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niǎn suì
  • pulverize;grind up;grind
碾碎 [niǎn suì]
  • [pulverize] 使(如靠压、磨)粉碎(如粉末)

碾碎[niǎn suì]
  1. 这些就是第一批能经受住不停碾碎玻璃所造成的磨损的机器。

    These are the first machines that can stand the wear and tear of continuously crushing glass

  2. 她把碾碎的小麦储存在桶里。

    She stored the cracked wheat in a bucket .

  3. 这台机器碾碎用来筑路的石头。

    This machine grinds out the crushed rock ready for road building .

  4. 这种石头可碾碎作为筑路材料。

    This rock can be ground down for road-building material .

  5. 他们碾碎这些石头用来筑路。

    They ground this rock up for road building .

  6. 从Oracle的历史上看,他们有坚定的决心去碾碎数据库市场上的任何竞争者,而且他们也有这样的能力。

    Oracle history shows their utter determination to crush any competitors in the database space , and their ability to do so .

  7. n.磨坊vt.碾碎我们把麦子带到磨坊去让它碾碎成麦粉。

    mill We brought the wheat to the mill to be crushed into flour .

  8. 瞳孔开肌(musculus)如无特殊说明,请不要掰开或碾碎药片,也不要打开胶囊。

    Musculus dilatator pupillae Don 't break or crush tablets , or open capsules without following instructions .

  9. 喂,喂,喂,,你们不能就这样着看Sid被碾碎吧.啊哇,呀哦…

    Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , you can 't just leave Sid 'll be crushed . Whoa , whoa ...

  10. 我的父亲于1914年盖了一个小车库,车行道铺的是碾碎了的白色石灰石,买了一辆福特T型车(Model-TFord,也称为“Flivvor”或“TinLizzie”)。

    In1914 my father built a little garage , strewed crushed white limestone in the driveway , and bought a Flivvor or Tin Lizzie , a Model-T Ford .

  11. 正规制酒厂家与政府联合开发出一种App,这种App通过对酒瓶和酒盒子的检测来判断酒的真假。如今,大型餐饮企业,酒店,和拍卖行都会把空酒瓶碾碎防止空酒瓶回收利用。

    Wine producers have joined forces with the government to produce an app meant to track wine bottles and cartons to determine whether they 're original or fake.Today , big hotels , restaurants , and auction houses break wine bottles after use to prevent them from being reused .

  12. 他最终希望能用可以横穿海底的岩石开掘机ROV将矿石碾碎,然后通过一条管道以每小时400吨的速度将其运至海面。

    He eventually hopes to use rock-cutting ROVs that will drive across the sea floor , grinding ore as they go and sending it to the surface via a tube at a rate of400 tonnes per hour .

  13. 方法患者女性,19岁,右手及腕部在工作中不慎被机器碾碎,于腕上8cm行前臂截肢。

    Methods The female patient was 19 years old , whose right hand and wrist were crushed into pieces by machine at work and her forearm was amputated at the level of 8 cm proximal to the wrist .

  14. 我跟着嘴巴一直没停过的杰西卡穿过人群,只觉整个身心都被碾碎了一样。

    I followed the still-babbling Jessica through the line , crushed .

  15. 做豆浆之前,要先把黄豆碾碎。

    We have to mill the soybeans first to make soymilk .

  16. 你在检验我的耐心,我会碾碎你的。

    You test my patience . I will crush you yet .

  17. 将原紫胶碾碎并冲洗后得到的粒状物质。

    Granular material obtained from stick lac by crushing and washing .

  18. 先碾碎西红柿以免伤到人。

    Crush the tomatoes first so they don 't hurt anyone .

  19. 而其他族群则用树叶碾碎昆虫或盛水。

    Yet other groups use leaves to crush insects or gather water .

  20. 敷有碾碎的胡椒籽的肉排,用平底锅烤熟,和白兰地酒与黄油沙司一起食用。

    Steak covered with crushed peppercorns pan-broiled and served with brandy-and-butter sauce .

  21. 常识以这种方式被碾碎,原因在于人们没有安全感。

    The reason common sense is squashed in this way is insecurity .

  22. 她把药片碾碎后喂小孩吃。

    She crushed up the tablet to give it to the baby .

  23. 下磨盘转动式碾米机香料碾碎机,配有自备电动机,家用的

    Under runner sheller domestic-type spice mill with self-contained electric motor

  24. 谷类颗粒的外壳碾碎的食物。

    Food prepared from the husks of cereal grains .

  25. 压,碾使劲地压,压碎用碾碎的青石铺路;碾碎了的玻璃被用作磨料。

    Paved with crushed bluestone ; ground glass is used as an abrasive .

  26. 用碾碎的干小麦代替大米做成的肉饭,通常没有肉。

    Pilaf made with bulgur wheat instead of rice and usually without meat .

  27. 由波旁皇族酒和糖以及碾碎的冰块上的薄荷混合而成的酒。

    Bourbon and sugar and mint over crushed ice .

  28. 在上面重重的踩踏而碾碎或者破碎。

    Crushed or broken by being stepped upon heavily .

  29. 带齿滚筒,苹果粉碎机或水果渣碾碎机用

    Cylinder , toothed for apple crushers or marc-crumbling machines

  30. 梅尔追踪着这些足有2000磅重的野牛,每一头都能轻易将人碾碎

    Mayer tracks 2000 pound buffalo , easily capable of crushing a man .