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  • 网络Liu Guoliang;Wesley Lowe
  1. 世界乒乓球职业大联盟(简称WTT)任命中国乒乓球主席、前奥运冠军刘国梁为新成立理事会主席,负责在全球范围内开拓乒乓球运动的未来。

    Chinese table tennis chief Liu Guoliang has been tasked with promoting the sport on a global level , as World Table Tennis named the former Olympic champion as its new head .

  2. 刘国梁正手近台攻打前冲弧圈球技术的运动学特征分析与研究

    Sports Analysis and Research of Forehand Close - to - table Attacking Forward Driving loop ( FCAFDL ) about liu Guo-liang

  3. 除了中国的邓亚萍、王楠、刘国梁、孔令辉外,就只有瑞典的老将瓦尔德内尔获过此项殊荣。

    Besides Chinese athletes Deng Yaping , Wang Nan , Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui , only a Swedish veteran Valdner obtained this unusual glory .

  4. 刘国梁总教练在第一次看到日本小将平野美宇的时候就被惊住了,后者击败了中国排名前三的乒乓球运动员,在亚洲乒乓球锦标赛上获得了轰动性的女单胜利。

    The head coach was shocked at his first sight of Japanese teenager Miu Hirano who beat three top-ranked Chinese to claim a sensational victory of the women 's singles at the Asian Table Tennis Championships .

  5. 中国乒乓球国家队总教练刘国梁上周日表示,在距离东京奥运会还有3年多的这个时候,遭受夙敌日本的一个巨大打击并不是一件坏事儿。

    China 's boss of table tennis Liu Guoliang said last Sunday that it 's not a bad thing to suffer a big blow from arch-rival Japan more than three years ahead of the Tokyo Olympic Games .