
pínɡ dì jī
  • grader;leveler;road grader;earth leveler
  1. 应用I-DEAS软件对平地机进行机构仿真

    Mechanism Simulation of Grader by I-DEAS Software

  2. 分流集流阀在全液压平地机中的应用研究

    Application and Research of Dividing-combining Valve on the Full Hydraulic Grader

  3. 基于DSP的平地机行走智能控制系统设计

    The Driving Intelligent Control System of Grader Based on DSP

  4. C0-C0轴式机车转向架改径向转向架后的配重研究前轮及后平衡架转向式平地机

    Adjusting the balance of radial bogie changed from existing C_0-C_0 locomotive bogie front wheel and rear bogie steer grader

  5. KL-15A型制氧制氮车高原试车PY180平地机在高原适用性改进与使用保养

    Commissioning of KL-15A type oxygen-and nitrogen-producing vehicle at tableland

  6. 导流片斜锥孔的加工平地机选购指南

    The Machining of the Inclined Conical Hole of the Guide Vane

  7. 激光平地机液压系统的研究与开发

    The Research and Development of Hydraulic System in Laser Flat-Ground Machine

  8. 高强度平地机刀片铸钢耐磨材料的研制与应用

    Research and Application of High Strength Wear Resistant Cutting Blade Material

  9. 施工机械设备强制保养初探PY180平地机在高原适用性改进与使用保养

    A Tentative Inquisition into Forced Maintenance of Construction Machinery and Equipment

  10. 基于CAN总线的平地机自动找平系统设计

    Design of an automatic leveling system of grader based on CAN bus

  11. 本公司平地机刀片产品高锰一次性成型;

    The company grader blades forming a one-time high manganese ;

  12. 激光平地机液压控制装置的设计与试验

    Study and Test of Hydraulic Control Device in Laser Land Leveling Machine

  13. 平地机半轴疲劳寿命预估及其台架疲劳试验

    Prediction of Fatigue Life and Test-rig Fatigue Tests for the Grader Half-shaft

  14. 平地机在路床施工中应用的探讨

    Discussion on Application of Blade Grader to Road Bed Construction

  15. 小功率全液压平地机行驶驱动系统研究

    Study on the Hydraulic Driving System of Low-power Hydrostatic Grader

  16. 激光平地机液压卸载回路及阀的研制

    Development of the Hydraulic Unloading Circuit and Valve for Laser Leveling Machine

  17. 平地机的技术进步&今天的平地机市场比以往提供了更多选择以及更加先进的技术设备

    Grader Technology : More Choices and More Hi-tech Equipments Today

  18. 平地机自动找平装置的应用与发展

    Development and application of automatic leveling device for grader

  19. 采用倾角传感器的水田激光平地机设计

    Design of a laser land leveler for paddy field

  20. 平地机冬季除雪技术分析

    Analysis for Snow Removing Techniques of Graders in Winter

  21. 前轮及后平衡架转向式平地机

    Front wheel and rear bogie steer grader pivot bearing

  22. 自推式平地机和平土器地震把全城夷为平地。

    The earth - quake laid the city flat .

  23. 平地机安装自动找平系统的使用与校对

    Use and adjustment of automatic leveling system of grader

  24. 浅谈平地机在高速公路冬季除雪中的应用

    Discussing about the application of garder during cleaning snow in winter at speedway

  25. 平地机水箱换热器噪声声强分析研究

    Analysis and Research for Noise Intensity of Heat Exchanger in Radiator of Graders

  26. 平地机在高原地区的适用性研究

    Study of adaptability of motor graders in highlands

  27. 农用长跨度平地机的试验研究

    Test Research for agricultural long span land planer

  28. 超声波传感器评定水田激光平地机水平控制系统性能

    Evaluation of Leveling Performance for Laser-controlled Leveling Machine in Paddy Field Based on Ultrasonic Sensors

  29. GB/T16278-1996平地机可靠性试验方法

    Grader & The method of reliability test

  30. 平地机噪声控制探讨

    An Investigation into Noise Control of Grader