
chánɡ wù lǐ shì
  • standing director;managing director;executive manager
  1. 哈佛商学院MBA招生办常务理事迪伊•利奥波德(DeeLeopold)说,哈佛商学院2013年计划招生920人(名额宝贵),申请者如今只需提交两篇申请短文(essay),而以前要求4篇。

    MBAs who hope to be awarded one of its 920 coveted places for entry in 2013 will now only have to submit two essays instead of the previous four , says Dee Leopold , managing director for MBA admissions .

  2. “至今为止,马来西亚皇家海关在全国范围内的偷袭检查活动越来越多地取得成功,”其常务理事JackBowles声明说。

    " This can be seen through the ever increasing successful raids across the country by the RMC to date ," said its Managing Director Jack Bowles in a statement .

  3. 爱德华裁判目前担任在GreatWestern梗犬协会的常务理事,是美国西部最主要的狗展。

    Judge Edwards currently serves on the Board of Great Western Terrier Association , which is the premier terrier show of the Western United States .

  4. 新城市基金会(NewCitiesFoundation)常务理事马蒂厄•勒费夫尔(MathieuLefevre)提出了停车场在未来的另一可能用途:小型公园。

    Another potential future for parking spaces : mini-parks , says Mathieu Lefevre , executive director of the New Cities Foundation .

  5. 她现在是前庭系统疾病协会(VestibularDisordersAssociation)的常务理事,她说患有前庭系统疾病的人也更容易患晕动病。

    Now the executive director of the Vestibular Disorders Association , Ms. Ryan says individuals with vestibular disorders are prone to motion sickness .

  6. 他是前任美国全国牛头梗俱乐部的常务理事及GOLDENSTATE牛头梗俱乐部的会长,和BTCA福利救济基金会的常务理事。

    He is past President of the Golden State Bull Terrier Club and former board member of the national Bull Terrier Club of America , and of the BTCA Welfare Foundation .

  7. 尽管海地仍然处于优先地位,UNICEF副常务理事HildeJohnson告诉VOA,仍有许多其他紧急事务是非常关键的,必须予以解决。

    While Haiti remains a , UNICEF Deputy Executive Director , Hilde Johnson tells VOA there are many other emergencies that are critical and must be addressed .

  8. EricHartman是Amizade的常务理事,他在1994年的时候在巴西产生了这个想法,这就一这个葡萄牙名字的来源。

    Amizade 's executive director , Eric Hartman , thought of the idea in Brazil in nineteen ninety-four , which explains the Portuguese name .

  9. 中国航海学会二届二次常务理事扩大会议纪要

    Minutes from Second Enlarged Meeting of the Second Standing Committee of CIN

  10. 中国海洋湖沼学会第六届理事会理事长、副理事长、常务理事、秘书长

    Members of the Sixth Council of Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology

  11. 中国名人文化艺术交流中心常务理事。

    Standing director of China Celebrity International Arts Exchange Center .

  12. 我国综合交通若干理论与实践问题分析&中国交通运输工程学会常务理事(扩大)会会议纪实

    Analysis on Some Issues of Comprehensive Transport System of China

  13. 联合会的一切解释权属于本联合会常务理事。

    Federation 's all explanation power belongs to this federation routine director .

  14. 树立科学的稳定观深化青少年犯罪问题研究&在云南省青少年犯罪研究会常务理事会议上的讲话

    Establishing the Scientific Stability View and Deepening the Research in the Juvenile Delinquency

  15. 中国认证认可协会常务理事单位。

    Standing member of China Certification and accreditation association .

  16. 中国诗歌学会会员、国际诗歌音乐协会常务理事。

    He is a member of Chinese Poetry Association , a standing director of ISPM .

  17. 常务理事由理事推选,并从常务理事中推选会长、副会长。

    The Council members elect its President , Vice Presidents and other Standing Council Members .

  18. 现任河北省针灸学会常务理事;河北省针灸学会器械专业委员会主任委员;

    I am a common member of a council of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Academyin Hebei province now ;

  19. 现任中国针灸学会临床分会常务理事。

    Now He is the managing director of the Clinical Branch of China Acupuncture and Moxibustion Association .

  20. 中国商业联合会授予中国国际水产网中国商业联合会常务理事单位。

    China Chamber of Commerce awarded the China International Aquatic Network as a standing board member of China Chamber of Commerce .

  21. 本人目前担任中国通信学会常务理事、通信设备制造技术委员会主任委员、中国高科技产业化研究会常务理事等职。

    Zhang is the standing director of Communication Equipment Manufacturing Society , China Institute of Communications , and China Hi-Tech Industrialization Association .

  22. 常务理事名额和产生办法由负责筹备召开会员代表大会的理事会决定。

    The number and selection method is decided by the Council who is charged with making preparation for the convening of the Council .

  23. 理事会是艺术独立论坛的最高权力机构,有理事长、副理事长、常务理事和理事;

    The board is the highest authority of the Art Independent Forum , with Chairman , Vice Chairman , Executive Director and Director .

  24. 中国地震学会第二届六次在京常务理事扩大会议召开

    Opening of the sixth enlarged meeting of members of the Standing Council in beijing , the second congress of the Seismological Society of China

  25. 会长、副会长、秘书长、副秘书长、司库、常务理事、理事均可连选连任。

    The president , vice president , treasurer , secretary-general , assistant secretary-general , treasurer , executive members and council members may be re-elected consecutively .

  26. 厦门市美术家协会会员,现任厦门市油画产业协会及思明区商会明发艺术城协会常务理事。

    Xiamen artist association member , current xiamen oil painting industry association and the Amoy area chamber of commerce clearly sends the art city association .

  27. 我是社会工作者,游说者,也是全国社会工作者协会常务理事的特别助理。

    I am a social worker , a lobbyist , and a special assistant to the executive director at the National Association of Social Workers .

  28. 现为中国美术家协会藏书票研究会常务理事。

    Joined in Chinese Exlibris Research Institute , China Artists Society ( 2008 ) . Executive member of Chinese Exlibris Research Institute , China Artists Society .

  29. 本公司是江苏省工商联工业陶瓷同业商会常务理事单位,长期和国内高校的著名专家教授研讨,致力于新型高技术陶瓷的应用开发。

    The company is a standing director member of ceramic General Chamber business association and cooperates with college technology experts to develop advanced structure ceramic products .

  30. 山西中医药学会常务理事,中医外科分会副主任委员,傅山医学研究会副主任委员。

    He also is executive director of Shanxi society of TCM 、 vice chairman of surgery branch of TCM and vice chairman of Fushan medicine research society .