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  • geologic map
  1. 利用ERDASIMAGINE遥感影像软件编制区域水文地质图

    Working out regional hydrology geologic map with ERDAS IMAGINE remote sensing image software

  2. 以地质图为例,阐述了一种在通用绘图软件包AutoCAD中沿任意曲线上标注任意形符号的方法。

    Taking geologic map for example , the way for realizing Shape-sign labeling along arbitrary curve in AutoCAD common drawing software package is introduced in this paper .

  3. 有了地质图、书籍和地图册,你便可以找到所有已探明的珍贵矿藏的位置。

    With geological maps , books and atlases you can find out all the proven sites of precious minerals .

  4. 基于GIS数字地质图在矿产资源评价中的应用

    Application of Digital Geologic Maps Based on GIS to Appraisal of Mineral Resources

  5. GPS数据与地质图的配准

    Registration of GPS spatial data and geological map

  6. 计算机仿真技术三维地质图在VB中的构筑与实现

    Three dimensional geologic maps in VB construction and realization

  7. AutoCAD在地质图制图中的应用

    Application of AutoCAD in Mapping Geological Map

  8. 运用地理信息系统(GIS)建立地质图空间数据库是“数字国土”的重要组成部分。

    The establishment of a space data base of geological maps by GIS is one of important components of " digital land " .

  9. 利用GIS技术建立地质图数据库,便于地质数据的存储、查询、分析和更新,为实现了信息共享奠定了基础。

    The geological map database based on GIS is convenient for the storage , inquiry , analysis , updating of the geological data .

  10. 应用GIS技术编制地质图能将地质体的地理位置与属性结合起来,根据实际需要准确、形象地将图形信息展现出来,帮助地质工作者进行地质辅助决策分析。

    Map in GIS technology can combine location with attributes of geological body , and show information accurately , it can assist the geological workers to decision-making analysis .

  11. 基于GML的地质图空间数据库交换体系

    GML-Based Geo-spatial Database Exchange System

  12. 基于现有的GIS空间数据建模技术和技术平台原则,结合数据库建设实践,建立了应用模型与组织模型统一的地质图数据模型。

    Based on the current GIS spatial data modeling technique and technical platform principle , combined with the prac-tice of the database construction , an object-oriented digital geological map data model that unifies the ap-plication model and the organization model is constructed .

  13. LVL及各个综合异常的地质图栅格文件,即可自动绘制剖析图册。

    LVL and grid documents of geological maps of various composite anomalies are prepared , the analytical graphic atlas can be drawn automatically .

  14. 论文结合国内外的研究成果,吸收面向对象的思想和方法,利用统一建模语言UML,完成了面向对象数字地质图数据模型的建立。

    The author , combining domestic and international research results of digital geological map , absorbing object-oriented thoughts and methods , utilizes Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) to finish the building of an object-oriented digital geological map data model .

  15. 其目的是通过试验研究解决1∶5万区调数字地质图的数据标准问题,制订统一的工作流程和技术要求,推广应用GIS技术。

    Its purpose is to solve further the problem about the data and criteria for 1 ∶ 50 000 digital geological map production through experimental study so as to work out a unifying work process and technical requirements and spread the application of the GIS technique .

  16. 从SIG(空间信息网格)概念出发。详细介绍基于SIG地质图空间数据共享与服务的网格服务体系结构和服务机制,以及面向Internet的空间信息网格的软件组件模型。

    Starting from the concept of spatial information grid , this paper introduced the framework and service mechanisms of data sharing and service of SIG-based geological map , and discussed the software component model for Internet-oriented SIG .

  17. 基于该设计,开发完成了1:50万全国地质图空间数据库系统,通过国际互联网和企业内部网(Internet/Intranet)为石油勘探开发研究工作提供了全国数字地质图空间数据的服务。

    Based on the design , we developed the " 1 : 500000 Digital Geological Map Database System of the People 's Republic of China " to provide data service of national digital geological maps for researchers engaging in petroleum exploration and production over Internet or Intranet .

  18. 首先以研究区高精度DEM为主要数据源,同时参考研究区的地质图,利用相应的空间分析技术初步确定地貌类型区划界线。

    The precision digital elevation model ( DEM ) generated by 1 ∶ 10 000 contour of the study area is used as the main data source , while the geology map is referred to define the boundary of relief zones .

  19. CrossView插件在绘制水文地质图中的应用

    Application of CrossView Plug-in in Drawing Hydrogeological Map

  20. 以往的立体地质图多是利用数字地形模型(DEM)对二维数字地质图进行了Z轴方向的拓展,然后再与数字正射影像(DOM)进行套合,形成了所谓的2.5维模型。

    The previous three-dimensional geological maps are the expansion of the two-dimensional digital geological map in Z-axis on the use of digital terrain model ( DEM ), And then with Digital Orthophoto ( DOM ) overlay , which formed the so-called " 2.5D " model .

  21. 5万区域地质图编稿原图的制作

    Making of initial geological map of 1 : 50000 REGIONAL GEOLOGY

  22. 数字地质图数据库工作流程

    Flow chart of the data bank of the digital geological map

  23. 地质图空间数据库建设中的拓扑关系处理

    Disposal of topological relation in construction of geological map space date-base

  24. 数字化图形输入板,数字化仪关于数字地质图空间数据库建库的几点建议

    Several Suggestions for Construction of Spatial Data of Digital Geological Diagram

  25. 我国岩溶地区水文地质图编图经验

    Some experiences in compiling hydrogeological maps of karstic terrains in China

  26. 瓦斯地质图在矿井安全生产中的应用

    The Application of Gas-geologic Map in Safty Production for Coal Mines

  27. 三级瓦斯地质图与瓦斯治理

    Three grades of gas-geological maps and their application to gas controlling

  28. 应用瓦斯地质图指导安全生产

    Gas Geology Mapping and It 's Application in Safe Production

  29. 一种基于平面地质图的复杂断层三维构建方法

    A complex fault modeling method based on geological plane map

  30. 区域性环境水文地质图的编图原则与方法的讨论

    Principles and methods of compiling regional environmental hydro geological map