
  • 网络live part;energized part;active parts;live-part
  1. 工作者也许未能解裸露带电部分的危险性。

    The worker may be unable to understand the hazard of exposed live part .

  2. 设备采用了真空开断,利用SF6气体作为绝缘介质,一次带电部分全部封闭于金属气室中,能够适心各种严劣的运行环境。

    The equipment adopted vacuum making and breaking , using SF_ (?) gas as insulation medium and the first part with power on was totally enclosed in metal gas chamber , and it could be adaptable to all serious bad operational conditions .

  3. 在带电粒子计算部分,研究了非相对论和相对论情形下推动粒子的算法,并对带电粒子的初始条件设置和数值稳定性进行了必要分析。

    In the second part , algorithms for advancing particles in nonrelativistic and relativistic cases have been analyzed , as well as the initial condition and numerical stability for particles .