
gān ké
  • dry cough;hoose;harrumph
干咳 [gān hāi]
  • [dry cough] 无痰的咳嗽

干咳[gān ké]
  1. 教职工及学生返校前应报告健康状况及过去14天的活动轨迹,同时要求有发热、乏力、干咳或腹泻等症状的人员就医排查。

    Staff and students should report their health conditions and whereabouts in the last 14 days to the school before returning to campus . Also , schools are required to urge people with symptoms , including fever , fatigue , dry cough or diarrhea , to seek medical help .

  2. 结果重症SARS患者临床症状中,发热、干咳、乏力、咯痰、头痛、气短、肌肉酸痛等症状较为普遍。

    Results In the patients with severe SARS , the commonly appeared clinical symptoms were found to be fever , dry cough , weakness , coughing with sputum , headache , short breath , and aching pain in muscle .

  3. 她干咳着。

    She coughed drily .

  4. 这片宁静被阿斯特利刺耳的干咳声打破了。

    The quiet was broken by Astley 's hacking cough .

  5. 他是干咳,没有痰。

    His cough is dry , producing no phlegm .

  6. 这个肺气肿病人整天不断地干咳。

    The patient with emphysema is hacking all day .

  7. 现在她感觉气短和干咳,胸片显示两肺可疑小结节,CT扫描进一步证实为可疑肺转移性乳腺癌。

    A chest x-ray reveals suspicious nodules in both lungs and a CT scan of the chest confirms that these nodules are suspicious for metastatic breast cancer .

  8. 耳穴贴压治疗ACEI类药物性干咳50例

    Auricular Point Compress in the Treatment of 50 Cases of ACEI Drug-induced Tussiculation

  9. 养阴清肺丸治疗ACEI致干咳副反应的临床观察

    A Clinical Observation on Treating the Side Reaction Tussiculation Caused by ACEI With Yangyin Qingfei Bolus

  10. 结果:CVA病人以反复发作性干咳为主要症状,无明显喘息。

    Results : The patients with CVA were characterized by recurrent and paroxysmal dry cough but without wheezing .

  11. 结果:1SARS患者出现38.5℃以上的发热、干咳、胸闷、憋气、头痛、肌痛、腹泻症状的比例显著高于CAP患者(P<0.01);

    Results : ① Fever above 38 5 ℃, dry cough , short of breath , headache , myalgia , diarrhea in SARS were more common in SARS patients than those in CAP ( P < 0 01 ) .

  12. 心力衰竭引起的细支气管水肿和硬肺常表现为干咳,必须与发生率为5%的ACE抑制剂使用病人的干咳相鉴别。

    A common manifestation of bronchiolar edema and stiff lungs due to heart failure is a dry cough , which must be differentiated from that occurring in5 % of patients treated with ACE inhibitors .

  13. 结果发现,IPF主要表现为剧烈干咳、进行性气短、紫绀、杵状指趾和肺部捻发音。

    The results showed that the main manifestations of IPF were severe dry cough , progressive short breath , cyanosis , clubbed fingers and crepitant rales in lungs .

  14. 结果本组有13例符合EB诊断,占慢性咳嗽的15%,多表现为慢性干咳,肺功能正常,组胺激发试验阴性。

    Results 13 ( 15 % ) out of 86 patients with chronic cough were diagnosed as having EB . Dry cough was the major compliant and all had normal lung function with negative histamine provocation test .

  15. 背景:小儿咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)是以顽固性、刺激性干咳为主要临床表现的一种疾病,常在清晨或(和)夜间加重。

    Background : Cough variant asthma ( CVA ) is a disease which solely nonproductive presents cough that is relieved with bronchodilators , and especially in the morning or at night .

  16. 背景血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂(ACEI)引起干咳的机制尚不完全清楚,有报道认为可能是由一氧化氮(NO)介导的,而补充铁剂能减少NO的生成并能降低NO相关的细胞损害。

    Background The mechanism of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor ( ACEI ) induced cough has not been fully elucidated . One of possible mechanisms is ACEI increase nitric oxide ( NO ) generation , iron supplementation can inhibit this increase and NO related cell damage .

  17. 约2/3患者有干咳。

    About two thirds of the patients have a nonproductive cough .

  18. 慢性干咳伴有气道高反应性即是咳嗽变异性哮喘吗?

    Will chronic nonproductive cough with bronchial hyperresponsiveness be cough variant asthma ?

  19. 其他症状有干咳和呼吸困难。

    Other symptoms include dry cough and breathing difficulty .

  20. 临床表现为发热头痛干咳无痰;

    Their clinical manifestations include fever , headache and dry cough without phlegm .

  21. 她剧烈沉重的干咳声永远沉寂了;

    Her deep , hollow cough is hushed forever .

  22. 他的频频干咳声隔壁都能听见。

    His hacking cough could be heard next door .

  23. 他突然干咳起来,嘻皮笑脸。

    He suddenly coughed dryly , smiled and smirked .

  24. 他常连续几星期地干咳。

    He has had a hacking cough for weeks .

  25. 临床表现为进行性呼吸困难伴有刺激性干咳,肺功能为限制性通气障碍。

    IPF clinical situation includes progressive dyspnea , dry cough and restrictive ventilatory disorder .

  26. 父亲放下铁锨,干咳着。

    The father dropped his shovel and coughed .

  27. 但是人们眼睛刺痛和干咳,说明空气里充满了有害的化学物质。

    But stinging eyes and dry coughs show that harmful chemicals fill the air .

  28. 临床上以咳嗽,尤其是刺激性干咳为主要症状(69.6%)。

    Cough was a chief symptom ( 69.6 % ) . especially barking cough .

  29. 主要表现为刺激性干咳,夜间咳嗽为其重要特征。

    Mainly for the irritating dry cough , night cough for its important characteristics .

  30. 病症包括高烧和持久的干咳。

    Symptoms of the illness include a high temperature and a persistent dry cough .