
  • 网络Sagitta;Chaetognatha
  1. 天箭虫属的各种箭虫。

    Any arrowworm of the genus Sagitta .

  2. 渤海强壮箭虫摄食的初步研究

    Study on the feeding of the Bohai Sea sagitta crassa

  3. 包括最大的箭虫在内的海洋蠕虫的一个主要的属。

    Chief genus of Chaetognatha including the largest arrowworms .

  4. 强壮箭虫有同种相残的习性,但发生频率不高。

    Sagitta crassa are cannibalistic although the occurrence frequency of cannibalism is not high .

  5. 光照、体长对强壮箭虫摄食强度和日粮的影响

    The effects of light and body length on the grazing rate and ration of sagitta crassa

  6. 海洋蠕虫的一个属,与箭虫相似,但有较宽的身体及一对侧鳍。

    Marine worms resembling the sagittas but with a broader body and only one pair of lateral fins .

  7. 肥胖箭虫夏季平均丰度、出现率和集聚强度明显高于其它季节。

    The average abundance , occurrence frequency and aggregation intensity of S.enflata were much higher in summer than in other seasons .

  8. 实验研究了强壮箭虫对几种食物的摄食选择性和几种生态因子对其摄食率的影响,以及摄食的昼夜节律。

    The feeding selectivity of Sagitta crassa , some ecological factors effect to the feeding rate and their diurnal feeding rhythm were experimentally studied in this paper .