
  • 网络ground temperature
  1. 与卫星遥感OLR资料相比地面气温资料有其自身的优点。

    The ground temperature data have a unique advantage as compared with OLR data of satellite remote sensing .

  2. 近40年青藏高原地区的气候变化&NCEP和ECMWF地面气温及降水再分析和实测资料对比分析

    Climatic Change of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Region in Recent 40-year Reanalysis and Surface Observation Data & Contrast of Observational Data and NCEP , ECMWF Surface Air Temperature and Precipitation

  3. 近50年冬季中蒙500hPa高度场与中国北方地面气温的变化及联系

    The Variation and Relation of 500 hPa Height Field in China-Mongolia and Surface Temperature of North China in Winter in Recent 50 Years

  4. 中国北部中高纬度地区大气降水δ18O与地面气温的相关性与中国其他地区不同,前者是正相关,后者是负相关。

    The relation between δ 18O in precipitation and surface air temperature for station over mid - and high-latitude regions in China is different from other stations in China . The former is a direct correlation .

  5. 采用奇异谱分析(SSA)方法对重庆市长年代逐月地面气温及降水资料进行了分析,结果表明,重庆市气温序列存在准2年、准4年周期及16个月的年际振荡特征;

    Using the singular spectrum analysis , the climatic feature of moth-to-moth surface air temperature and precipitation in Chongqing have been analyzed during the past years . The results show that the quasi-periods of air temperature series are main about 2 and 4 years and 16 months .

  6. 自1987年以后,500hPa高度、温度的正异常明显增加,负异常明显减少;500hPa高度、温度的异常偏高(暖)和偏低(冷)变化与同期地面气温的变化相关密切。

    Since 1987 , there have been an increasing trend in positive abnormality and a decreasing trend in negative abnormality for height and temperature , which were correlated with the surface air temperature change .

  7. 通过对冬季中蒙地区500hPa高度场与我国160个测站月平均地面气温场的分析,对51年来中国北方冬季气温出现年代际变暖趋势的原因进行了探讨。

    By analyzing the variations of 500 hPa height field and monthly mean surface air temperature of 160 stations in China , the reasons that winter surface air temperature appearing interdecadal change in North China are discussed .

  8. 草地下垫面地表温度与近地面气温的对比研究

    Comparative study of grass land surface temperature and near-surface air temperature

  9. 太阳活动异常与降水和地面气温的关系

    Relationship between Abnormal Solar Activities and Precipitation and Temperature in China

  10. 近54年中国地面气温变化

    Changes of Surface Air Temperature in China During 1951 & 2004

  11. 一种基于地面气温的地表出射长波辐射的计算方案

    Parameterization of Outgoing Surface Long-wave Radiation Based on Surface Air Temperature

  12. 1901&2007年澳门地面气温变化的分析

    Analysis of Surface Air Temperature Change in Macau During 1901-2007

  13. 高空温度、高度变化特征及其与地面气温的相关分析

    Upper-Level Height and Temperature Change Characteristics and Its Correlation with Surface Temperature

  14. 南极各地区的地面气温具有不同的变化特征。

    The surface temperature of different sectors in Antarctica shows different characteristics .

  15. 一种地面气温的空间插值方法及其误差分析

    A Spatial Interpolation Method for Surface Air Temperature and Its Error Analysis

  16. 我国地面气温极值和地面风速极值的渐近分布

    On asymptotic distributions for extremes of surface temperature and surface wind over China

  17. 近40年浙江地面气温的变化

    On The Variations in Surface Air Temperature in Zhejiang Province in Recent Forty Years

  18. 用奇异谱分析诊断地面气温场低频振荡周期

    Diagnosis of Low-Frequency Oscillation Period of the Surface Temperature Field in the Southeast China

  19. 1951~2002年中国东、西部地区地面气温变化对比

    Comparison of variations of surface air temperatures in eastern and western China during 1951 ~ 2002

  20. 西北区东部近40年地面气温变化的分析

    Analyses on Surface Air Temperature Changes in East Part of Northwest China in Last 40 Years

  21. 洞穴能保持适度的地面气温。

    Caves maintain moderate ambient temperatures .

  22. 近百年全球平均地面气温准周期信号及其长期演变特征的分析

    Quasi-Periodic Signals and Its Features of Long-Term Change for Global Surface Temperatures over the Past Recent l00 Years

  23. 用地面气温特征向量场探讨北半球七十年代的气候特征

    The study of climatic features of the northern hemisphere in 70 's by the characteristic vector field of surface air temperature

  24. 从分析中得到七十年代地面气温场变化的主要特征是:温度变化趋势是以多振动为主;

    The features of variation in the surface air temperature field are found : the trend of temperature variation is characterized by vibration ;

  25. 结果表明,随着温室气体浓度的持续增加,中国地面气温也持续升高。

    It is shown that the surface air temperature in China rises gradually due to continuous increase of equivalent CO 2 in concentration .

  26. 车站售票厅内气温不但受地面气温的影响,而且还受到列车活塞风的影响。

    The temperature in ticket hall is influenced not only by atmosphere temperature but by piston action induced ventilation due to the train movement .

  27. 在臭氧低值中心偏强年冬季和次年春季,中国大部分地区冬季风比多年平均弱,使得绝大部分地区地面气温偏高。

    In winter and the next spring , the winter monsoon is stronger and the surface temperature is higher in most part of China .

  28. 利用气温垂直分布的统计特征讨论地面气温在大气温度遥感反演中的应用

    The application of the statistical characteristics of the vertical temperature distribution and surface air temperature for retrieving atmospheric temperature profiles from remote sensed data

  29. 试验表明:该系统具有较强的短期天气预报能力,尤其是降水预报准确率较高,近地面气温、风、相对湿度等要素预报质量好。

    The system displays considerable capability for regional short range weather forecast of precipitation , temperature , wind , moisture at the surface layer .

  30. 利用青岛市连续9年的高空探测资料,分析出大气温度的变化与高空臭氧层有关,高层气温与地面气温呈负相关变化。

    The relation between reduction of ozone layer and atmospheric temperature has been analyzed by using materials of radiosonde observation during nine years in Qingdao .