
niǎn yā
  • Rolling;roll over
碾压 [niǎn yā]
  • [roll] [车轮等] 滚过地面

  • 汽车轮子日夜不停地碾压路面

  1. 这一部又把世界给终结了,践踏了地球,还碾压她,然后再把她吐出来

    This one ends the world , stomps on it , grinds it up and spits it out .

  2. 碾压混凝土拌和物VC值动态管理方法的探讨

    Probing into V_c Value of RCC Mixture

  3. 碾压式沥青混凝土的渗透系数一般小于1×10~(-7)~10~(-8)cm/s;

    Its permeability coefficient is normally lower than 10-7 - 10-8cm / s.

  4. 汾河二库碾压混凝土VC值的事前控制

    Prior Control of VC Value of Roller Compacted Concrete , Fenhe Reservoir ⅱ

  5. HF碾压混凝土断裂韧性的初步探讨

    The Preliminary Study of Fracture Toughness of High Flyash Content Rolled Concrete

  6. 温度、VC值及外加剂对碾压混凝土凝结时间影响探讨

    Probing into the influence of temperature , VC value and admixture percentage on RCC set time

  7. 简述SBS沥青路面的碾压工艺

    The Rolling Technology of SBS Bitumen Pavement

  8. 通过对碾压混凝土VC值的讨论与分析研究,可为碾压混凝土筑坝技术的发展提供理论依据。

    The research and analysis of the VC value of RCC provide theoretical basis for the development of RCC construction technology .

  9. 本论文计算分析了某一碾压混凝土双曲拱坝的两种体型的应力及稳定问题,运用ANSYS软件进行计算。

    This paper presents two shapes of one roller compacted concrete hyperbolic arch dam , stresses and stabilities were analyzed by employing ANSYS software .

  10. 全面控制SBS改性沥青混合料的生产工艺和SBS改性沥青混合料的运输、摊铺、碾压等施工工艺。

    Control the SBS modified asphalt 's production technology and the mixture 's transportation , spreading and rolling technology .

  11. 在材料措施方面,深入研究高碾压混凝土坝基础约束区采用外掺Mgo措施,利用其微膨胀性能补偿坝体降温过程中产生的温度应力,以防止大坝纵向裂缝的发生。

    In the dam foundation restraint area , MgO can be mixed into concrete to prevent dam longitudinal crack .

  12. 增大碾压沥青混凝土心墙摊铺层厚度的试验研究SBS改性沥青的制备与性能

    Test on Increasing Placement Lift of Roller Compacted Asphalt - Concrete Core of Yele Dam Study on Modification of Asphalt

  13. 碾压混凝土(RCC)层面抗剪强度关系到碾压混凝土坝的安全。

    The shear strength of matrix layer in rolled compact concrete ( RCC ) provides important effect to the safety of RCC dam .

  14. CSG坝是使用CSG材料填筑并采用碾压混凝土坝的施工工艺施工的一种新坝型。

    CSG dam is a new dam type which use CSG material and constructed with craft of RCC .

  15. 方法骨盆骨折TileB型10例,C型6例;开放性骨盆碾压伤6例,腹脏器损伤20处。

    Methods The pelvic fractures of 16 patients were classified as Tile B type in 10 cases and C type in 6 . Among them there were 6 open fractures and 20 sites of abdominal visceral injuries .

  16. 本文针对碾压混凝土中粉煤灰的最大掺量问题,通过试验和计算,得到长龄期时粉煤灰掺量与Ca(OH)2含量的关系。

    To solve the problem of the highest fly ash content in roller compacted concrete , this paper established the relation between fly ash content and Ca ( OH ) 2 content at long age through experimentation and calculation .

  17. 作者提供了累计温度和自重的徐变应力计算方法和程序,结合碾压混凝土(RCC)拱坝工程提供了施工期仿真应力特点。

    The calculating method and program of creep-stresses for accumulated weight and temperature change are given . The specifications of actual simulation stresses of roller compacted concrete ( RCC ) arch dam during construction are also given .

  18. 她补充道,ADM正寻求投资于新的加工设施,尤其是油籽碾压厂,以期通过自身增长或是收购,利用新兴市场不断增长的需求。

    She added that the company was seeking to invest in new processing facilities , particularly crushing plants for oilseeds , to capitalise on rising emerging markets demand , either by organic growth or by acquisitions .

  19. 本文以Delphi为系统仿真开发工具,对碾压混凝土坝施工过程进行仿真,实现了以缆机为浇筑机械的施工方案比选。

    Using delphi as a system simulation exploitation tool , this paper simulates the construction process of roller compacted concrete dam , and realizes the compare and choice of the construction schemes with the cable crane as the construction machine .

  20. 利用类似工程爆破建立的爆破地震速度反应谱,采用ANSYS通用程序对三峡工程三期碾压混凝土围堰拆除爆破地震作用厂房坝段动力响应进行了计算。

    This paper using the blasting vibrant velocity response spectrum of the similar blasting project and the ANSYS program carried through the dynamical response calculation of power houses dam under the vibration by blasting demolishing the third period RCC cofferdam of Three Gorges Project .

  21. 某工程在软弱基础上修建的碾压混凝土拱坝坝高大于100m,基础软弱,应力和位移大,尤其是坝肩向下游位移大。

    A roller compacted concrete arch dam is over 100m high and the foundation is weak , the deformation and stresses in the arch dam were much larger than normal , especially the abutment displacement downstream .

  22. ANSYS在土坝渗流场和应力场及其耦合分析中的应用研究采用国际大型通用有限元软件ANSYS建模与自主开发主体计算程序相结合的办法来实现高寒地区碾压混凝土坝底孔温度应力的仿真计算。

    The Application and Study of ANSYS on Seepage Field , Stress Field and Coupling Analysis for Earth Dam Through the adoption of finite element software ANSYS and simulation and analysis program to realize the calculation of high latitude RCC gravity temperature field stress field .

  23. 作为工程应用,结合该评价体系,对金安桥水电站碾压混凝土重力坝在OBE、MDE和MCE三个地震设防水准下的抗震安全性进行了评价。

    As an engineering application , the seismic safety evaluation of Jin ' anqiao RCC gravity dam at OBE , MDE and MCE is assessed based on the framework .

  24. 碾压砼采用了二级配和准三级配(最大粒径为60mm)配比;

    For the mix proportion of RCC , secondary grading and quasi-triple grading ( with the max. grain diameter of 60 mm ) are applied .

  25. 具体应用中要在仿真分析的基础上进行周密的MgO掺量与温控设计碾压混凝土重力坝施工期温度应力仿真及温控防裂措施研究

    In the practical application , the MgO admixture amount and temperature control measures should be carefully determined on the basis of simulation analysis . Thermal Stress Simulation Analysis during Construction Period and Temperature Control Measures for Crack Prevention Studies on RCC Gravity Dam

  26. 通过GTM成型方式、骨架密实结构级配优化和组合式碾压技术的使用,从材料、设计和施工入手解决沥青路面开裂问题。

    This text is main to solve the bad-distributed problem causing of asphalt road cracking through GTM forming method , framework dense gradation optimization , using aggregate rolling technique , design and construction . 2 .

  27. 龙滩碾压砼的胶凝材料用量按不同高程上、中、下三个层次进行碾压砼级配选择.上部水泥60kg/m3.粉煤灰90kg/m3;摊铺机工作装置与碾压砼相互作用动态特性研究

    The proportion of cementitious material contents of the rolled concrete should be different on different levels of the dam . Study on the dynamic properties of the interaction between working installations of paver and roller compacted concrete

  28. 通过三维有限元瞬态温度场仿真分析,得到了某100m级薄碾压混凝土双曲拱坝从施工到运行全过程温度场变化规律,为该工程的温控措施设计和控制温度应力提供了依据。

    By 3D FEM transient simulation analysis of temperature field , the law of temperature field change of the arch dam in the whole process from construction to operation is found out , providing basis for design of temperature control and control of temperature stress in this project .

  29. RCC-AC复合式路面是将沥青混凝土面层与碾压混凝土板采用特殊技术有机地组合在一起的一种路面结构。

    RCC-AC composite pavement is a pavement structure using a special technique to combine the asphalt concrete surface with the rolled concrete plate used as a base in a proper way .

  30. 处理方案为:宽度小于1cm的裂缝,在混凝土面板施工前进行坡面碾压时,通过加强斜坡振动碾的碾压予以消除;

    The methods used to treat these cracks are : for cracks with their opening less than 1 cm , the cracked slope was intensely compacted by vibrorollers to eliminate cracks before the concrete face was placed ;