
píng xíng
  • parallel;simultaneous;of equal rank;on an equal footing
平行 [píng xíng]
  • (1) [parallel]

  • (2) 向同一方向延伸而处处等距离的;在同一方向上形成一条线而不相交

  • (3) 等级相同,没有隶属关系

  • 平行机关

  • (4) 同时进行

  • 平行作业

平行[píng xíng]
  1. 认为另有一个平行宇宙的概念是很难理解的。

    The idea of a parallel universe is hard to grasp .

  2. 道路与运河平行。

    The road and the canal are parallel to each other .

  3. 道路与运河平行。

    The road and the canal run parallel to each other .

  4. 这条路和这条河是平行的。

    The road runs parallel to the river .

  5. 这些平行线像是岔开了。

    The parallel lines appear to diverge .

  6. 走和铁路线平行的那条西北向的窄巷。

    Take the narrow lane going north-west parallel with the railway line .

  7. 法辛巷刚好在大街的北面,与大街平行。

    Farthing Lane 's just above the High Street and parallel with it

  8. 无论延伸多长,平行线永不相交。

    Parallel lines will never meet no matter how far extended

  9. 这条小路与边境线大致平行。

    This trail was roughly parallel to the border .

  10. 这条公路与那条铁路平行。

    The highway runs parallel with the railway .

  11. 实验曲线几乎与横座标平行。

    The experimental curve runs nearly parallel to the abscissa .

  12. 这条线和那条线平行。

    This line is a parallel with that one .

  13. 通常它们是彼此平行的,有时是倒转或掩冲的。

    Usually they are parallel to each other , and sometimes overturned or overthrusted .

  14. 有像散存在时甚至很窄的平行光束都不能会聚在一点。

    Under astigmatism even narrow parallel light beams will not combine into one point .

  15. 在蚕丝中,更确切地讲,这些链是反向平行的。

    In silk , it would be better to describe the chains as being antiparallel .

  16. 这条街与铁路平行。

    The street parallels the railroad .

  17. 这些沙脊呈平行的、微弓形排列,这能反映滨线运移的历史。

    Cheniers have a parallel , gently arcuate alignment reflecting the migratory history of the shoreline .

  18. 这两条路是平行的。

    These two roads are parallel .

  19. 非平行的边界的应力分量的三个值可以从板的平衡考虑来导得。

    Three values of nonparallel boundary stress components can be derived from considerations of equilibrium of the plate .

  20. 平行线永不相交。

    Parallel lines converge at infinity .

  21. 正是这一思绪的变化让奇异博士分了心,导致法术没有按预期施展,轰的一声,顷刻间平行宇宙乱套了。

    Those second thoughts distract Doctor Strange enough that the spell doesn 't cast as intended and boom : instant multiverse madness .

  22. 可以肯定的是,奇异博士(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇饰演)会出现在本片中(一点也不意外),还有能扰乱平行宇宙的一个关键人物。

    Well , Doctor Strange ( Benedict Cumberbatch ) is definitely in this movie ( which is no surprise ) and a key player in potential multiverse shenanigans .

  23. 别忘了,一部电影中出现多个蜘蛛侠是完全可能的:获得奥斯卡奖的《蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙》就做到了。

    And let us not forget the movie that showed us multiple spider-people in a film can work : The Academy Award-winning " Spider-Man : Into the Spider-Verse . "

  24. -6-如今住在白金汉宫的蜘蛛可能是维多利亚时代就住在里面的蜘蛛的后代——这简直就是和人类皇室平行发展的一个蜘蛛皇室。

    The spiders that live in Buckingham Palace now are probably the descendants of the spiders that lived there during Victorian times - it 's a whole parallel royal family but with spiders .

  25. 所以在这里你能同时看到两条平行的人生轨迹一边是在这所精英的私立大学上学的孩子另外一边是在附近社区的孩子他们中有一些也在努力去读大学但是他们中的大多数却身陷囹圄

    So you 've got these two parallel journeys going on simultaneously11 : the kids attending this elite12 , private university , and the kids from the adjacent neighborhood , some of whom are making it to college , and many of whom are being shipped to prison .

  26. 对苯酚在平行板电极上的电化学氧化过程进行了研究,探讨了电极材料、添加剂、槽电压、pH值对苯酚转化率的影响,对电极的活性进行了讨论。

    The electrochemical oxidizing process of phenol in a plate electrode is studied .

  27. 方法尸体头颅1具,平行于眶耳平面作CT扫描;

    Methods A skull was scanned with CT in the direction parallel to the Frankfort Horizontal plane .

  28. 平行极板间等离子体RF共振特性研究

    Study on Characteristics of RF Resonance of Plasma in Parallel Plate Electrode

  29. 疲劳变形亚结构的TEM分析表明:纯锆典型的位错组态是平行位错墙。

    TEM analysis exhibits that the predominant dislocation configuration of HCF specimens is parallel dislocation walls .

  30. 我们使用整体平行束X光透镜和准直管在Si(111)晶体上进行了Cu-Kα辐射的衍射实验。

    The Si ( 111 ) crystal diffraction for Cu-Ka line using a collimator with or without the X-ray lens were investigated .