
ɡān ér zi
  • godson;adopted son
  1. 胜利给他带来沉重的代价&秦爷的干儿子徒弟为了替师傅报仇杀了霍元甲的家人。

    His victory comes at a terrible price & one of Qin 's godson slaughters Huo 's family in reprisal .

  2. 爸爸:干得好,儿子!手放在煞车上来控制停车。

    Dad : Thatta boy ! Keep your hands on the brakes to stop .

  3. 没错。你什么都没干。当你儿子要取奈德.史塔克项上人头的时候。

    Quite right you did nothing when your son called for Ned Stark 's head .