
  • 网络intelligent routers
  1. 谷歌(Google)正力求让自己置身于家庭无线网络的中心。该公司发布了一款有望改善WiFi质量和安全性的新型“智能路由器”。

    Google is attempting to put itself at the centre of domestic wireless networks with a new " smart router " that promises to improve WiFi quality and security .

  2. FHAN中的节点称作智能接入路由器(IAR),井下各种不同信息均通过IAR接入到主干网络进行传输。

    The key nodes in FHAN are called intelligent access router ( IAR ) . Through IAR different information from other underground subsystems can access into and transmit in FHAN network .

  3. 10年来,北京方面对信息安全产品(如加密软件、智能卡和安全路由器)的生产商提出越来越苛刻的要求。

    For a decade Beijing has been making steadily stricter demands on producers of information security products such as encryption software , smart cards and secure routers .

  4. 其中,本文将智能机制与包过滤机制相结合,通过推理机和知识库对包过滤规则进行智能化控制,实现了智能型包过滤路由器;

    In this system the packet filtering rules are controlled intelligently by combining the intelligent mechanism with the package filtering mechanism ;

  5. 在各种智能建筑系统中,不仅有用于信息集中处理的工作站和桌面设备,而且还有数量众多的终端设备,包括智能传感器、智能控制器、路由器和网关等。

    There are not only workstations and desktop devices using for centralized information processing , but also numerous terminal devices , including intelligent sensor , intelligent controller , router and gateway .