
dài jūn zhě
  • carrier;germ carrier;bacterial carrier
带菌者 [dài jūn zhě]
  • [carrier] 指体内带有致病细菌、能传染别人但本身无症状的人

  1. 乙肝病毒带菌者能结婚吗?要注意什么?

    Can carrier of second liver virus marry ? What should notice ?

  2. 你知不知你是伊波拉病毒带菌者?

    Do you know you 're a Ebola virus carrier ?

  3. 用Vi血凝鉴别抑制试验检测伤寒带菌者

    Differential Vi Haemagglutination Inhibition Test for Typhoid Carriers

  4. 共查出NL带菌者263例,平均带菌时间为2.09个月,最长可连续带菌9个月之久。

    263 NL carriers were detected with 2.09 months of mean carried time , the longest one persist - ing for 9 months .

  5. 用放射免疫法检测了120例健康育龄妇女、41例念珠菌性阴道炎患者和29例阴道念珠菌带菌者阴道sIgA的浓度。

    The sIgA concentrations in the vaginal secretion of 120 health childbearing age women , 41 women with vaginal candidiasis and 29 carriers of vaginal candida have been determined by RIA .

  6. Vi-ELISA还可作伤寒病后带菌者初筛。

    Vi-ELISA may also be applied for screening carriers in the post-typhoid fever patients .

  7. 这一个体实验的临床过程导致的腺伴随病毒(AAV)带菌者或自然生成AAV暴露的结果不在我们知识了解的范围内。

    The clinical course that this individual experienced has , to our knowledge , never been seen as a consequence of exposure to adeno-associated viral ( AAV ) vectors or naturally occurring AAV .

  8. 使用LPS-PHA可作伤寒的早期快速诊断,而Vi-PHA可作伤寒病后带菌者的初筛。

    The LPS - PHA is used for rapid diagnosis of typhoid fever of acute-phase , and Vi-PHA may be used to screen the carriers of post-typhoid fever .

  9. 关于健康带菌者社会性格分类的实证研究

    A demonstrative research on the classification of the SUB-SANE social character

  10. 鼓励公众接纳并关怀爱滋病带菌者患者。

    Promote care and acceptance towards people infected with HIV aids .

  11. 带菌者自身不显示病征但仍有传染性。

    A carrier remains infective without himself showing signs of the disease .

  12. 她与德里克两人想必都曾是带菌者。

    Both she and Derek must have been carriers .

  13. 伤寒常常由带菌者传播。

    Typhoid fever is frequently transmitted by human carriers .

  14. 刘先生是带菌者。

    Lau is a carrier of the disease .

  15. 按理乙肝带菌者无传染性,可以入学!

    Normally second liver carrier does not have infectivity , can enter a school !

  16. 但是跟染病奶牛接触的工人可能会成为带菌者。

    But workers who come into contact with infected dairy cows could be carriers .

  17. 你可以以一个人的外表判断出他是爱滋病毒带菌者。

    You can Identify people who are infected with HIV just by looking at them .

  18. 通过凝集实验的应用,已经证实了病原微生物的健康带菌者。

    By use of the agglutination test healthy carriers of the organisms have been identified .

  19. 公共卫生法规定,特定的已知带菌者要进行体检并接受治疗。

    Public health laws require that certain known carriers have physical examinations and receive treatment .

  20. 乙肝带菌者会被拒绝吗?

    Can be second liver carrier rejected ?

  21. 预防措施主要在于对饮用水和污水的处理,并禁止带菌者从事与接触食品有关的工作。

    Prevention depends mainly on water and sewage treatment and excluding carriers from food-handling jobs .

  22. 传播斑疹伤寒的带菌者。

    A carrier who communicated typhus .

  23. 致命的外来带菌者?

    A virulent foreign vector here ?

  24. 无症状带菌者是许多传染病的基本要素,伤寒菌携带者就是一个很好的例证。

    Asymptomatic carriers are an essential element of many diseases & Typhoid Mary being a good example .

  25. 协助取得爱滋病信托基金资助的申请人,为爱滋病带菌者患者策划和发展优质和有效的服务;

    To assist successful applications of AIDS Trust Fund to plan and develop quality and effective HIV AIDS services ;

  26. 结果:支原体感染占第1位,其中包括正常带菌者,多重感染占第2位。

    Result : The mycoplasma infection is the first including carrier , the multi - infection is the second .

  27. 但亦有些人在感染后无任何症状,成为带菌者,把病菌传播。

    However , some people may not have any symptom and become a carrier and can spread the bacteria .

  28. 有报告不症状带菌者的情况,这些人没有疾病的临床症状但是能够感染其他人。

    An asymptomatic carrier state has been reported , where individuals show no clinical signs of disease but are capable of infecting others .

  29. 而结核病本身发病周期长,95%的带菌者一般不会发病,因此人们往往不太注意。

    The incidence of TB itself , long cycle , 95 % of the carriers is generally not onset , so people often do not pay attention to .

  30. 左旋氧氟沙星共治疗伤寒、副伤寒61例,总临床有效率和细菌清除率均为100%,药物不良反应发生率为3.27%,随访3个月未见再燃、复发和带菌者。

    The clinical effective rate was 100 % and all the initial pathogens were eradicated . The total adverse reactions rate was 3.27 % . No cases of recurrence , relapse and bacterial carrier were observed during 3 months after treatment .