
  • 网络Pump;pumping;charge pump
  1. 但是我们不是有个手提的空气帮浦吗?

    But don 't we have a portable air pump ?

  2. 水靠著手动帮浦和注水器被注入锅炉。

    Water is fed into the boiler by a hand pump and an injector .

  3. 帮浦没有循环时,不会点火。

    The burner will not ignition unless Circulation pump operated .

  4. 把心脏比作帮浦是很普通的比喻。

    The comparison of the heart to a pump is a very common one .

  5. 人工心脏:能在长短不等的时间内维持人体血液循环(以及氧合过程)的帮浦或机械泵。

    Artificial heart : Machine or mechanical pump that maintains Blood circulation in the human Body .

  6. 热帮浦-热帮浦指的是将热从一处搬到另一处的机器或装置。

    Heat Pumps-A heat pump is a machine or device that simply moves heat from one location to another .

  7. 在你的胰岛素帮浦上使用暂时基础率的特性可能可以帮助你让生活更容易且更安全。

    Using the temporary basal rate feature on your pump may help to make your life easier and safer .

  8. 好棒的引擎哦这是双帮浦的高级化油器你真有一套

    Whoa , nice headers . You 've got a high-rise double-pump carburetor . That 's pretty impressive , Sam.

  9. 就好像一个水泵-水帮浦,灵活的腰大肌可以促进身体滑液的流动。

    Working as a hydraulic pump , a freely moving psoas stimulates the flow of fluids throughout the body .

  10. 增压缸高压帮浦系统,包含一个液压系统,和一个控制转换系统组。

    The intensifier pump consists of a hydraulic system , a high-pressure water delivery system , and a control system .

  11. 其所带来的影响即是驱动电极的变质,而导致电液体微帮浦无法长时间运作。

    Unfortunately , it would influence the stability of electrodes and could not result the EHD micropump in long-term operation .

  12. 炉内无耐火砖,即使过上停电帮浦停止运转,亦不会有回温及过热问题。

    Fire resistant brick is unnecessary , even if power fault and circulation pump stopped propellant , the heater wouldn 't overheat .

  13. 找到两个风箱,才可以完成通道的空气帮浦。带著它们回到脱逃委员会。

    Locate a pair of Bellows to complete the oxygen pump for the tunnel , then return with them to the Escape Committee .

  14. 研究显示,使用胰岛素帮浦治疗糖尿病的方式与一天多次的胰岛素皮下注射比较,在血糖的控制方面,不但相差无几,甚至有更佳的表现。

    A number of studies have shown nearly , equal or even , superior glycemic control with insulin pump therapy compared with multiple daily subcutaneous insulin injections .

  15. 主机内帮浦为本公司长时间研究及开发,可长时间连续运转,安静无声而且不会因长时间运转而致轴心磨损而致漏水。

    The pump in center unit has been also in long time research , designed for long-lasting function , quiet and won 't cause leak due to axle damaged .

  16. 虽然无帮浦手术不见得适用所有状况(像我就是一例),但对某些没法承受心肺机的病患而言,也许是另一种选择。

    Although off-pump surgery may not be suitable for every situation ( it was not in my case ), it may be an option for some patients who cannot tolerate the stress of the heart-lung machine .

  17. 我们将工程师和科学家的技术结合到一起,为将麻醉药应用到后手术阶段,那样的话病人们就不需要一直随身带着自控式止痛帮浦和其他东西了。

    It brought the skills of the engineers together with the skills of the scientists to develop a patch which will deliver a narcotic for post-operative use , so that patients don 't have to carry around PC A pumps and everything else with them all of the time .