
lián zi
  • curtain;screen;(hanging) screen
帘子 [lián zi]
  • [(hanging) screen;curtain] [口]∶遮挡物

  • 棉帘子

  • 拼花帘子

帘子[lián zi]
  1. 护士绕床拉了一道帘子。

    The nurse put a screen around the bed .

  2. 他躲在帘子后面,偷听到他们的谈话。

    He hid behind the screen and overheard their conversation .

  3. 一挂珠帘子把两个房间分开。

    A bead curtain separated the two rooms .

  4. 他把帘子拉严,转身把门锁好。

    He pulled the drapes shut , locked the door behind him .

  5. 帘子作为分隔物将这间教室和另一间分开。

    A curtain acted as a divider between this class and another .

  6. 他透过帘子之间的缝隙偷看。

    He peered through a chink in the curtains .

  7. 我意识到自己在帘子后面吻着至友的妻子。

    I found myself behind a curtain , necking with my best friend 's wife .

  8. 如果你把帘子拉开,人们会往里看的。

    If you pull the curtain back , people will see in .

  9. 诸如轮胎帘子线的粘附性或地毯纱线的染色性能,都受纤维表面成分的影响。

    Properties such as adhesion in the case of tire cords and dyeability in the case of carpet yarns can be affected by the surface composition of the fiber .

  10. Air(初三适用)织造轮胎帘子布的喷气织机

    Air - Jet Weaving Machine for Weaving Tire Cord

  11. DSP芯片在帘子布卷绕张力控制系统中的应用

    Application of DSP chip in tire cord winding tension control system

  12. 加入WTO对我国锦纶帘子布行业的影响和对策

    The strategy and the influence of the entry of WTO on China Pa tire cord industry

  13. 影响PA6浸胶帘子布定负荷伸长率的因素

    Analysis on factors effecting on constant load elongation of latexed fabric

  14. 两步法生产PA6帘子线原丝工艺优化

    Process conditions for various PA6 tyre cord yarn by two-step method

  15. 提高PA6帘子线原丝断裂强度的探讨

    Discussion on increasing breaking strength of PA6 tyre cord yarn

  16. 基于LBP算子和BP神经网络的帘子布疵点识别算法研究

    Research about the Cord Fabric Defect recognition Based on the Local Binary Patterns and BP Neural Network

  17. 讨论了锦纶6帘子布浸胶液布氏粘度与温度、附胶量、粘着强度的关系。聚酰胺纤维锦纶(PA)用N表示。又叫耐纶,尼龙。

    The relationship between Brookfield viscosity and temperature , dip pick-up and adhesive strength of dip solution for PA6 tire cord was discussed .

  18. 对尼龙66帘子布工业丝生产中TiO2注入系统的改造

    Innovation on the TiO2 injection system in the production of nylon 66 tyre cord yarn

  19. 如能进一步完善,PET/MMT纳米复合纤维完全可以制成高模低收缩的轮胎帘子线。

    PET / MMT fiber is a kind of potential tyre cord with high modulus and low thermal shrinkage .

  20. 最后,Heather拉上了病床的帘子。

    Eventually Heather pulled a curtain around her bed .

  21. 本文主要阐述了适用于锦纶6帘子线高速纺丝工艺的油剂KG的研制过程,并对有关问题进行了理论上的分析。

    In this paper , the development processing of spin-finishes suitable for high-speed spinning of Nylon 6 cord fabric is expounded . In addition problems concern are analysed in theory .

  22. 阐述了影响PA6浸胶帘子布定负荷伸长率的因素。结果表明:浸胶热处理工艺中主要是拉伸区、定型区温度高低、张力大小影响浸胶帘子布定负荷伸长;

    In the heat treatment after dipping , constant load elongation of latexed fabric was affected mainly by temperature and tension in drawing and setting .

  23. 综述了国内外高楼低缩(HMLS)型聚酯帘子线的性能、开发和生产。

    This paper deals with characteristics , development & prodution of HMLS polyester cord .

  24. 锦纶66帘子布浸胶液含有大量的天然胶乳、间苯二酚、甲醛、氨、乙烯、丁苯等有毒有害物质,其生产废水中COD和浊度特别高。

    The dipping solution ( DS ) of nylon-66 cord fabric contains latex , resorcinol , formaldehyde , ammonia , ethene and butyl benzene . The COD content and turbidity in DS wastewater are very high .

  25. TFN103锦纶6帘子线耐热纺丝油剂研制棉绒粘胶轮胎纤维(帘子线)的纺制

    Preparation of heat resistant nylon-6 cord spin - finishes TFN-103 Viscose Tire Cord from Cotton-linters

  26. 涤纶帘子线由于表面活性低等原因,传统的RFL浸胶液不能使涤纶帘子线与橡胶形成很高的粘结强度。

    Due to the inactive surface of PET ordinary RFL cord adhesive would not bond to the PET surface .

  27. 讨论了影响PA6帘子线原丝断裂强度的主要因素,试验表明:提高拉伸倍数、增加纺丝速度及切片粘度均可提高原丝断裂强度。

    The main factors that had influence on breaking strength of PA6 yarn were discussed . The experimental result showed that the breaking strength could be improved by increasing drawing ratio , spinning velocity and chip viscosity .

  28. PA66在我国主要用于生产斜交轮胎用帘子布和高级合成纤维,其中帘子线的生产已经具有相当大的规模。

    Poly hexamethylene adipamide ( PA66 ) has been mainly used in the manufacture of advanced synthetic fiber and tire cord fabric of diagonal tire which has already been manufactured in a considerable scale in China .

  29. 锦纶6帘子线原丝生产中的断头因素分析

    Factors causing end breaking during PA6 tire cord as-spun yarn production

  30. 油剂对高速纺锦纶6帘子线质量的影响

    Effect of finishes on quality of high-speed spun PA6 tyre cord