
  • 网络NewsFeed;NEWS FEED;news source
  1. 系统中有一个新闻源(NewsFeed)以及链接电子邮件和社交媒体(如Facebook和Twitter)账户的平台插件。

    There is a news feed and the platform plugs in to email and social media accounts such as Facebook and Twitter .

  2. 美国媒体匿名新闻源应用及对我国的启示支持匿名FTP上传

    Anonymous News Source Application in American Media and Its Enlightenment for China s ; Anonymous FTP : Yes

  3. 该浏览器还创建了一个特殊的名为MyWorld的个人网页,其中整合了你的社交网络更新信息、新闻源和照片。

    And it creates a special personal Web page , called My World , which combines your social-networking updates , news feeds and photos .

  4. Facebook用户经常在他们的新闻源中看到广告,而微信用户每天只会在他们的“发现”消息源中看到一两个广告。

    While Facebook users constantly see ads in their News Feeds , WeChat users only see one or two ads a day in their Moment feeds .

  5. 熟悉IBMSupportAssistantV3.0的用户将会对改进的GUI体验、产品新闻源访问、案例管理功能和内置向导式故障排除程序大加赞赏。

    Users familiar with IBM Support Assistant V3.0 will appreciate the improved GUI experience , access to product news feeds , case management features , and built-in guided troubleshooter .

  6. 在rss阅读器中聚合新闻源,并将用户对新闻条目所作的评论包含进去,这种做法也增加了引入恶意代码的概率。

    Aggregating news feeds in RSS readers and including comments made by users on news items also increases the chances of malicious code being introduced .

  7. 金融数据集团彭博社(Bloomberg)正计划在新一年再度积极投资,并可能进行更多的收购活动,以求扩展自身影响力、成为世界上最有影响力的新闻源。

    Bloomberg is planning a further year of aggressive investment and may make more acquisitions as the financial data group seeks to broaden its reach to become the world 's most influential source of news .

  8. Flock边栏一次只能显示一类信息&社交网络和照片共享网站在一起,新闻源其次,剪贴板第三,而网络书签第四。

    Its sidebar can display only one type of information at a time & social networks and photo-sharing sites in one view , news feeds in a second , the clipboard in a third , and Web bookmarks in a fourth .

  9. 该文针对基于RSS标准的新闻源,根据用户点击等隐式信息,通过文本相似判定,自动聚类形成用户兴趣子类。

    In this paper , we use the news source based on RSS and cluster all the news into several User Interest Classes ( UIC ) according to user 's clicks or other implicit information , by using the judgment of text comparability .

  10. 论新闻源与新闻的话语主体

    On News Source and Principal Part of Discourse

  11. 但是不推荐对于更一般的内容或让更固执己见的新闻源这样做。

    But it 's not advisable for more general content or with more opinionated sources .

  12. 目的性决定了经济新闻源主体在提供经济新闻信息时的意向性和选择性。

    Purposiveness determines that economic news resource has intentionality and selectivity during providing economic news resource .

  13. 按事件或现象本身是否属于经济事件,又将其划分为经济事件型新闻源和相关事件型新闻源两类。

    Phenomenon and event can also be divided into economic affair resource and related economic affair resource .

  14. 简论新闻源主体

    On Subject of News Sources

  15. 因此着手接触你的国家的代表团中的一些新闻源,或者找到其他地方与会者,这可能会有用,因为他们常常可以帮助你找到并评估信息。报道和分析你的政府对条约谈判的立场。

    S delegation or finding other local attendees can be useful as they can often help you find and assess information .

  16. 私营快递新闻源引内部部长赛义德卡迈勒沙阿的话说,当遭到袭击时吉拉尼并不在车内。

    The private Express News quoted Interior Secretary Syed Kamal Shah as saying that Gillani was not in the car when it came under attack .

  17. 根据图示理论,在理解新闻源语的过程中,译者应充分激活大脑中已存的各种图式知识,这会使对新闻源语的解码更加迅速、准确。

    Based on the schema theory , in decoding source English news report , translators fully trigger related schematic knowledge so as to make decoding more easy and precise .

  18. 此法律明确禁止任何形式的匿名新闻源调查和提供任何重要的安全港口给新闻公司。

    The laws are almost certain to prohibit any kind of investigations into the identity of an anonymous source , as well as offering significant safe harbours for media companies .

  19. 如果网页中包含着需要经常查看、而且迅速更新的内容,比如查看社交网站上朋友们的状态,或者接收新闻源的最新消息,那么你就必须在不同页面间来回切换。

    You have to constantly click back and forth among tabs if they contain fast-changing material you check often , like the status of your friends in social-networking services , or updates to news feeds .

  20. 而受众参与新闻源传播现象的出现与以往的受众参与活动有很大不同,它是指新闻传播的接受主体&受众成为新闻来源的传播主体。

    The phenomenon of the audiences ' participation in news source spread is very different with the participations in the Activities in the past ; it means the initiative behaviors of the acceptance of main media-the main source of information spread-the audiences .

  21. RSS新闻社源引新当选的Bhattarai的话说,他是自己决定参选的,愿意为人民做出自己的贡献,保障地区和平。

    RSS quoted newly elected mayor , Bhattarai , as saying that he had filed the candidacy on his own and expressed the determination to work in the interest of the people and for establishment of peace .

  22. 渔业专业网站网络新闻信息源的开发和利用

    Development and Utilization of Internet News Information Sources on Fisheries Website

  23. 这则新闻故事源于巴黎。

    The news story originated in paris .

  24. 新闻生产源于社会,不同社会环境下的新闻产品呈现着不同的特征和形貌。

    News products presented different characteristics and morphology with different social environment from the perspective of the sociology of news production .

  25. 三网融合使得整个媒体生态发生了巨大的转变,如新闻信息源结构的重组、媒介组织结构融合、受众的数字化生存、新闻生产方式的转型等。

    The whole media environment has undergone tremendous changes for network convergence . Triple play makes the reorganization of the structure of the news and information source , media integration and organization structure transformation of the audience being digital , and so on .

  26. 细节&电视新闻的活力源

    The Vitality Source of the Detail-Television News

  27. 职业足球虚假新闻的成因主要源于思想上的失察、工作中的失误以及道德上的失范,特点是涉及面广、危害程度深。

    The main causes of false news are the ignorance in thought , fault in the job , and lack of regulation in morals .

  28. 用户可以进行个性化设置,限定新闻的刷新频率,新闻源范围。

    Users can personalize their news searches , limit news refresh interval and news search source and etc.

  29. 系统能够根据用户设定的不同主题新闻策略,动态监测互联网新闻信息源,自动采集相关网站新闻信息,对相关主题进行实时动态追踪。

    It can monitor and crawl Web news sources , and do topic tracking according to different topic strategies customized by users .

  30. 本课题主要研究的是基于Web的新闻自动抓取程序,通过分析新闻网页源代码,然后提取有用新闻信息。

    The main research topic is based on the Web news automatic capture program , through the analysis of news webpage source code , and then to extract useful information .