
  1. 交换机如何知道将帧转发到哪?

    How does a switch know which port to forward a frame to ?

  2. 首先,对交换机等网络设备的帧转发机制进行了研究。

    At first , we study the forwarding mechanisms of the network element such as : Switch , Hub .

  3. 它依照透明网桥的标准(IEEE802.1d、IEEE802.1i)实现了全部的源地址跟踪、帧转发、帧格式转换、生成树协议以及其它功能。

    According to the standards of bridge ( IEEE 802.1d , IEEE 802.1i ), it realizes all of the bridging functions , such as source address tracing , frame relay , protocol conversion , spanning-tree protocol and so on .

  4. 在场景一中,虚拟交换机之间未进行隔离,对物理交换机内部虚拟交换机之间网络拓扑的生成树选举、故障恢复、数据帧的转发和Mac地址映射表的维护进行仿真实现。

    In the scene one , the virtual switches are not isolated . This paper simulates the span tree election of the network topology between the virtual switches inside of physical switch , failure recovery , data frames forwarding and Mac address mapping table maintenance .

  5. 接收机的基带处理部分主要是解调和译码,链路控制部分组帧和转发。

    The main work of the base-band process part of the receiver is demodulation and decoding , the link control part does the framing and forwarding .

  6. 文中重点介绍了Ethernet网数据帧的截取和转发。

    In the paper , we introduce the frame interception and transmission in Ethernet net .

  7. 桥接软件模块主要负责将不同网络中的数据帧进行相关的转发操作。

    Bridging software module is mainly responsible for the different networks associated data frame forwarding operations .

  8. 在数据转发模块中提出用MAC地址映射方式对数据帧地址转换,以保证在Station模式下数据帧能顺利转发,并给出了实现方法。

    In the data forwarding module , the paper proposes using MAC address mapping to translate the addess of the data frame to ensure data frame in Station mode can be forwarded smoothly , and gives the implementation .