
bāng qiāng
  • vocal accompaniment in some traditional Chinese operas;join in singing behind the stage;vocal accompaniment;sing the same tune;echo
帮腔 [bāng qiāng]
  • (1) [vocal accompaniment;sing the same tune]∶台上人主唱、多人在台后和唱的戏曲演唱形式

  • (2) [echo]∶帮衬,支持;替人说话

  • 无人帮腔

帮腔[bāng qiāng]
  1. 无人帮腔,我一句话也说不了。

    I couldn 't say a single sentence without somebody interjecting .

  2. 如果奥斯特曼存心要胡闹,那你去给他帮腔干吗?

    If Osterman wants to play the goat , why should you help him out ?

  3. 另外,川剧的司鼓艺术、帮腔艺术等都体现出独特的喜剧特征。

    In addition , the music and the art of drum epitomize these special comedy characters too .

  4. 仅仅有两个候选人提起了枪支问题,而竟然都是-在为持枪合法帮腔。

    Only two candidates said anything about guns , and that was to support the right to have them .

  5. 尽管班纳特太太有了五个女儿帮腔,向她丈夫问起彬格莱先生这样那样,可是丈夫的回答总不能叫她满意。

    NOT all that Mrs. Bennet , however , with the assistance of her five daughters , could ask on the subject was sufficient to draw from her husband any satisfactory description of Mr. Bingley .