
péi fù lǜ
  • loss ration
赔付率[péi fù lǜ]
  1. 农业保险在实际的运作中面临许多难题,赔付率过高、经营亏损、总体规模小、发展缓慢,难以发挥在农业防灾、减损方面的重要作用。

    The actual operation of agricultural insurance confronts many problems , such as high loss ration , operating losses , the small size of the overall scale , the slow pace of development , difficulty in playing the role of disaster prevention and impairment aspects .

  2. 我国保险业赔付率研究

    The research on Chinese insurance industry 's rate of compensation

  3. 赔付率对信用风险量化度量值的影响分析

    On the Influence of Default Recovery Rate on the Measurement of Credit Risk

  4. 我国保险业赔付率过低的理论探索

    The Theoretic Search of the Phenomena that the Rate of Atonement in Our country 's Underwriting is Over Low

  5. 当分布函数假设不成立时,赔付率的数据分析过程不能让人信服,结论也无意义。

    When this assumption is not well-established , the following analysis made lost its the basis , and the conclusion is unconvincing .

  6. 选用最大值原理对最优赔付率进行数学推导,从而得出不同目标下的最优赔付率。

    Through analyzing relative factors and establishing the mathematic model , the essay evaluates the objective functions under different optimized control index .

  7. 各地区的赔付率和费用率之间存在反常的负向相关关系,反映了交强险在费用分摊中存在某种不合理现象。

    The abnormal negative correlation between loss ratios and expense ratios of31 provinces indicates existence of irregular expense allocation in compulsory automobile liability insurance .

  8. 金融危机更会引发保险行业保费收入下降、保险赔付率上升和偿付能力恶化等行业性风险。

    The financial crisis will lead to a decline in the insurance industry , premiums , insurance and the solvency deterioration in loss ratio increased industry risk .

  9. 分析师和经理人习惯上看综合赔付率。确实,这个尺度通常是公司盈利排名的好指标。

    Analysts and managers customarily look to the combined ratio-and it 's true that this yardstick usually is a good indicator of where a company ranks in profitability .

  10. 然而目前我国在巨灾保险方面却非常落后,巨灾保险的赔付率总体上也不到千分之一。

    But our country has fallen behind in the field of catastrophe insurance . Up till the present moment , the loss ratio of catastrophe insurance is less than 1 % .

  11. 我们可以降低赔付率,限制某些冒险治疗比如某些形式的膝盖和背部手术,并且对临终关怀加以限制。

    We could cut some reimbursement rates , limit coverage for some of the more speculative treatments , like some forms of knee and back surgery , and place more limits on end-of-life-care .

  12. 目前各保险公司普遍使用收付实现制下的赔付率,它受业务增长率、费用率及分保状况等多种因素影响。

    At present , insurance company generally use claim ratio under cash basis of accounting . Many factors will affect it , including growth rate of business , expense ratio and status of reinsurance .

  13. 在长尾情况下,一个115%(或者更高)的综合赔付率可能是盈利的,因为由浮存产生的收益将超过15%的索赔和费用出超保费部分。

    In long-tail situations a combined ratio of115 ( or even more ) can prove profitable , since earnings produced by the float will exceed the15 % by which claims and expenses overrun premiums .

  14. 我国曾在上世纪九十年代短暂开展过环境污染责任保险,后因保费厘定的不科学、赔付率低等原因而陷入了无人投保的尴尬境地。

    In the nineties of the last century , China had been carried out short-term environmental pollution liability insurance , the latter because of the unscientific premium and low payment rates no one participated in the insurance .

  15. 在这个过程中,防范保险欺诈、降低赔付率、搞好理赔管理成为各家保险公司增加利润、巩固经营成果的有效途径。

    During the courses , it is an effective way of increasing profit and strengthening run achievement to be on guard of insurance fraud , to lower claim rate and to better claims handling for every insurance company .

  16. 农业保险发展缓慢,原因主要在于以下两方面:一方面是农业保险自身的特点,高风险性、高赔付率、高亏损率的特性。

    The development of agricultural insurance is slow , reason lies mainly in the following two aspects : one is the characteristics of agricultural insurance , high risk , high through the characteristics of high rate , losses .

  17. 究其原因,一是保险的赔付率过低,而保费却过高。二是对造成环境侵权的单位惩罚力度不足以让其设法转嫁这类风险。

    The reason is , first , insurance , payment rates are too low , while the premiums are too high ; second , a unit of environmental infringement punishment was inadequate for them to transfer such risks .

  18. 然而,水产养殖保险的高赔付率不仅严重制约着这一市场的发展,上世纪末一些已经进入的保险公司也因利润低甚至亏损而撤离了这一领域。

    However , the high risks and low profits gained by the company not only seriously constrained the development of aquaculture insurance market , and also compelled the underwriters to withdraw their operation at the end of last century .

  19. 自1992年起,我国农业保险业务逐年萎缩,农业保险赔付率过高已成为保险公司开办此项业务的主要障碍,农业保险市场出现了供求“双冷”的局面。

    The operation of commercial agriculture insurance has been reduced sharply since 1992 . the biggest obstacle of the business of companies is too high compensation rate , and this leads to thinness of the supply and demand on the market .

  20. 运用最优化理论对铁路保价运输赔付率的确定进行研究,通过对有关因素的分析与数学模型的建立,求出不同最优控制指标情况下的目标函数。

    The essay analyzes how to determine the compensation rate for railway value insured transportation by using optimization theory . Through analyzing relative factors and establishing the mathematic model , the essay evaluates the objective functions under different optimized control index .

  21. 其结果不但团体健康保险产品种类少,价格偏高,现有的市场需求得不到有效满足,而且赔付率高,整个团体健康保险市场基本处于亏损状态。

    Its result in not only product category is limited , the price is higher , the existing market demand can not be met , but also the rate of compensation is high , the whole industry is totally in the state of poor performance .

  22. 对保险公司交强险下主动赔付率低问题,从客观方面与主观方面,分析了产生这一问题的根源,指出了各项因素在案例中的表现。

    Strong risks of insurance companies to take the initiative to pay the low rate of payment problems , from an objective and subjective , the analysis of the root causes of this problem arise , noting that various factors in the case of performance .

  23. 由于我国车险刚刚起步,各个管理环节尚不完善,导致车险出险频率较高,车险赔付率居高不下,严重超出预定的赔付率上限。

    Since auto insurance in our country just developed for a few years , the management link is still not perfect . That leads to high frequency of insurance claim and high loss ratio ( around 60 % ), which is much higher than the predetermined upper limit .

  24. 据调查显示,我国居民对健康保险的需求高居人身保险业务之首,但健康保险赔付率高,经营成本高,可提费用低,管理难度大,保险公司经营积极性普遍不高。

    It is found out in consumer survey that demands for health insurance ranks much higher than demands for other types of life insurance for Chinese consumers . However , high claims rate , high operational cost , low expense allowance and management difficulty make it unattractive to many insurers .