • foreign aid;external assistance;outside help;foreign grant
外援 [wài yuán]
  • [foreign aid;external assistance;outside help] 一个国家向另一个国家提供的经济或其他援助

外援[wài yuán]
  1. 总统认为外援是不劳而获之财,会助长本国对富国的依赖性。

    The president called foreign aid a handout that fosters dependence on wealthy nations .

  2. 他们决定不依靠外援来救灾。

    They decided not to count on foreign aid to relieve the famine .

  3. 很多俱乐部因为斥巨资购买外援而积欠了巨额债务。

    Many ran up huge debts as they spent millions to buy foreign players .

  4. 他在一两支联赛队伍中做过外援。

    He guested for one or two League sides

  5. 这个国家靠外援生存。

    The country is dependent on foreign aid .

  6. CBA职业化进程中外援的作用及影响

    Foreign Aid Effect and Function in CBA Professional Course

  7. CBA联赛外援引进与管理现状分析

    An analysis of current situation of introduction and management of foreign players in CBA games

  8. 将外援作为纽带,促进CBA联赛的国际化发展。

    The foreign players as a ribbon , promote the development of the internationalization of the CBA .

  9. 与外援以及与债务有关的私人资本相比较,FDI具有很好的稳定性和很少受偶然事件影响的特点。

    Compared with foreign official assists and liabilities to be in connection with private capitals , it is characterized by stability and seldom subject to incidents .

  10. CBA外援的引进,就是我国篮球文化开放发展的必然结果。

    The introduction of CBA is the result of the opening and development in basketball culture in China .

  11. 你觉得为什么有些外援打不长,特别是近来这些来自NBA的。

    Why do you think some foreign players don 't last long out here , especially this year with all of the NBA guys ?

  12. 山西中宇的外援明星是前超音速中锋奥拉迈德。奥德杰,他是上赛季CBA的篮板王。

    The star foreign player for Shanxi Zhongyu is former Sonics center Olumide Olajide , who led the CBA in rebounding last season .

  13. 同时,在雅虎(Yahoo)新加坡的一项在线调查中,77%的回答者表示,他们对一名引进的外援赢得奥运会奖牌并不感到自豪。

    Meanwhile , 77 per cent of respondents in an online poll by Yahoo Singapore said they were not proud of a foreign import winning an Olympic medal .

  14. 同时,在雅虎(Yahoo)新加坡的一项在线调查中,77%的回答者表示,他们对一名“引进的外援”赢得奥运会奖牌“并不感到自豪”。

    Meanwhile , 77 per cent of respondents in an online poll by Yahoo Singapore said they were " not proud " of a " foreign import " winning an Olympic medal .

  15. 希拉里克林顿(HillaryClinton)敦促发展中国家在接受来自中国和其它新兴援助国的外援时要成为精明的买家。她是50多年来首次访问缅甸的美国国务卿。

    Hillary Clinton urged developing nations to be smart shoppers when accepting foreign aid from China and other new donors , as she became the first US secretary of state in more than 50 years to visit Burma .

  16. 根据智库洛伊研究所(LowyInstitute)的研究,澳大利亚仍是南太平洋地区的最大外援提供国,但中国正在澳大利亚视为后院的地区挑战澳大利亚的影响力。

    Australia is the biggest donor of foreign aid in the South Pacific but China is challenging its influence in a region it regards as its back yard , according to research by the Lowy Institute think-tank .

  17. 规范外籍球员的管理,引导俱乐部改变急功近利的引援思想,注重外援与球队的融合,使外援成为CBA文化的一部分。

    Regulating the management of foreign players , guiding the clubs to change their hasting thoughts about quick success and instant benefits , focusing on the integration of foreign payers with the team and making the foreign players be a part of the CBA culture .

  18. 她将参加广东队18日在广东南海的WCBA新赛季的揭幕战。她是WCBA历史上名气最大的外援。

    The most renowned overseas player in the WCBA , Melvin will play at the opening home game of the new season on the18th of this month in Nanhai , Guangdong province .

  19. 南方大部分地区受武装组织al-Sha-baab的控制。而这些人拒绝外援帮助当地灾民。

    Much of the south is controlled by a militant group called al-Sha-baab , and they don 't want any outside help for drought victims .

  20. 直到今天,当多数外援机构都已撤离,破损不堪的建筑物仍在道路两侧成排而立,民众还在等待政府发放补贴以便重建家园,而JuD的旗帜和救援者仍在现场提供协助。

    Even today , when most of the foreign aid agencies have gone , shattered buildings still line the roadside and people are still waiting for compensation from the government to build new houses , the JuD banners and helpers are still present .

  21. 经济改革方案得到了外援资助。

    The programme of economic reform is backed by foreign aid .

  22. 倘若外援枯竭,形势将极为严重。

    If foreign aid dries up the situation will be desperate .

  23. 这个政府不得不靠外援支持。

    The government had to be shored up by foreign aid .

  24. 但是,无论如何,外援只能起辅助的作用。

    Nevertheless , foreign aid can only play a supplementary role .

  25. 对欠发达国家的主要外援计划。

    Major programmes of overseas aid for the less developed countries .

  26. 来自富国的外援的效果如何?

    What about the impact of foreign aid from rich countries ?

  27. 外援的原则是无可非议的。

    The principle of foreign aid is not in dispute .

  28. 地产业来了欧美外援

    US and European aid comes to Chinese house development industry

  29. 以自力更生为主、争取外援为辅,利用国际国内两种资源推动革命和发展生产。

    Rely on ourselves to promote revolution and develop production .

  30. 以色列武器装备外援&外源型发展模式研究

    The Research on Israeli " Foreign Succor-Technical Assistance " Weaponry Development Model