
  • 网络permanent establishment principle;the principle of permanent establishment
  1. 电子商务全球性、即时性和直接性的特点,使得常设机构原则面临着挑战。

    Because electronic commerce is global , simutaneous and direct in nature , the principle of permanent establishment is being faced with challenges .

  2. 例如避险交易的所得列入营业所得,按照常设机构原则,实行来源地税收管辖权;投机交易所得列入资本利得,对其征收预提税。

    For example , the profits of the Hedging transactions should be deemed as business income , and according to permanent establishment principle , the tax authority have source tax jurisdiction .

  3. 文章首先简单的介绍了常设机构原则在电子商务环境下受到的挑战。

    First is the challenges brought by e-commerce .

  4. 跨国电子商务环境下常设机构原则适用问题研究

    On the Research of the Rules of the Permanent Establishment in the Cross-border e-commerce

  5. 对跨国纳税人的直接投资中的营业所得,采用常设机构原则,由常设机构所在国享有独占征税权。

    That is , the country that the general permanent establishment lies in has the exclusive taxing right .

  6. 税收管辖权如何在国家间合理分配;常设机构原则如何适用;所得性质如何恰当确定等问题困扰着世界上大多数国家的学者。

    Scholars of most countries have been facing with such problems as how to allocate tax jurisdiction between countries , how to apply to principle of permanent establishment , or how to appropriately define the nature of incomes .