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páng zá
  • numerous and jumbled;multifarious and disorderly;in a cumbersome jumble
庞杂 [páng zá]
  • [numerous and jumbled] 庞大纷杂,多而杂乱

  • 精减庞杂的机构

庞杂[páng zá]
  1. 但是,当要存储的记录太庞杂无法从中提取合适的关键字时,采用传统的B+树或HASH方式存储记录效率低。

    But when storing numerous and jumbled records from which compatible keys can 't be selected , the efficiency of the B ~ + - tree or Hash access method is low .

  2. 以MicrosoftAccess数据库为平台,首次完全采用数据库结构建立和完善了涵盖配方、组元、产物组分热输运等庞杂的数据信息库。

    With the platform of Microsoft Access database , the information database covered with numerous and jumbled data such as formula , component , thermal transport of the product composition was established and improved , which was firstly and fully used the database structure .

  3. 我们的文化比他所知道的要复杂得多,相当庞杂。

    Our culture is more complex than he knows . Wheels within wheels .

  4. 他的散文文笔有力、内容庞杂,有时几近晦涩。

    His prose is vigorous and dense , occasionally to the point of obscurity .

  5. Internet上的信息庞杂且分散,搜索引擎系统越来越成为人们网上冲浪和获取信息的必要工具。

    Information on the Internet is very huge and distributed , search engine has more and more become an absolutely necessary tool of Internet surfers .

  6. Internet上的信息过于庞杂,而且具有不稳定和变动快的特点,没有而且也不可能有一个权威机构能对这些信息进行全面的组织和管理。

    Information on the Internet is so complex , instability and changes quickly , there can not have an authority to organize and manage this comprehensive information .

  7. 面对如此庞杂的信息资源,人们无法只凭自身能力获取有价值的信息,而是必须借助一些外部工具来获取,因此,Web搜索引擎随之产生。

    Faced with such vast and complex information resources , we can not just use our own ability to obtain valuable information ; however , we must use some external tools to obtain .

  8. 这种广泛涉足的做法,试图抵御Windows面临的各种潜在威胁从搜索引擎到电子邮件、再到电子游戏使其业务变得异常庞杂。

    Its omnivorous approach to trying to match the potential threats to Windows , in everything from search and e-mail to video games , has stretched it very wide .

  9. 随着ERP在企业中的应用越来越深入,企业的电子资源库也随之越来越庞大,导致日常业务非常庞杂。

    With the ERP applications in the enterprise more and more in-depth , enterprise library electronic resources also will be increasingly large , resulting in daily business is very heterogeneous .

  10. 这造就了爱国者庞杂的产品阵容,包括USB存储卡、数码相机、电视机、多媒体播放器、手机等。

    That has left Aigo with a sprawling product portfolio that encompasses products ranging from USB storage cards to digital cameras , television sets , media players and mobile phones .

  11. 一是由于BOT合同的庞杂性,且BOT基础合同的法律性质至今尚无定论;

    The other one is that there is no final conclusion about the nature of BOT basic contracts till now and there are no special laws and regulations about the BOT project .

  12. GE作为地理信息科学的产物之一,能够将丰富庞杂的地理知识直观地表现出来,这种呈现方式既符合中学生的智力水平,又有利于学生了解和掌握地理知识。

    GE as one of the products of the geographic information science , can possibly rich knowledge of Geography intuitively demonstrated , the presentation of the secondary school students not only conforms to the intellectual level , and help students to understand and master Geography knowledge .

  13. 这一课题的领域非常庞杂宽广,且常常杂乱无章。

    The subject is far flung and at times ill-defined .

  14. 中国封建社会的官衙机构是一个非常庞杂的系统。

    The government office of feudal China is a very complex system .

  15. 他们要从大量庞杂的证据中推断事实。

    They should evolve the truth from a mass of confused evidence .

  16. 面对这种庞杂请求,数据仓库必需给予快速响应。

    As to these complex queries , data warehouse must give fast response .

  17. 小说内容庞杂,涉及的面也比较广。

    The content is multifarious and covers many aspects .

  18. 本文对相当庞杂的人本主义健康人格理论做了概括。

    The author trys to use health personality theory to improve diathesis education .

  19. 我们不得不从大量庞杂的证据中推断出事情的真相。

    We had to evolve the truth from a mass of confused evidence .

  20. 一个庞杂的盘算机网络系统运行这个现代石油精炼厂。

    An intricate network of the computer system runs this modern petroleum refinery .

  21. 工业化和城市化产生了具有同质性、庞杂性、疏离性和素质有限性的大众。

    Industrialization and urbanization have produced a large quantities of masses with limited education .

  22. 《道藏》内容包罗万象,是一个亟待开发的庞杂文化体系。

    Collected Taoist Scriptures is a complex cultural system containing works in various fields .

  23. 我国反垄断法将联合限制竞争行为以垄断协议命名,其豁免制度是反垄断法豁免制度中内容最庞杂的部分。

    Its antitrust exemption system exemption system is the most heterogeneous part of Anti-monopoly law .

  24. 组成了一个极为庞杂而又巨大的,以人类生态为核心的耗散结构体系。

    Its kernel is ecology of mankind .

  25. 艺术管理是个很庞杂的知识体系,其中包含艺术中介管理、艺术行政管理、艺术经济管理等几大类。

    Art management is complicated system , including art agency , administration and economy man -

  26. 高校作为庞杂的社会组织和主要的社会单元,是大量年青学生聚集的学习、生涯社区。

    Colleges and universities are complex organisms and the great stabilizing units in the society .

  27. 与庞大的电梯使用市场相对应的,是同样庞杂的电梯维保单位。

    According to the huge elevator using market , the elevator maintenance unites are numerous .

  28. 庞杂的背景颜色,会使文本难以浏览,会疏散用户对于文字内容的注意力。

    Busy backgrounds make text difficult to read and draw the attention away from the text .

  29. 他的思想理论广博且庞杂。

    His theory and extensive confused .

  30. 英语语法十分庞杂。

    English grammar is very complicated .