
chánɡ liànɡ fēn xī
  • macroanalysis
  1. 常量分析的质量管理与控制图的程序设计

    A program of quality management in macro method and controlled diagram

  2. 本方法适用于微量甲醇的分析,同时也可用于常量分析。

    This method applies to trace quantity , also ordinary quantity , of methanol .

  3. 乒乓球旋转的实验研究&国家乒乓球队主要技术转速常量分析

    Experimental Research in Table Tennis Spins

  4. 降低分流比,增加进样量,提高灵敏度,使常量分析提高到痕量分析。

    It decreases the fractional flow ratio , increases sample injection rate and sensitivity , so as to improve macro-analysis to trace analysis .

  5. 对太湖现代沉积物进行了X射线衍射分析、粒度分析和常量元素分析,由此推断它们的矿物成分、化学风化程度差异,并分析了不同的水动力条件和物源。

    On the basis of X-ray diffraction , sedimental size and major elements analyses , we deduce the chemical weathering degree of sediments in Taihu Lake and illuminate the hydrodynamic condition and the source of sediments .

  6. 原盐常量自动分析系统

    An automatic rude salt analyzing system

  7. 常量元素分析,矿石中具有较高的硅、镁、三价铁、硫等元素含量。

    Analysis of constant element shows that ore is with high silicon , magnesium , ferric iron , sulfur .

  8. 根据常量元素分析结果,对个旧地区锡多金属矿尾矿进行了岩石化学分类;

    According to the major elements analysis , the classification of tailings in Gejiu tin-polymetallic mine was made by the petrochemistry .

  9. 砂岩的常量元素分析结果表明,大部分砂岩为杂砂岩,属于复理石盆地的浊积岩范畴;

    The analysis of constant elements in the sandstone indicates that the majority of sandstones are composed of greywacke , belonging to the turbidite in a flysch basin .

  10. 常量元素分析与相关图解接近活动大陆边缘和大陆岛弧环境,与火山岩的大地构造环境具有相同的结论。

    According to the characteristics and the related diagram of major element , they are close to the active continental margin and island arc environment , which are same as the tectonic environment of volcanic rock .

  11. 实践证明,改进的凯氏定氮装置完全可以满足常量定氮分析。

    The practice proved that the improved equipment of Kjeldadhl method can meet the requirements of constant nitrogen analysis completely .

  12. 高频电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP&AES)具有分析速度快、线性范围宽,能同时分析的特点,进一步改善其精密度,可应用于合金常量含量元素分析。

    ICP AES method is characterized by quick analysis , broad linear range and simultaneous analysis ability , so it will be employed to determine element concentration in alloy if its accuracy is improved .

  13. 通过对常量元素的分析表明,罗纳河中常量阴阳离子的含量顺序为HCO-3>Ca2+>SO2-4>Na+>Cl->Mg2+>K+,流域内溶解态组份的含量主要受碳酸盐的溶蚀控制。

    The concentration order of the major elements is HCO - _3 > Ca 2 + > SO 2 - _4 > Na + > Cl - > Mg 2 + > K + , which is controlled by the weathering and erosion of carbonates .

  14. 对这些沙丘砂的沉积构造观察以及粒度、扫描电镜和常量化学元素分析结果表明:(1)这些沙丘砂具有与现代沙丘砂相似的风成沉积构造特征;

    We have observed the structure of these dune sands and analyzed the grain-size , surface textural features and several main chemical elements of them , the results showed that : ( 1 ) these dune sands have some eolian structure characteristics which are similar to the recent dune sands ;

  15. 普朗克常量测定的误差分析

    T h e Error Analysis in Measuring Planck Constant

  16. 长寿老人血清和头发微量及常量元素的测定分析

    A study on trace and common elements in serum and hair of long lived old people

  17. 夏季北半球地气耦合非定常距平模式中瞬变量与定常量关系的诊断分析

    Diagnostic Analysis for the Transient Terms and Steady Terms in a Nonsteady Atmosphere-Earth Surface Coupled Anomaly Model in the Northern Summer

  18. 长白山火山机构信息系统是在系统设计与分析基础上建立的,共有5个模块组成:①长白山地区火山岩岩石化学数据库系统;②常量元素岩石化学分析系统;

    Changbai mountain volcanic apparatus information system been built up based on system designing and analysing , it consists of five models .

  19. 以青海湖地区各类植被中采集的46种主要植物样品,进行6种常量营养元素的分析测试,得到了区内主要植物常量营养元素的一些特征。

    This paper presents the characteristics of the contents of six grand nutrition elements in 46 plant specties collected from Qinghai Lake region .

  20. 除了继续发展其在高含量、常量和微量元素分析上高精度、高稳定性的固有特点之外,在进一步提高灵敏度,使分析范围扩展到痕量分析范围;开拓微区面分布的元素成像分析;

    Except the WD-XRF develops continuously the feature of high precision and stability for normal and micro contents element , its analytical range has expanded to trace element .

  21. 在研究中,将支架扩张的整个过程看成由多个极短的平衡过程组成,在每个过程中支架所受载荷视为常量进行有限元分析,解决了支架所受非线性载荷;

    The expansion process of the stent was considered as composing of many extremely short equilibrium processes , where the loads on the stent was regarded as constants and the algorithm of BFGS was also adopted to solve the negative value of the stiffness appeared .

  22. 据常量和微量元素分析,认为铀成矿存在着明显的地球化学分带性,其中,氧化带以有机碳和全硫(∑S)含量低、Th/U和Fe2O3/FeO及Ra/U比值高为特征;

    According to the analysis of major and minor elements , the authors considered that there exists prominent geochemical zoning in the uranium deposit . The oxidized zone is characterized by low organic carbon and sulfur and high Th / U , Fe_2O_3 / FeO and Ra / U ratios .

  23. 其分析样品的结果与常量法一致,相对标准偏差比常量法的略小。常量分析的质量管理与控制图的程序设计