
péi chánɡ lǜ
  • Compensation rate;reparation duty
  1. 利用计数过程的理论和鞅论,得到了状态准备金的计算公式及其所满足的随机微分方程以及特定环境下的Thiele微分方程,从而计算出个人账户的退休金净赔偿率。

    Using the theory of counting process and martingale , we get the formula of state reserve and its stochastic differential equation . Therefore the Thiele 's differential equation is obtained as well as the net indemnity rate of retirement from individual accounts .

  2. 伯恩:本着这种精神,我建议我们采用一种累进赔偿率。

    In this spirit , I suggest we adopt a progressive penalty tate .

  3. 对轻度次品,赔偿率等于价值的20%。

    For minor ones , the penalty will be 20 % of the value .

  4. 也就是说,一件次品女衫的赔偿率与这件女衫的价值相等。

    That is , for each defective blouse , the penalty will be the value of the blouse .

  5. 我认为这些次品可分为两类,我们应该为它们分别规定不同的赔偿率。

    I think such defects fall into two types and we should work out different penalty rates for them .

  6. 英国央行此前只是按照赔偿率提供隔夜贷款,而且只接受英国国债等优质抵押品。

    The bank had previously only lent money at penalty rate overnight and only for high-quality collateral such as gilts .

  7. 噢…我想要是我有资格证的话我们的赔偿率会高一点儿

    Oh ... you see , I thought that I would get a better rate , once I was certified .

  8. 伯恩:假如次品率超过5%,赔偿率则是200%,整批衣服将退还给你。

    The penalty rate will be 200 % and the whole lot will be returned to you if the defect rate exceeds 5 % .

  9. 在对于医疗纠纷的处理选择上,患者均把经济赔偿作为首选的解决方式,其中自费患者的经济赔偿率最高。

    All patients chose economic compensation as the first resolution way of medical disputes , and the rate of economic compensation was highest in patients of own expense . Then at the 6 point will lead to a higher pregnancy rate .