
  1. 常振明还表示,中信泰富将整合自己及国有母公司中信集团(citicgroup)的房地产业务。

    Chang Zhenming , who became chairman and managing director in April , also said CITIC Pacific would integrate its real estate operations with that of CITIC Group , its Chinese state-owned parent .

  2. 常振明表示,中澳铁矿项目的规模是国内最大的铁矿石项目的四倍。

    Mr Chang says Sino Iron is four times bigger than any iron ore project at home .

  3. 常振明表示,重组后,中信泰富的经营重点将为钢铁、铁矿石和房地产业务。

    Following the reorganisation , Mr Chang said CITIC Pacific would focus on steel , iron ore and real estate .

  4. 常振明表示,他希望调整金融和非金融业务的平衡,并提高非金融单位的盈利能力。

    Mr Chang said he wanted to rebalance financial and non-financial businesses , and to improve the profitability of the non-financial units .

  5. 常振明表示,处于丑闻中心的澳元交易合约已得到重组,公司不会遭受进一步亏损。

    Mr Chang said the Australian dollar contracts at the centre of the scandal had been restructured and that the company would suffer no further losses .

  6. 同时还担任中信集团副董事长兼总经理的常振明昨日表示,公司希望在未来数月找到新的总经理。

    Mr Chang , also vice-chairman and President of the CITIC Group , said yesterday the company hoped to find a new managing director in the next few months .

  7. 常振明表示:我们打算出售或重组那些不能产生满意回报,或我们不能积极参与管理的业务。他补充称,任何出售都没有时间表。

    Businesses that do not generate satisfactory returns or where we cannot actively participate in management , we intend to sell or restructure , said Mr Chang , adding that there was no timetable for any sale .

  8. 主持那些谈判的显然也是常振明,他当时担任建行行长。谈判内容包括建行购入贝尔斯登的可转换债券,这些债券可转换成贝尔斯登不超过20%的股权。

    Those negotiations were also apparently led by Mr Chang , who was president of CCB at the time , and involved the Chinese bank buying convertible bonds that could be translated into an equity stake of up to 20 per cent in Bear .