
  • 【交】free swelling rate
  1. 结果表明,中膨胀土经CMA改性后,其自由膨胀率由改性前的71%下降到20%左右,液限和塑性指数也显著降低,亲水能力大幅度下降;

    Compared with unmodified sample , the free swelling ratio of the modified samples lowers from 71 % to about 20 % ; its liquid limit and plastic index also decrease obviously ;

  2. 并针对技术性能的各项要求,开展了一系列室内试验,其液塑限、CBR、耐崩解性及自由膨胀率等都符合规范的要求。

    According to the requirements of the technical performance and carry out a series of laboratory tests , the liquid plastic limit , CBR and collapse resistance and free expansion rate , etc are accord with the requirement of standard .

  3. 试验结果表明,CMA改性土的工程特性与石灰改性土具有相似的规律性:改性后自由膨胀率、液限、塑性指数和胶粒含量显著降低;

    The test result indicates that the engineering property of CMA-treated soil possesses the similar regularity with the soil modified with lime . Compared with unmodified soils , the free swelling ratio , liquid limit , plastic index and clay fraction decrease obviously .

  4. 而在ISS处理后,其自由膨胀率明显降低,那ISS去掉的是什么水,其存在形式和存在界限是什么,厚度有多少?其次,ISS加固红色黏土结合水定量测量问题。

    After treatment with the ISS , the free expansion rate decreased significantly . What water ISS remove , what is the existence forms , exist boundary and the thickness ? Secondly , the problem of quantitative measurement of red clay adsorbed water after treatment with ISS .

  5. 用其作膨胀土改良试验,在最佳条件pH7.5,温度25℃,膨胀土样水分含量40%条件下,接种A9菌剂7%,培养7d,膨胀土自由膨胀率最高可下降33.57%。

    The optimal improved condition was pH7.5 , temperature 25 ℃, water content of soil specimen 40 % , inoculum amount 7 % , culture time 7 d , under this condition , the free expansion rate can be reduced by 33.57 % .

  6. 江淮膨胀土自由膨胀率特征

    Characteristics of free swelling ratio for expansive soil in middle Anhui Province

  7. 土样制备对自由膨胀率的影响及其改进方法

    Effect of soil sample preparation on free swelling ratio and its improved measures

  8. 水泥改性膨胀土干密度与自由膨胀率试验研究

    Experimental Study on Dry Density and Free Swelling Ratio of Cement-Treated Expansive Soil

  9. 谈谈自由膨胀率试验的局限性

    Discussion on Limitations in Free Expansive Rate Test

  10. 自由膨胀率试验的影响因素

    Influential factors on free swell test

  11. 自由膨胀率试验存在着多种缺陷与不确定因素,不能全面地反映出膨胀土的诸多特性熏故该试验方法具有一定的局限性。

    There are many limitations in free expansive test methods , such as some defects and undefined factors that could not reflect some characters in swell-soil .

  12. 研究表明:皖中地区膨胀土自由膨胀率与反映膨胀本质的指标蒙脱石含量,以及液限、塑性指数等间接性判别指标具有较好的相关性,可将其用作膨胀土判别与分类的指标;

    Its relationship with smectite content is preferable . Its relationship with liquid limit and plastic index are good too . These indices can be integrated for classification and identification of expansive soils .

  13. 这个结论十分模糊,并没有解释以非膨胀性黏土矿物组成的红色黏土,在强结合水的作用下,怎么会有近50%的自由膨胀率。

    This conclusion is very vague , and did not explain that non-swelling clay mineral composition of the red clay , in the role of strong adsorbed water , how the free-swell reaches nearly 50 % .

  14. 为使自由膨胀率试验方法更完善,试验结果更稳定,分析了影响试验结果的两个主要人为因素,并针对现行的标准和规程中存在的不足提出了改进建议。

    In order to make free swell test more complete and test result more stable , two main artificial factors related to test result are discussed and analyzed and some suggestions for improving the current standards and specifications are given .

  15. 将制好的微生物菌剂添加到膨胀土中,经过标准培养后,以自由膨胀率为判定标准进行初筛,筛选出4株使膨胀土自由膨胀率有明显降低的菌株。

    Add the microbial pharmaceutical seeds into the soil . After the standard cultivation we have screened all of strain regarding as the free swelling ration and then select 4 strains which make the free swelling ration of the expansive clay decrease obviously .

  16. 据此,基于非饱和土理论,对照自由膨胀率试验测试指标,探讨采用饱和重力含水率、进气值、残余含水率和曲线斜率四指标来评价膨胀土的改良效果。

    Hereby , based on unsaturated soil theory , contrasting free swelling ratio test index , it has probed into that using saturated gravity water content , air entry value , residual water content , curve slope to evaluate improvement effect of expansive soil .

  17. 研究了不同的激发剂掺量对钛白石膏粉煤灰复合材料的强度和自由线膨胀率等性能的影响,以及减水剂的作用,复合材料的耐水性和抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能等。

    This paper studied the effects of different activator on the properties such as strengths , free linear expansion rate , action of water reducer , water resistance and sulfate resistance of the composite made of waste gypsums from TiO 2 production and fly ash .

  18. 依据我国工程实际,参考和借鉴国外经验和试验,对GCL特性进行了研究,对膨润土的自由膨胀特性、含水率,与GCL的抗拉强度、剥离强度、剪切强度。

    According as engineering practices of our nation , referring to the experiences and experimentations of overseas , we have researched the characteristics of GCL , that is free swell testing of bentona 、 moisture content and tensile strength 、 peel strength and shear strength .