
  • 网络Conventional rice;Oriza sativa
  1. 以北方杂交稻和常规稻品种为试验材料,用Logistic方程对不同品种的籽粒灌浆过程进行了拟合。

    Grain filling characters of hybrid and conventional rice cultivars from northern China were analyzed by Logistic equation .

  2. 长江下游地区常规稻株高与甲烷排放量显著正相关(P0.05)。

    Significantly positive correlation was found between methane emission and plant height for the conventional super-rice in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 杂交稻和常规稻生育后期对NO3~&N和NH4~+-N的营养效应

    Comparison of nh_4 ~ + - n and no_3 ~ & n nutrition in hybrid and conventional rice at the late growth stage

  4. 利用水培试验对两种基因型水稻(杂交稻威优1126和常规稻渐辐802),在不同生长发育时期对环境Cd的吸收和再分配特性进行了比较研究。

    Comparative study was made on the characteristics of Cd uptake and redistribution in the different stages by two genic rice ( i.e. , hybrid rice " Weiyou 1126 " and conventional rice " Zhefu 802 ") under water culture experiment .

  5. 旱稻品种巴西陆稻根冠比(R/S)在干旱胁迫后显著上升,上升幅度达28.8%,而不同常规稻品种根冠比(R/S)在干旱胁迫后的变化均不明显。

    After drought stress , the root to shoot ratio ( R / S ) of Brazilian upland rice varieties increased significantly , the rising extent was 28.8 % , but the root to shoot ratio ( R / S ) of normal rice varieties changed few .

  6. 糙米中Cd含量相对较低的常规稻和杂交稻分别为湘早籼42和T优705。第四章比较了海泡石、骨炭、硅肥3种改良剂修复重金属Cd污染稻田的效果。

    Cd content in brown rice is relatively low in conventional rice and hybrid rice were Xiang Zao-xian 42 and T-you 705.Chapter IV compared the Cd pollution restoration effect of soil of the three modifiers ( Sepiolite , Bone char , and Silicon fertilizer ) .

  7. 供试常规稻与杂交稻根系积累Cd的动态变化存在差异,茎叶积累Cd的动态变化相似,水稻生育周期的长短直接或间接的影响水稻对Cd的积累变化。

    The dynamic change of the Cd concentration was different in root of selected conventional rice varieties and hybrid rice , and similar in leaf and stem . The fertility cycle length of rice directly or indirectly impacted the accumulation changes of rice to heavy metal Cd .

  8. 土壤退化指数(SDI)表明,稻-草轮作模式稻田土壤质量都有不同程度的提高,而常规稻作系统稻田土壤质量有轻微下降。

    In addition , soil degeneration index ( SDI ) also suggested that , compared to the waster land in this study area , paddy field increased to varying degree under all rice-ryegrass rotation systems and decreased slightly under conventional cropping system in the present study .

  9. 我国常规稻主栽品种的遗传变异分析

    SSR Analysis of Genetic Variation in Chinese Major Inbred Rice Varieties

  10. 对叶绿素含量影响程度为杂交稻>常规稻>野生稻;

    For chlorophyll contents : hybrid rice > common rice > wild rice ;

  11. 华南广适性超级常规稻株型特点初探

    Preliminary study on plant type of wide adaptability super rice in South China

  12. 杂交稻与常规稻对钾的需求和利用效率研究

    Potassium Requirement and Efficiencies of Inbred and Hybrid Rice

  13. 长期不同施肥下杂交稻与常规稻的产量与土壤养分平衡

    Yield of inbred rice and hybrid rice and soil nutrient balance under long-term fertilization

  14. 新引菲律宾主栽常规稻品种的观察与利用评价

    Observation and Evaluation on Philippine-bred Inbred Rice Varieties

  15. 杂交稻脯氨酸含量上升的趋势大于常规稻。

    The increase of proline content in hybrid rice was more than that in traditional rice .

  16. 常规稻选育技术则通过“半矮秆、早长、根深”、大穗型和多穗广适应型超级稻品种选育取得成功。

    Conventional super-rice varieties was bred through selecting semi-dwarf , big spike-type and multi-spike with broadly-adaptability type .

  17. 在养分的吸收和利用效率方面,杂交稻较常规稻表现出明显的生理优势。

    Hybrid rices behaved of physiology advantage in nutrient uptake and use efficiency than that of inbred rice .

  18. 与常规稻类同,数量抗性和不同病区田间异地同步抗性可作为区分杂交稻是否具有持久抗性的指标;

    Quantitative resistance and field resistance in different blast conducive areas could be as indicators of durability of resistance .

  19. 插植苗数对杂交稻和常规稻碳氮代谢及籽粒灌浆影响的初步研究

    Effect of the number of planting seedling on CARBOHYDRATE-NITROGEN metabolism and grain filling in hybrid rice and ordinary rice

  20. 对东北杂交稻与常规稻的产量形成过程和产量结构进行了分析。

    The process of forming yield and their components of hybrid and conventional rice in Northern China were analyzed .

  21. 插秧量与行距配置对北方杂交稻和常规稻产量及其构成因子的影响

    Effects of Seedling Quantity and Row Spacing on Yields and Yield Components of Hybrid and Conventional Rice in Northern China

  22. 结果表明,经不同浓度的酸雨喷淋后,杂交稻、常规稻和野生稻的叶片叶绿素含量、叶片相对电导率和产量性状等均发生了改变。

    The result showed that the sprayed acid rain affected external osmotic ratio of electrolyte , chlorophyll content and the yield .

  23. 研究结果对了解我国常规稻品种的遗传结构以及籼粳交育种具有一定的意义。

    These results will be helpful to understand the genetic structure of Chinese major inbred rice varieties and indicajaponica hybridization breeding in China .

  24. 同时,比较研究了杂交稻与常规稻在不同淹涝强度处理后的生理生化变化。

    At one time , physiologic and biochemical changes between hybrid and inbred rice after different submergence stress was compared in the paper .

  25. 不同的宗谱在杂交稻与常规稻上的分布存在差异,有着自己的优势寄主。

    The distribution of each genetic lineage is different in hybridized rice and conventional rice and there are special host for each genetic lineage .

  26. 适合中国国情的方法主要有杂交稻替代常规稻,沼渣肥替代纯有机肥。

    Using biogas generator residues to substitute fresh organic fertilizers and using the hybrid rice instead of normal rice cultivars are suitable to China .

  27. 孕穗期淹涝胁迫后,杂交稻和常规稻之间产量及相关经济性状的差异均未达到显著水平。

    However , the differences of all traits investigated for economic yield between hybrid rice and CRV were not significant under complete submergence at booting stage .

  28. 与常规稻作相比,稻鸭共作能显著提高土壤微生物数量,其中细菌数最多,放线菌次之,真菌最少。

    Rice-duck complex ecosystem could increase significantly soil microorganisms amount , in which bacteria amount were largest , actinomyces amount took second and the fungi amount were least .

  29. 我国杂交稻面积已超过常规稻面积,到达60%以上。

    The area of hybrid rice , reaching to more than 60 % of the conventional rice area in China , is larger than that of inbred rice .

  30. 分蘖期遭受淹涝胁迫杂交稻的忍耐力优于常规稻,淹涝后的活苗率显著高于常规稻;

    Compared with CRV , hybrid rice had better tolerance ability , higher survival and more rapid recovery growth from adverse stress under complete submergence stress at tillering stage ;