
zhuàng lì
  • magnificent;majestic;glorious;grandeur;glory;splendour
壮丽 [zhuàng lì]
  • [majestic;glorious;magnificent] 健壮美丽;宏伟瑰丽;雄壮美丽

  • 壮丽的历史画卷

壮丽[zhuàng lì]
  1. 她被这壮丽的景色所吸引。

    She was attracted by the majestic scenery .

  2. 她呈现出斯德哥尔摩人从未见过的壮丽景色。

    She presented a more majestic spectacle than Stockholmers had ever seen before .

  3. 他们期待着沿哥伦布的壮丽航程进行一次航行。

    They are hoping to retrace the epic voyage of Christopher Columbus .

  4. 从这所房子可以看到所能想象的最壮丽的景色。

    The house has the most spectacular views imaginable .

  5. 从塔上可看到壮丽的布拉格全景。

    The tower offers a breathtaking panorama of Prague .

  6. 景色壮丽。

    The scenery is magnificent .

  7. 从这座房子可以俯瞰到特拉华湾壮丽的景致。

    The house commanded some splendid views of Delaware Bay .

  8. 贝多芬的第九交响曲是壮丽的音乐篇章。

    Beethoven 's Ninth Symphony is a glorious piece of music .

  9. 布达拉宫比过去更加壮丽地矗立在灿烂的阳光中。

    The Potala stands more superb than ever in the bright sun .

  10. 这些壮丽的古代建筑显示了劳动人民的高度智慧。

    These magnificent ancient buildings demonstrate the great intelligence of the labouring people .

  11. 他生平从没有见过如此辉煌壮丽的场面。

    Never in his life had he gazed on such splendor .

  12. 节日的天坛打扮得格外壮丽。

    The temple of heaven was magnificently decked out for the festive occasion .

  13. 这儿可以看到群山的壮丽景象。

    There 's a grand view of the mountains .

  14. 登山队员们站在山顶,凝视那壮丽的景色。

    The climbers stood on the top of the mountain , gazing at the splendid view .

  15. 革命先烈抛头颅,洒热血,谱写下可歌可泣的壮丽史诗。

    The revolutionary martyrs laid down their lives for a just cause and attained the stature of epic heroes .

  16. 从顶上环视,展现在我们面前的是我们任何人都不曾见过的壮丽景色。

    Looking around from the top , there opened out before us a magnificent landscape that none of us had ever seen .

  17. 研究发现,澳大利亚的壮丽细尾鹩莺会在孵化卵的过程中一遍又一遍地重复一种声音。

    Female Australian superb fairy wrens were found to repeat one sound over and over again while hatching their eggs .

  18. 放学后的一天,当我在这座壮丽的山上探索绿色的树林时,差点跌倒在一组阶梯上。

    One day after school , while exploring the green woods of this magnificent mountain , I almost fell on a set of stairs .

  19. 挪威的壮丽景色有着让人无法抵制的魅力。

    The grand panoramas of NORWAY prove irresistible to adventurers .

  20. 群湖为壮丽的群山所环抱。

    The lakes were surrounded By a panoply of mountains .

  21. 我们应该花些时间去欣赏大自然的壮丽景象。

    We should take some time to enjoy the sublime beauty of nature .

  22. 从稍远的地方看过去,它给人以一种壮丽辉煌的印象。

    Seen from a slight distance , that would make a splendid spectacle .

  23. 音乐以一段壮丽的乐章结束。

    The music ends with a display of bravura .

  24. 这棵白色的紫苑是壮丽的。

    This white aster is magnificent .

  25. 壮观的;壮丽的;令人惊叹的同义词:breathtaking壮丽的景色维埃拉攻进了一个精彩入球。

    spectacular scenery Vieira scored a spectacular goal .

  26. 在接下来的一个小时里,我们将沿着不丹雄伟壮丽的富毕卡谷地(PhobjikhaValley)一路飘游,从空中欣赏绵延不绝的喜马拉雅山(Himalayan)的壮美景色。

    For the next hour we drift down Bhutan 's majestic Phobjikha Valley , savouring a bird 's-eye view of the Himalayan scenery unfolding around us .

  27. 这些拥有“名铸”(themasterpiece)之类自负名号和壮丽海景的高价优质房地产,几乎从不对外出租。

    This and other high-priced trophy properties at developments with immodest names such as " the masterpiece " and glittering harbour views are almost never rented out .

  28. 新加坡——萨维尔·辛格(SavirSingh)的出租车驶进新加坡市中心,开上了一座立交桥。那里景色壮丽,人们可以将滨海湾周边的热门酒店和旅游景点一览眼底。

    SINGAPORE - Savir Singh 's taxi rolled into downtown Singapore , taking an overpass that provides a stunning view of the popular hotels and tourist attractions around Marina Bay .

  29. 建于19世纪的基督城大教堂(ChristChurchCathedral)在地震中夷为平地,2013年8月,日本建筑师坂茂带领人们用坚硬的纸卷撑起屋顶,建起一座壮丽的过渡期教堂。

    To replace the badly damaged 19th-century ChristChurch Cathedral , a magnificent transitional church by the Japanese architect Shigeru Ban openedin August with sturdy cardboard tubes for the roof .

  30. 结果表明:象草和壮丽草的根系有85%以上分布在0~40cm的土层中。

    The results indicated that there were 85 % roots to distribute in the layer of 0 ~ 40 cm in soil for the two grasses .