
  • 网络Ground telescope;terrestrial telescope
  1. 这包括了他们所发射的大多数探测器,哈勃太空望远镜的使用期限的延长,以及几乎所有能够追踪Anomaly的地面望远镜。

    This included most of the probes they sent up , the extension of Hubble 's service life and the control of nearly all ground-based telescopes capable of tracking the Anomaly .

  2. 因此在下一个天文卫星TESS于2017年发射之前科学家们只能通过地面望远镜观测行星了。

    So astronomers will rely on ground-based telescopes to look for other worlds until NASA 's next planet hunter , the TESS satellite , launches around 2017 . But don 't send Kepler off into the sunset just yet .

  3. 对于较小的碎片,这些分布与地面望远镜、干草堆雷达的测量结果一致,同时也与LDEF卫星和航天飞机的测量结果一致。

    For smaller sizes , these distributions are adjusted to be consistent with the flux measured by ground telescopes , the Haystack radar as well as the flux measured by the LDEF satellite and the Space Shuttle .

  4. 太空望远镜优于地面望远镜还有另外一个原因。

    The space telescope is superior to earth-based telescope for another reason .

  5. 透过地面望远镜,蚂蚁星云看上去像一只花园蚂蚁的头与胸。

    From ground-based telescopes , the " ant nebula " resembles the head and thorax of a garden ant .

  6. 地面望远镜,如巨大的凯克望远镜,已经累积了远处(所以是古老的)星系的大量统计资料。

    Ground-based instruments such as the giant Keck telescopes have amassed statistics on distant ( and therefore ancient ) galaxies .

  7. 观测特洛伊小行星的难点在于,在通过地面望远镜观测时,几何角度总是使其位于明亮的天空中。

    The difficulty is the viewing geometry that puts any Trojan , from the perspective of an Earth-based telescope , in bright skies .

  8. 这种望远镜可以识别比地面望远镜能见到的还要远7倍的宇宙天体。

    The telescope also makes it possible to identify space objects seven times more distant than those that can be seen with earth-based telescopes .

  9. 地面望远镜用户所面临的主要问题是,云块和恶劣的天气会使太空中的天体无法被准确地看到。

    The main problems faced by users of telescopes are the clouds and bad weather that can prevent accurate viewing of objects in space .

  10. “雨燕”号发现这次爆发之后不久,两个研究小组利用地面望远镜争先恐后地进行观察,直到信号消失。

    Soon after the burst was detected by SWIFT , both groups scrambled to observe it before the signal faded away using ground-based telescopes .

  11. 寻找外星智能计画,位在加州大学柏克莱分校,使用使用地面望远镜搜索宇宙中的电磁波。

    The search for extra-terrestrial intelligence ( Seti ) project , based at the University of California in Berkeley , uses land-based telescopes to scour the universe for electromagnetic waves .

  12. 因为,地面望远镜开始用于观测太阳活动也不够是60年前的事,而高质量的天基望远镜更是只有短短十年的“工作经验”,连一个太阳周期的时间都不到。

    Ground-based telescopes started closely monitoring solar activity only around 60 years ago . And high-quality space-based observations go back just a decade - not even a full solar cycle .

  13. 第一个探测水星轨道的是美国宇航局的信使号太空飞船,它的研究人员表示,地面望远镜已经花了20年的时间收集证据表明水星上有冰,但是发现有机物确实是个意外。

    Earth-based telescopes have been compiling evidence for ice on Mercury for 20 years , but the finding of organics was a surprise , say researchers with NASA 's MESSENGER spacecraft , the first probe to orbit Mercury .

  14. 然而在2000年,位于夏威夷的长达10米(33英寸)的凯克二号地面望远镜观测到,其他望远镜之前观测到的那个大星团,实际上是两颗相互运行的小星体。

    However , in 2000 , the 10-meter ( 33 ft ) , ground-based telescope " Keck II " in Hawaii observed that the large singular blob seen by older telescopes was actually two smaller bodies orbiting each other .

  15. LEST计划旨在建造一台大型地面太阳望远镜,它的口径为2.4米,将安置在大西洋Canary群岛的Tenerife。

    The LEST Project is for building a large ground-based solar telescope with a diameter of 2.4m to be installed on the Tenerife of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean .

  16. 0.68m地面跟踪望远镜的跟踪控制技术

    Tracking and Control Techniques for 0.68m Ground Based Tracking Telescope

  17. 随着配置有CCD的地面光学望远镜和空间望远镜观测精度的不断提高,以及其它空间大地测量技术(VLBI、LLR、SLR和GPS等)的发展,对天球参考系也提出了越来越高的要求。

    Along with ceaseless advance of metrical precision for ground optical telescope with CCD and spacial telescope , as well as , other space geodesy technique 's ( VLBI , LLR , SLR and GPS ) development , the more and moe request to the CRS is put forward .

  18. 关于地面光学望远镜最大口径的讨论

    A short discussion on the maximum aperture diameter of the grand based optical telescope

  19. 为了探测这些波,天文学家们使用了各种类型的地面大型望远镜。

    To detect these waves , astronomers use several kinds of large ground-based telescopes .

  20. 开普勒跟随地球围绕太阳运转,从理论上来讲它可以发现地面天文望远镜甚至于哈勃望远镜所不能发现的东西。

    It orbits the sun behind the Earth and in theory should be able to spot things that Earthbound telescopes and even the orbiting Hubble telescope cannot .

  21. 地面光学望远镜作为天文研究的主要仪器发挥着越来越重要的作用。但是靠近地面的大气层给地面望远镜的观测带来了很大的困难。

    The ground-based telescope as the workhorse for the observations plays a more and more important role , but the near-ground atmosphere limits the observation ability severely .

  22. 哈勃的升空,代表了地面上其他望远镜的观测能力也加强了十倍数。

    The Hubble , when it was launched , represented an increasing in capability of other telescopes on the ground by a factor of ten .

  23. 大口径地面光学和红外望远镜必须安装在具有良好大气条件的观测台站才能充分发挥其效率,因此仔细地选择天文观测站址是非常重要的。

    Selecting a good site for ground-based astronomy is very important .

  24. 未来的地面和空间大望远镜以及我国目前的大项目

    Future ground-based and space-based large telescopes and main Chinese astronomical projects

  25. 地面上的天文望远镜首次观察到的地球本身所在的太阳系中,一颗小卫星正围绕着一个小行星旋转。

    For the first time , ground-based telescopes spotted a tiny moonlet orbiting a mere asteroid in Earth 's own solar system .

  26. 二十多组专业天文学家团队将利用这有利的几何位置用地面上最强的望远镜来观测金星。

    Twenty teams of professional astronomers will take advantage of the favorable geometry to observe Venus with some of Earth 's great telescopes .