
péi kuǎn
  • pay an indemnity;pay reparations;cash indemnity;indemnity;reparation;restitution;redress
赔款 [péi kuǎn]
  • [reparation;pay an indemnity] 用钱赔偿给对方造成的损失,也指用来赔偿损失的钱(多指大额的)

赔款[péi kuǎn]
  1. 根据这项条约,他们应赔款500万美元。

    Under this treaty , they were to pay an indemnity for five million dollars .

  2. 战败国有时必须向战胜国赔款。

    When a country have is defeat in war , it sometimes have to pay an indemnity to the winner .

  3. 以色列得到了几十亿美元的战争赔款。

    Israel accepted billions of dollars in war reparations .

  4. 为了争取庭外和解,莫尔肯同意赔款。

    In an attempt to settle the case , Molken has agreed to pay restitution

  5. 扣除战争赔款后,余下的钱将用于购买食品和人道主义物资。

    After deductions for war reparations , the balance would be used to buy food and humanitarian supplies .

  6. 她对偷盗歌曲版权和姐妹没有获得赔款而感到愤怒。

    She was angry about the theft of the song and the failure to pay to her sisters .

  7. 割地之外,又索去了巨大的赔款。

    In addition to annexing territory , they exacted huge indemnities .

  8. 经验证明大量的赔款是行不通的

    Experience shows that large indemnities do not work .

  9. 她要求赔款遭到拒绝,原因是她事先没有交纳保险费

    Her claim was disallowed on the ground ( s ) that she had not paid her premium .

  10. 在DFA中运用动态线性模型评估未决赔款准备金

    Dynamical Linear Model for Estimating Outstanding Loss Reserve under DFA Framework

  11. 同时还给出了通过三参数对数正态分布模型的MCMC模拟获得未决赔款准备金的后验分布图,更加直观的表现其数据特征。

    Also presented by the three-parameter lognormal distribution model MCMC simulation was outstanding claims reserve posterior distribution map , the performance of its more intuitive data features .

  12. 将机动车辆中常见的无赔款优待NCD(No-ClaimDiscount)计费方法和信度理论应用到团险定价中,拓展了团险定价方法。

    The No-Claim Discount model and credibility theory are taken into the pricing of group life insurance with its application . These introductions developed the pricing method of group life insurance .

  13. 传统的未决赔款准备金评估方法一般只关注准备金的估计值,无法得到准备金评估的精度。所以,在DFA负债模块中需要引入随机准备金评估方法。

    Because traditional reserving methods can not provide the precise of reserving , stochastic reserving methods are used in DFA to provide the estimate of reserve variability , not only in the reserve estimates themselves .

  14. 免赔额和NCD赔付条件下保险索赔次数的分布超额赔款再保险又分为险位超赔再保险、事故超赔再保险和累积超赔再保险三种方式。

    The Distribution about Numbers of Claims on Homogeneous Policyholders under NCD System and Stop Loss Insurance Excess of loss reinsurance composed of per risk excess of loss , per occurrence excess of loss and stop loss reinsurance .

  15. 第二章,现行未决赔款准备金估算方法。首先,分别介绍了链梯法、准备金进展法、平均赔付额方法以及B-F方法的计算原理。

    First of all , it introduces the methods and principles of the chain ladder method , the reserve development method , the payments per claim incurred method , and B-F method .

  16. 根据费用发生的时间与准备金评估时点的关系,未决赔款准备金分为已发生未报案未决赔款(IBNR)准备金、已发生已报案未决赔款准备金和理赔费用准备金。

    According to the delays and reserve evaluation time , the loss reserve can be divided into three parts : incurred but not reported ( IBNR ) reserve , case reserve and claim adjustment expenses reserve .

  17. 在20世纪20年代,国际商会主要关注战争赔款及战争债务。

    In the 1920s ICC focused on reparations and war debts .

  18. 和谈因战后赔款问题而中止。

    Peace talks have broken down over the question of reparations .

  19. 被盗的赔款是按保险额的80%。

    By the reparations of pilfer be80 % what press risk .

  20. 战胜国要求战败国交付巨额赔款。

    The victorious nation is demanding huge indemnities from its former enemy .

  21. 美国第一次退还庚子赔款研究

    Study on the First Remission of the American Boxer Indemnity

  22. 美国国会为政府不公平待遇道歉甚至赔款相当罕见。

    Apologies for government mistreatment and reparations have been rare in Congress .

  23. 随机模拟在未决赔款准备金中的应用研究

    The Research on the Application of Stochastic Simulation in Outstanding Claims Reserve

  24. 基于第二章的分析,本章引入广义线性模型对未决赔款准备金进行估算。广义线性模型作为对普通线性回归的扩展,已引入到非寿险精算中。

    This chapter introduces generalized linear model to estimate the loss reserving .

  25. 卡尔曼滤波在非寿险未决赔款准备金估算中的应用

    Application of Kalman Filter in Estimating No-life Outstanding Claims Reserving

  26. 保险公司未决赔款准备金评估模型探析

    Assess the Models of Outstanding Claims Reserve for Insurance Companies

  27. 而这些因素对未决赔款准备金的影响往往很难定量描述。

    It is often difficult to describe these factors quantitatively .

  28. 已决赔款(万美元)仲裁赔款[解决投资争端国际中心]

    Settled Claim ( USD 10 000 ) | award [ ICSID ]

  29. 我认为你有权向保险公司索取赔款。

    I think you can claim from the insurance .

  30. 在银行开始营业后不久,就发生了赔款支付的延期偿付。

    A moratorium or reparations payments emerged soon after the bank began operations .