
  • 网络Veneridae;Meretrix meretrix;Family Veneridae
  1. 青蛤等四种帘蛤科贝类的营养分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of Nutritive Composition of 4 kind of Veneridae Clam

  2. 仅从传统形态学鉴定帘蛤科种类较为困难。

    Identification of Veneridae is difficult only by morphology .

  3. 帘蛤科两种经济贝类种群的ITS-1序列遗传多样性分析

    Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Populations of Two Commercial Species of Mercenaria mercenaria and Cyclina sinensis ( Bivalvia Veneridae ) Based on ITS-1 Sequence

  4. 庒启谦(2001)记载中国近海的帘蛤科有12个亚科、28个属、17个亚属共计88种[2]。

    Veneridae includes 12 subfamilies , 28 genera , 17 subgenera , 88 species recorded by Zhuangqiqian ( 2001 ) in Chinese coastal .

  5. 帘蛤科的模式属;一种可食用的蛤,具有厚厚的椭圆形外壳。广西地区文蛤花纹的蛋白质图谱分析

    Type genus of the family Veneridae : genus of edible clams with thick oval shells . The Electrophoresis Patterns of Mantle Protein in Clam Meretrix meretrix with Different Stripes