
  • 网络Pingli;PingLi county
  1. 现年21岁的郝海波2008年上半年在平利县一足浴店任经理,暗中认识了平利县大部分有钱老板。

    Hao Haibo , 21 year 's old , who was a manager of a foot massage center in Pingli County in the first half of2008 , knew in confidence most rich business proprietors in Pingli County .

  2. 通过对陕南岚皋、平利等县人工生漆低产林现状调查,发现使该区漆林低产的主要原因是栽培分散、规模小、科学管理技术落后、市场体系不完善等。

    Through the investigation of artifical lacquertree from Lan Gao county and Ping Li county , I founded out the main reasons of low output lacquer , such as culture disperse , small scale , backward manage technology and undeveloped market system .