
  • 网络dry density;dry bulk density;dry unit weight
  1. 耕作土壤由高含水量到低含水量的变化过程中,土壤干容重呈增大趋势,土壤入渗能力呈减小趋势;

    Soil dry bulk density showed a trend of increase and soil water infiltration capacity showed a trend of decrease ;

  2. 干容重对粘性淤积物起动和冲刷的影响

    Influence of dry bulk density on incipient motion and erosion of cohesive deposits

  3. 粉煤灰水泥陶粒加气混凝土用普通蒸气养护。蒸养出池强度为75kg/cm2以上(15×15×15cm立方体试块),容重为1000kg/M3以下(干容重)。

    This light weight concrete is manufactured by ordinary steam curing , the compressive strength immediately after curing is above 75kg / cm2 ( with 15 × 15 × 15cm cubic specimen ), the apparent density is below 1000 kg / M3 ( with dry specimen ) .

  4. 水库淤积泥沙干容重分布规律及其计算方法的研究

    Study on distribution and calculation method of reservoir sediment dry bulk density

  5. 坝地淤积物干容重分布规律及其在层泥沙还原中的应用

    Distribution law of deposits ' dry bulk density and its application in sediment restoration of check-dam

  6. 冻融作用对土体干容重和含水量影响的试验研究

    Testing Study on influence of freezing and thawing on dry density and water content of soil

  7. 结果表明:在干容重相同的情况下,渗透系数随着含盐量的增加而减小;

    Experiments show that for the same dry density , permeability decreases with the saline content ;

  8. 抗渗强度与干容重呈双曲线函数关系。

    The relation between piping resistance and dry density may be expressed by a hyperbolic function .

  9. 该工程由于坝体填土的干容重偏低,故十分担心其安全问题。

    The low volume-weight of the embankment dam is an factor of unsafety of Andi Reservoir Project .

  10. 试验结果表明:经过多次冻融循环以后,土体的干容重趋于某一定值。

    The results show that the final dry density is a constant after the repeatedly freezing and thawing .

  11. 含水量与干容重对单轴抗拉强度的影响显著。

    The water content and the dry density , have some significant effect on the uniaxial tensile strength .

  12. 下层土壤容重对玉米根系生长及吸收活力的影响淤积物的初期干容重

    A Study on Corn Root Growth and Activities at Different Soil Layers with Special Bulk Density Initial Specific Weight of Deposits

  13. 研究结果表明:干容重对粘性淤积物起动和冲刷的影响非常大。

    The research results show that the incipient motion and the erosion of cohesive deposits are greatly influenced by the dry bulk density .

  14. 对于生物膜影响泥沙群体特性的容重研究,分别针对生物絮凝泥沙的干容重和湿容重进行分析。

    The research on bulk properties of density is directed respectively through the dry bulk density and wet bulk density of bioflocculation sediment .

  15. 土石坝填筑质量可从压实后的干容重与含水量合格率达到设计标准来控制。

    For quality control the compaction parameters for earth-rockfill dams may be dry unit weight incorPOrated with the percentage of moisture content up to the design standard .

  16. 对于同一座坝,淤积层厚度相近的各个淤积层,其干容重从上到下有增大的趋势;

    For the same check dam , the dry bulk density has a increasing tendency from upper layer to bottom layer while the thickness of depositing layer resembles ;

  17. Ca2+浓度、泥沙浓度相同时,中值粒径越大干容重越大,且中值粒径大的沙干容重达到最大值所需Ca2+少。

    And ( 3 ) when Ca ~ ( 2 + ) concentration is equal to sediment concentration , the dry bulk density increases with sediment median size .

  18. 本项工作系统地进行了膨胀土的物理-力学性质试验及分析,尤其是膨胀率与干容重和含水量及外覆压力关系分析。

    Systematic physio-mechanical properties test and analysis , especially analysis of relationship between expansion rate , dry density , water content , and overlying pressure , are carried out .

  19. 干容重越大,土骨架能够承受荷载的有效面积越大,冻土的强度也越大。

    The greater the dry density is , the greater the load bearing area of soil particles is , and the greater the strength of frozen soil will be .

  20. 对一组人工击实的高岭土试样进行了测试,结果表明土的热导率随含水量和干容重的变化存在明显的规律性。

    A group of artificial compacted kaolinite samples are tested with this apparatus , and the testing results show that the thermal conductivity varies regularly with the change of water content and dry density of soil .

  21. 以实测每层淤积物干容重还原层泥沙淤积量,可以较精确地对应层淤积量与次侵蚀性降雨,以此对淤积过程机理进行分析将更加科学合理。

    And the presented method can restore the amount of the sedimentation and make the layer sediment yields correspond to the erosive rain more accurately , which offers a scientific and rational tool to depositing process analysis .

  22. 冻土的强度是由土颗粒与冰的结合强度所决定,冰含量(或初始含水量)和干容重是非饱和冻土强度的主要影响因素。

    The strength of frozen soil depends on the join strength of soil particles and ice . Ice content or initial water content and dry density are the factors that control the strength of unsaturated frozen soil .

  23. 本文对基底型颗粒材料中超径颗粒含量、颗粒粒径、基底土干容重以及试验围压4个因素对其力学特性的影响进行了大量的室内三轴试验,获得了各影响因素的定量参数。

    A series of triaxial tests have been conducted to study the effect of coarse grain percentage and size , dry density of based soil and confining pressure on the mechanical properties of " based-type " granular materials .

  24. 本文讨论了硫酸盐渍土盐胀率随含水量、硫酸钠含量、初始干容重、温度和Cl-/SO42-五因素变化的规律。

    In this paper , the author analyzed the laws of salt heaving rate which vary with five factors including water content , Na_2SO_4 content , initial dry density , temperature and CL ~ - / SO_4 ~ ( 2 - ) .

  25. 本文重点研究了未扰动膨胀性岩石的初始含水率与其膨胀势显现强弱的关系和初始干容重与膨胀率之间的关系,并对膨胀性围岩的膨胀变形与支护抗力之间的关系进行了探讨。

    This paper emphatically studied the relation between the initial water content of undisturbed swelling rock and its swelling liability and the relation between the initial dry unit weight and swelling , and also investigated the relation between the swelling deformation of swelling rock and support resistance .

  26. 通过坡面模拟降雨实验,分析了黄土地区坡面降雨径流产沙过程的主要影响因素,建立了坡面径流含沙量与坡面流量、前期土壤含水量、土壤干容重之间的定量关系。

    Based on the simulating rainfall experiments on slopes , the primary factors affecting the process of rainfall runoff sediment yield on slope in the Loess Region is analysed . The quantitative relationships between sediment concentration and discharge , soil unit dry weight and antecedent soil moisture are given .

  27. 用YS&1型压实计检测和灌水法抽验的结果表明,碾压4~6遍后的石碴干容重大于20kN/m3,达到较高的填筑密实度,完全满足工程要求。

    The results of detection by YS-1 compactness meter and sampling inspection by water-poring method shows that the fragmented rock rolled at 4 ~ 6 times has a high compactedness and a dry density of larger than 20 kN / m ~ 3 , meeting the demands for dam construction .