
  1. 在被问到今年是否期望夺金时,帖雅娜笑了。

    When asked whether she has aspirations to win the gold medal this year , Ms. Tie laughs .

  2. 帖雅娜三年前,因为忙于打乒乓球比赛,帖雅娜没能按时参加自己的婚礼。

    Three years ago , Tie Yana was late to her own wedding because she was busy playing a ping-pong match .

  3. 帖雅娜于2006年亚运会分别获得女子乒乓球单打和双打银牌。她世界排名第三位。

    In2006 TIE YA-NA won silver medals in both women 's singles and doubles table tennis at the Asian Games and was ranked No.3 in the world .

  4. 帖雅娜和唐鹏2009年就结婚了,但目前夫妇俩是分开住的。他们与其他参加训练的运动员一起住在男女宿舍里,每个人都有自己的室友。

    Though Mr. Tang and Ms. Tie married in 2009 , currently the duo live separately in gender-segregated rooms in dormitories along with other athletes who are in training , each with their own roommate .

  5. 她说:“中国队肯定是非常强的,但我会尽力。”帖雅娜参加过两次奥运会,被视为今年中国大陆选手的有力挑战者之一。

    China 's team will definitely be really strong , ' says Ms. Tie , who has twice competed in the Olympics and is seen as one of mainland China 's stronger challengers this year . '

  6. 被问及唐鹏有多大把握夺金时,帖雅娜做了个鬼脸,笑了起来。唐鹏是第一次参加奥运会,但他说自己比较乐观。

    Ms. Tie makes a face and laughs when asked about her husband 's chances of bringing home a gold medal , but Mr. Tang-who is competing in the Olympics for the first time-says he 's upbeat .

  7. 33岁的帖雅娜说:“对运动员来说,香港显然有更多机会。乒乓球是中国的国球,因此大陆的竞争更加激烈。”帖雅娜十年前在上海被球探发现,随后移居到香港。

    There 's definitely more opportunities as a player in Hong Kong , ' says Ms. Tie , 33 , who moved to the city a decade ago after being spotted by a talent scout in Shanghai . ' Ping pong is China 's national game , so competition is more fierce . '