
  • 网络spontaneous behavior;voluntary action;spontaneous action;pro-activeness;Self-Method
  1. 结果:涤痰开窍法可增加大鼠水平自发行为(P<0.05),降低海马区c-fos蛋白和c-jun蛋白表达。

    Results : The methods of eliminating phlegm for resuscitation can improve rat 's horizontal spontaneous behavior ( P < 0.05 ), decrease the expression of c los and c jun protein in hippocampi area .

  2. 自发行为,行为冲动,自发动作。

    Spontaneous behavior , impulse , or movement .

  3. Haas商学院商业伦理学教授大卫·沃格尔(DavidVogel)说,学生们对环境问题非常认真,并最终认识到企业自发行为的局限性。

    David Vogel , professor of business ethics at Haas , says students take the issue very seriously and come to learn that voluntary corporate action only goes so far .

  4. 基于关系结合方式的中间商自发行为研究

    Research on the Spontaneous Behavior of Middlemen Based on Relational Bonds

  5. 不同的关系结合方式与不同的关系品质对于顾客自发行为的影响是不同的。

    Different relationship bonds and relationship quality combination have different influence on customer voluntary performance .

  6. 识别和界定了争辩行为、帮助行为和自发行为三种互动行为的内容和作用机制。

    The processes and operation mechanisms of three interactions were identified and defined at the team level .

  7. 产业生态圈的构建是市场自发行为和政府自觉行为的有机统一。

    The industrial ecosphere 's construction is organic unification of the market spontaneous behavior and the government conscious activity .

  8. 安可最初是自发行为引出的,演唱会或演奏会结束后,观众都会持续鼓掌并要求艺人追加表演一些节目。

    Encores originated spontaneously , when audiences would continue to applaud and demand additional performance from the artist after the concert had ended .

  9. 单病种限价收费是医院经营的一种管理模式,是指在临床诊疗收费中,对单一病种病人限定最高费用的做法,是医院的一种自发行为。颈椎病的费用最低,颅脑外伤最高。

    Limited price charge for single disease is one kind of hospital administration mode , it means limit the cost for one single disease patients .

  10. 理论剖析表明,大学生兼职绝不仅仅是简单的个人自发行为,它对大学生的成长发铺有着多重的积极意义。

    Theoretical analysis shows that part-time college students can not simply spontaneous acts of individuals , the growth and development of its students have multiple positive .

  11. 他还表示,占领行政院是民众的自发行为,他们的行为并不代表学生牵头的运动。

    He added that the crowd that stormed the Executive Yuan did so on their own accord , and that their actions don 't represent the student-led movement .

  12. 文章在借鉴已有的企业集聚研究基础上,以杭州庆春路“金融街”为例,认为金融集聚是由外部经济和区位优势而引起的自发行为。

    By analyzing the case of Hangzhou Qingchun Road financial street , the paper argues that financial cluster is the spontaneous behavior led by external economy and location advantage .

  13. 本研究通过实证调查,对影响顾客自发行为的路径进行了分析和探讨,得出了结构性结合方式通过承诺中介影响顾客自发行为的关键路径。

    By analyzing the path of customer voluntary performance , this paper found the key route that structural bonds influence on customer voluntary performance by virtue of the middle variable-commitment .

  14. 对于众人这场难以置信的自发行为,所有在场的女人都承认了这场谋杀,不过警察看起来好像不太相信。

    In front of everyone . Then , in an act of unbelievable solidarity , every woman present confessed to the murder , while the police looked on in disbelief .

  15. 吸2533kPa高压氧的幼龄小鼠学习记忆能力无明显变化,但其在新异环境中的自发行为明显减少。

    And the 253 3 kPa hyperbaric oxygenation group could not remarkably improve the learning and memory retention of young mice , but could remarkably decrease the spontaneous activities in the new surroundings .

  16. 火箭外形和无臂设计使得它跌倒后很难重新爬起来。不过它今天径直跌进喷水池看上去真像一种自发行为。

    Its rocket-like shape and armless design make it difficult for it to get back up after toppling over , but today 's fall straight into a fountain seems truly like an act of free will .

  17. 其实,流人就是触犯刑法(流刑)之人。流民的迁徙,主要是自发行为,他们仍有人身自由。配刑在起源、性质、内容等方面均不同于流刑,也比流刑残酷。

    Actually , exiles were those who violated the criminal law ( the punishment of banishment ); The penalty of banishing as a military servant was different from the penalty of banishment in origin , character , content , ect .

  18. 通过研究发现,中间商自发行为是个复杂、系统的过程,在不同的关系结合方式和关系品质影响下,有不同的行为结果,且行为结果有一定的规律性。

    This study finds that the spontaneous behavior of middlemen is really a complex and systemic process , which will have a different and regular behavioral result in the different ways of relationship combination and under the influence of relationship quality .

  19. 在市场经济条件下,由于负内部性的普遍存在导致市场失灵,安全生产很难通过市场自发行为来保障,必须依靠政府监管来实现。

    In the market economy , it easily lead to market failure because the existence of information asymmetric and the negative internality . The work safety is difficult to be guaranteed through the market self-regulation , and must rely on the government regulation to achieve .

  20. 消极作用则主要表现为消极型大学生非正式群体影响大学生个人健康成长,无约束的自主自发行为不利于学校秩序的稳定,低素质组织者对非正式群体活动方向形成误导等。

    The negative efforts mainly in the aspects of the negative informal groups play adverse effects on individual healthy growth of undergraduate , autonomous behavior without constraints is not conducive to the stability of the order of the school , low quality of the informal group organizers misleading its direction .

  21. 用户对Web站点作出贡献通常是一种自发的行为。

    User contribution to Web sites is often a spontaneous affair .

  22. apoE4近交系转基因鼠的高脂血症表现和自发变换行为损害

    The Hyperlipidemia and Spontaneous Alternation Behavior Impairment in Human Apolipoprotein E _4 ( apoE_4 ) Inbred Transgenic Mice

  23. 采用XY模型和蒙特卡罗方法对有序无序型铁电体的自发极化行为以及相变特征进行了计算机模拟研究,得到了与实验报道及理论研究符合良好的结果。

    The spontaneous polarization and phase transition in order-disorder ferroelectric crystal was studied using Monte Carlo computer simulation . Our study has been developed in the framework of the X Y model with nearest neighbor interaction .

  24. 提示动物的自发活动行为出现了抑制现象。

    This suggest the locomotor activities were inhibited . 2 .

  25. 在交际过程中,这是一种自发的行为。

    It is a spontaneous act in communication .

  26. 在分析幼儿自发音乐行为的影响因素时,研究者分别从外部因素和内部因素两个方面入手进行探讨。

    As to the influence factor study , internal and external elements were considered .

  27. 咬合支持丧失对大鼠学习记忆和自发探究行为的影响

    The effect of loss of occlusal support on learning-memory and spontaneous behavior in rats

  28. 他没有选择,自发的行为。

    He has no choice . Automatic behavior .

  29. 幼儿自发音乐行为初探

    Exploration of infant 's self-moving music behavior

  30. 第二,民间借贷是具备硬预算约束的自发契约行为,体现了纯市场交易特征。

    Secondly , the hard budget constraint and contracting make informal financing a pure exchange .