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  1. 这部小说讲述的是狐族帝姬和龙族太子之间爱恨纠缠的三世情缘。

    The novel is about the bitter-sweet romance between a fox princess and a dragon prince .

  2. 电视剧版本的《三生三世十里桃花》由大陆演员杨幂和台湾演员赵又廷联袂出演,分别饰演女主角狐族帝姬和男主角龙族太子,电影中相对应的人物角色则分别由刘亦菲和杨洋饰演。

    The TV series saw mainland actress Yang Mi and Taiwan actor Mark Chao , respectively , as the fox and the dragon , but their roles will be played by actress Liu Yifei and Yang Yang in the movie .