
  • 网络Intellectual Quality
  1. 少数民族大学生的智力素质特点

    Characteristics of Intellectual Quality of Ethnic Minority University Students

  2. 论学生非智力素质的培养

    Developing Students ' Non - intellectual Quality

  3. 浅谈学生智力素质的培养

    Attaching Importance to Training Students Intellectual Qualities in Classroom Teaching

  4. 二是培养学生的创造性智力素质;

    Fostering the students ' intellectual diathesis of creation ;

  5. 少年儿童足球运动员的智力素质

    Intelligence Quality of Teenage Footballers

  6. 较高的智力素质;

    Higher intelligence level ;

  7. 21世纪初的基础教育课程改革无疑把学生的非智力素质培养问题推到了前台。

    Doubtlessly , foundation education reform in the beginning of 21 century pushed the problem to the stage .

  8. 提高维修技能的途径主要有课本知识传授、实践反复锻炼、非智力素质养成。

    The approach to improve the repairing skills is to teach text knowledge , do more training and improve non-intelligence quality .

  9. 因此,在中学阶段就注重培养青少年的非智力素质已成为大多数有识之士的共识。

    So the majority of farseeing scholars have paid much attention to training the youths ' non-intelligence when they are in high school .

  10. 大学生受挫主要表现在:理想与现实冲突、压力大、心理不成熟、非智力素质低下等几个方面。

    Thus , the main representations of college students ' are foiled are the conflict between ideal and reality , highly pressured , unripe psychology , the lower quality of non-intellectual factor , etc.

  11. 本文结合多年教学实践,从心理素质教育角度对如何提高学生智力素质与非智力素质以适应现代经济需求,进行了详尽的论述。

    This writing sums u practical teaching of many rears , and then carefully expounds from psychological aspects how to improve students intelletual and non-intellectual qualities so as to meet the need of modern economy .

  12. 再次,根据学生的各项非智力素质得分进行主成分分析,研究结果得到两个公共因素:自主创新精神和合作创业意识。

    Thirdly , according to the students ' scores of the personality tests the author analyze the principal components , and the researching result are two factors : independence frontier spirit and business consciousness with cooperation .

  13. 二是在探索培养中学生非智力素质的策略方面,笔者提出了个性化原则和匿名原则等传统教育较为忽视的原则;

    The other is that , on the strategy of non-intelligence training , the author put forward " the principle of respect students ' personality " and " anonymous principle ", which have been neglected by tradition education .

  14. 调查结果初步揭示了中、澳、美老年人在社会资源、身体健康状况、体力和智力素质、营养、功能独立情况、日常活动模式及对生活的满意程度等方面的差异。

    The results preliminarily revealed that there were differences of social resource , physical health , physical and mental fitness , nutrition , functional independence , daily activity pattern and life satisfaction among the old people of China , Australia , and the Unites States .

  15. 本文结合辅导员的工作和大学生本身的特点进行阐述,从而概括出新时期高校辅导员的素质要求,即:思想政治素质、职业道德素质、智力素质、心理素质。

    This paper , with both the work of counselors and the characteristics of college students , summarizes the quality requirements for the New Era College instructor , namely : the ideological and political quality , professional and moral quality , intellectual quality , and psychological quality .

  16. 体育锻炼的目的在于提升大学生的综合素质,综合素质包括思想道德素质、智力素质、身体素质和美育素质,要达到体育锻炼的目的必须掌握科学的锻炼方法。

    The aim of physical training is to improve comprehensive quality , which includes quality of ideological morality , intelligence quality , healthy quality and quality of aesthetic education . College students must grasp scientific ways of physical training in order to reach the goal of physical training .

  17. LD儿童智力心理素质低于正常儿童。

    Intelligence and psychological charateristics of children with LD were lower than those of ordinary children .

  18. 因此,陶艺教育本身具有对人的思想品质教育、人文思想教育以及树立个性、陶冶情操和发展智力等素质教育功能。

    So , ceramic art education has the function of disposition education , such as moral character education , humanities thought education , building up personality , edifying sentiment and developing intellectuality , etc.

  19. 未来战争不仅是高技术的较量,而且是作战人员智力和素质的较量,故探讨噪声、振动暴露对技术兵种,如飞行人员作业能力的影响具有重要的现实意义。

    The future war is not only the contest of high technology , but also the contest of intelligence and quality of personnel in it . The effects of exposure to noise and vibration on performance of corps like fight personnel are of very importance .

  20. 情感智力在成人素质教育中的作用

    On the Function of Emotional Intelligence in Adult Quality Education

  21. 语文的智力因素与素质教育

    The Intelligence Factor of Chinese and Quality Education

  22. 在实施素质教育的今天,多元智力理论是素质教育的最好的诠释,也是学生自主发展的重要的理论依据。

    Today in implementing quality-oriented education , the plural intelligence theory is the best explanation to the quality-oriented education , and it is also the important theoretical foundation of students ' independent development .

  23. 随着运动员身体素质、技术、战术、智力及心理素质水平的不断提高,以及规则的不断完善,防守已经进入攻击性防守阶段【61】。

    With the athletes physical , technical , tactical , mental and psychological level of the continuous improvement of quality , as well as the rules continued to be refined , aggressive defense has entered the defense phase .

  24. 从文化视角深入探究数学教育中的算法不仅有利于数学教育的现代化,而且有利于继承和发扬我国的数学文化传统,有利于促进开发和提高我国国民智力与民族素质。

    Therefore the research on algorithm teaching from a culture angle is essential , which is beneficial to the modernization of mathematics education , the inheriting and development of our mathematics tradition , and also to the improvement of our national intellectual quality .

  25. 多元智力理论对素质教育理论依据的发现、对素质教育模式的界定、对素质教育文化的创生等方面都有重要的启示作用。

    The diverse intelligence theory has an important function of enlightenment in such aspects as the discovery of the theoretical basis of quality education , the definition of the patterns of quality education , the production of the culture of quality education , etc.

  26. 素质教育要求学生的全面健康发展,学习品质这一非智力因素对促进素质教育向纵深发展有着重要的意义。

    Quality education demands a full scale development of the Students .

  27. 非智力因素应成为素质教育的重要内容

    Unintellectual Factors should be Important Substance in the Qualities Education

  28. 非智力因素教育是素质教育的应有之义

    The Role of Educating Unintelligent Factors in Quality Education

  29. 论非智力因素对编辑素质的影响

    Influences of Non-intelligence Factors on Quality of Editors

  30. 在整体上,客观性家庭教育资源与小学生智力和适应性心理素质相关极其显著,家庭主要教育影响者构成、家庭的经济与社会地位与小学生个性显著相关。

    The objective family educational resources is obviously relevant to the subjective family , educational resources .