
  • 网络Diageo;Diageo plc
  1. 他为“intelligentlife”所写的特约报导“数字非洲”拿下了2011年帝亚吉欧非洲商业报导奖。

    He won a prize in the Diageo Africa Business Reporting Awards 2011 for his intelligent life feature " digital Africa " .

  2. 它还对英国酒商帝亚吉欧(Diageo)以及零售商JJBSports进行了投资。

    It has also invested in Diageo , the distiller , and JJB Sports , the retailer .

  3. 帝亚吉欧说,HaigClub将会吸引现在爱喝苏格兰威士忌的人,同时还会吸引一直以来想要尝试威士忌风味的人。

    Diageo said Haig Club would appeal to current Scotch drinkers , but also ' those who have always wanted to try whisky . '

  4. 西蒙・福勒(SimonFuller)也加入了贝克汉姆和帝亚吉欧就HaigClub的合作。福勒一手打造了《美国偶像》(AmericanIdol)真人选秀节目,并曾经是流行音乐组合“辣妹”(SpiceGirls)的经纪人。

    Mr. Beckham and Diageo are joined in the Haig Club partnership by Simon Fuller , creator of the American Idol franchise and former manager of pop group the Spice Girls .

  5. 帝亚吉欧(Diageo)在中国的苏格兰威士忌业务正在迅速增长,不过分析师估计这一部门尚未实现盈利。

    Diageo 's Scotch business in China is growing rapidly , though analysts reckon it is yet to turn profitable .

  6. 比如,帝亚吉欧在截止6月的财报中表示,尊尼获加(johnniewalker)威士忌在巴西的销量增长了20%。

    Reporting results for the year to June , Diageo saw sales of Johnnie Walker whisky rise 20 per cent in Brazil , for example .

  7. 作为尊尼获加(JohnnieWalker)的生产商,帝亚吉欧将在五年内斥资10亿英镑提高在苏格兰的产能,目的主要是服务于新兴市场。

    The Johnnie Walker maker is investing ? ? 1bn over five years to ramp up manufacturing capacity in Scotland , largely to service emerging markets .

  8. 帝亚吉欧(Diageo)表彰员工贡献的方式之一是提供贵宾之旅,参观公司位于爱尔兰都柏林的健力士啤酒厂(Guinness)。

    One way that Diageo values employees ' contributions is through running VIP Tours of the company 's Guinness brewery in Dublin , Ireland .

  9. 帝亚吉欧发言人说,该公司计划今年晚些时候在全球推出HaigClub,起价在每瓶65美元左右。

    Diageo said it is planning a global launch for Haig Club later this year , with prices starting at around $ 65 a bottle , according to a company spokeswoman .

  10. 帝亚吉欧(Diageo)表彰员工贡献的方式之一是提供“贵宾之旅”,参观公司位于爱尔兰都柏林的健力士啤酒厂(Guinness)。

    One way that Diageo values employees ' contributions is through running " VIP Tours " of the company 's Guinness brewery in Dublin , Ireland .

  11. 帝亚吉欧是世界最大的苏格兰威士忌生产商,苏格兰威士忌和干邑白兰地(cognac)是中国消费的两款主要国际烈酒。

    Diageo is the world 's largest producer of Scotch , which , with cognac , is the main international spirit consumed in the country .

  12. 英国饮料公司帝亚吉欧(Diageo)昨日失去韩国酒类进口执照。韩国是全球第四大威士忌市场。

    Diageo , the UK-based drinks company , yesterday lost its licence to import alcohol into South Korea , the world 's fourth-largest whisky market .

  13. 帝亚吉欧首席执行官伊万梅内塞斯(IvanMenezes)表示:在新兴市场上,汇率波动和有关GDP增长前景的担忧,对商业和消费者信心有不利影响。

    Ivan Menezes , chief executive , said : In the emerging markets currency volatility and caution about the outlook for GDP growth are negatively impacting business and consumer confidence .

  14. 帝亚吉欧拥有尊尼获加(johnniewalker)威士忌和百利(baileys)甜酒品牌,该公司一直在中国进行扩张,以求获益于中国对酒类饮品不断增长的需求。

    Diageo , which owns the Johnnie Walker whisky and Baileys liqueur brands , has been expanding in China to take advantage of rising demand for alcoholic drinks .

  15. 酒业集团帝亚吉欧(diageo)首席执行官保罗沃尔什(paulwalsh)的名字出现在英方代表团名单上,曾燃起了人们的期待,以为该集团能获准增持一家中国白酒合资企业的股份。

    The name of Paul Walsh , chief executive of Diageo , on the UK cast list fuelled expectations that the drinks group would get the go-ahead to increase its stake in a Chinese white spirits joint venture .

  16. 掌管2000亿美元的主权财富基金中投公司(CIC)不断购入海外资源类公司的股权,并已购得英国酒商帝亚吉欧(Diageo)1.1%的股权。

    China Investment Corp , the $ 200bn sovereign wealth fund , has been buying stakes in overseas resources companies and has taken a 1.1 per cent stake in Diageo , the British distiller .

  17. 帝亚吉欧已经与说唱巨星肖恩・康姆斯(Sean“PDiddy”Combs)联手收购高档龙舌兰酒品牌DeLeon,而乔治・克鲁尼(GeorgeClooney)和贾斯汀・汀布莱克(JustinTimberlake)也有了自己冠名的龙舌兰酒品牌。

    Diageo has already teamed up with Sean ' Diddy ' Combs to buy upmarket tequila DeLe ó n , while George Clooney and Justin Timberlake have also put their names on tequila brands .

  18. 结果是新增了来自欧洲的董事:法国安盛(Axa)保险公司的亨利·德·卡斯特(HenrideCastries),以及康巴斯(Compass)的保罗·沃什(PaulWalsh)——他是新兴市场重要参与者帝亚吉欧(Diageo)的前老板。

    The result was more Europeans : Henri de Castries , of French insurer Axa , and Paul Walsh of Compass ( and former boss of Diageo , a big player in emerging markets ) .

  19. 例如,英国饮料集团帝亚吉欧(diageo)上月调高了其中期增长目标,因为新兴市场日益增长的销售,抵消了欧洲市场的低迷。

    For example , Diageo , the UK-based drinks group , last month raised its medium-term growth targets because weakness in Europe has been offset by rising emerging markets sales .

  20. 今年早些时候,帝亚吉欧(Diageo)旗下的尊尼获加(JohnnieWalker)专门面向华人市场推出了12瓶装的农历新年版,每套定价4800美元。

    Meanwhile , earlier this year Diageo DGE.LN - 0.28 % - owned Johnnie Walker unveiled a Lunar New Year collection of 12 bottles specifically for the Chinese market , priced at $ 4800 per set .

  21. 英国酒业公司帝亚吉欧(diageo)正在就收购unitedspirits至多15%的股权与这家印度公司进行谈判,百事公司今年与almarai在亚洲、非洲和中东成立了合资公司。

    UK-based distiller Diageo is in talks with United spirits over acquiring up to 15 per cent of the Indian company , while PepsiCo this year formed a joint venture with almarai in Asia , Africa and the Middle East .

  22. 大卫•贝克汉姆(DavidBeckham)手执一杯翰格•蓝爵(HaigClub)新品苏格兰威士忌的形象下个月将在中国亮相。面对中国对奢侈品的打压,世界最大酿酒公司帝亚吉欧(Diageo)届时将推出这款新酒作为回击。

    Images of David Beckham clutching a tumbler of Haig Club , a new scotch , will be seen in China next month when Diageo , the world 's largest distiller , launches a new spirit in the fightback against China 's crackdown on luxury .

  23. 帝亚吉欧(DiageoPLC)周二说,其已经与贝克汉姆联手推出HaigClub,这是一款“呈现出奶油糖果和太妃糖风味”的新品威士忌。此举是这家英国饮料巨头吸引新饮酒者尝试增长迅速的威士忌酒类的最新尝试。

    Diageo PLC said Tuesday it has teamed up with Mr. Beckham to launch Haig Club -- a newly created Scotch that ' showcases butterscotch and toffee . ' It is the British drinks giant 's latest attempt to attract new drinkers into the fast-growing whiskey category .

  24. 历史经验表明,只要企业取得成功,人们就会习惯于它的新名称,无论这个名字起初听起来多么古怪——想一想当初因使用合成词作为品牌名称而遭调侃的Accenture(埃森哲)或Diageo(帝亚吉欧)。

    History suggests that if a company is successful , people do get used to its new handle , however outlandish it seems at first ( think of Accenture or Diageo , at first ribbed for their portmanteau brands ) .

  25. 上周,英国饮料集团帝亚吉欧(diageo)宣布收购中国白酒品牌水井坊(shuijingfang)的控股权,这是外资收购中国食品饮料业的首笔交易之一。

    Last week , Diageo , the UK drinks group , announced a deal to acquire control of the Chinese liquor brand Shuijingfang , in one of the first foreign takeovers in the food and beverage sector .

  26. 帝亚吉欧保持低调有着充分的理由。

    There was a good reason for the lack of fanfare .

  27. 帝亚吉欧两年前开始实施对华拓展战略。

    Diageo introduced its strategy for expanding in China two years ago .

  28. 帝亚吉欧战略的第三部分是活动赞助。

    A third strand to its strategy is event sponsorship .

  29. 帝亚吉欧由此获得了推广各类品牌的机会。

    This provides opportunities to promote brands in all categories .

  30. 帝亚吉欧把中国市场分为四个消费群体。

    Diageo split the market into four consumer groups .